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Author Topic: Really bad, embarassing bladder problem  (Read 3919 times)

tired lady

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Really bad, embarassing bladder problem
« on: March 24, 2015, 03:45:57 PM »

Hi Ladies

I've been having some perimeno symptoms since 2010 when I turned 39 mostly in the form of palpitations, sleep problems and anxiety/panic attacks, but over the past 5 years my bladder problem has been getting worse.  I have always had a weak bladder since I was a child and would leak when coughing and sneezing etc. and I have also had two natural births and my second baby was quite a bit bigger than my first baby. I have always tried to do regular pelvic floor exercizes but they don't seem to have any effect and I feel like a haven't got a pelvic floor now!

The problem I have now is that I can't seem to empty my bladder properly, and I leak again after standing up and walking around after just going to the toilet.  I also feel like a need to go urgently even if there isn't much in my bladder.  The worst thing is that I am now leaking bit by bit when out walking my dogs.  I go to the toilet before I go out but then I feel I need to go again straight afterwards and I keep leaking very small amounts when walking.  I couldn't bare to buy some tena lady pads so I've been using period pads and panty liners to catch anything that leaks. Im now finding it really uncomforable because I just feel like I'm going to the toilet all day and I'm not enjoying walking anymore. I'm also leaking when walking around the house if my bladder is full.  It gets full really quickly which is really worrying me.

I haven't been to the doctors yet beause I'm embarassed about going because I hate having internal examinations and I'm worried about what might be wrong.  I keep worrying about things like Ovarian cancer and I'm worried that there is something pressing on my bladder to cause the leaking. (I've also had a problem with my tummy bloating a lot but it has got a bit better since I cut down on eating wheat).  Also, I'm scared that I might have to have an operation.  I know I need to go to see a doctor about this but I keep putting it off!

I was just wondering whether anyone else has had a similar problem with their bladder and what sort of treatment/procedure helped.  I'm not sure whether I've got something anatomically wrong with my bladder or whether it is another symptom of perimeno.

Any help or advice would be most appreciate - I'm really worried about it. :(

« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 04:01:44 PM by tired lady »


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Re: Really bad, embarassing bladder problem
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2015, 03:48:15 PM »

Could it be vaginal atrophy?  Does it feel like a urine 'infection'?  The only way to find out is to speak with your Practice Nurse or GP.  You've had 2 babies, what could be worse  ;)


tired lady

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Re: Really bad, embarassing bladder problem
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2015, 04:00:52 PM »

Thanks CKLD.  I've just realised I made a mistake on my first post, I said that my problems started when I was 30 but I meant 39 - changed it now!  I'm not sure if it feels like a urine infection because I don't really get burning when I go to the toilet and I'm not sure what vaginal atrophy is but it doesn't sound very nice!  It just feels uncomfortable all the time and I feel like I constantly need to go to the toilet, like my bladder is full but it isn't.  I can feel like I really need to go again about 10 minutes after going, it is very annoying.  I guess the only thing I can do is pluck up the courage and go to the doctors, I've put up with it for long enough now.  I had my second child when I was 30 and he was quite big for me, he was 71bs 6oz and I'm under 5ft so I reckon he could have done some damage on his way out!  The feeling of constant leaking when I'm out and about is really getting me down.  It is not a large amount though, just small but enough to need some protection in the form of a pany liner.  I just worry about it getting worse as I get older if I leave it.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 04:02:33 PM by tired lady »


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Re: Really bad, embarassing bladder problem
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2015, 04:16:01 PM »

Vaginal atrophy can present in many ways, we have several threads on here about it  ::)

If your GP/Practice Nurse suggests a urine test then ask for it to be sent away.  Vagifem is worth discussing with the GP too!


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Re: Really bad, embarassing bladder problem
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2015, 04:23:24 PM »

It sounds very much like a bit of incontinence to me

Firstly that does not always mean an operation. You really need to go and see your GP who will probably refer you on. It's generally nurses who run incontinence clinics.
Have a look at the NHS website for bladder incontinence.

Please don't be embarrassed, this is impacting on your quality of life and it can be helped by all sorts of non invasive treatments.

Don't think that vaginal atrophy has got anything to do with it to be honest.

Now when are you going to make that appointment.

We will hold your hand along the way.  :bighug:



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Re: Really bad, embarassing bladder problem
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2015, 04:24:18 PM »

Yep - we're good at Holding Hands  ;)


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Re: Really bad, embarassing bladder problem
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2015, 04:38:43 PM »

"I just feel like I'm going to the toilet all day and I'm not enjoying walking anymore"

This line reminded me how I felt before I started on HRT.
I had similar problems to you.

Once I started on HRT it was 6months+ before these problems cleared up and I didn't feel like I had to plan toilet stops on my days out.



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Re: Really bad, embarassing bladder problem
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2015, 08:16:39 PM »

A friend of mine had severe urge incontinence every 15 mins and it turned out to be malfunction of the nerves to the bladder, can't remember its name but is common many decades after either hysterectomy or bad childbirth.

She went to a one stop urology clinic and had all the tests in one go and was diagnosed that day and given tablets that calm the bladder nerves.  This was 7 yeras ago and she is fine as long as she takes the tablets.

Please go and see your GP, I too have been to a one stop urology clinic and had a camera in my bladder and it was over and done in no time and everyone was lovely and it wasn't painful just a bit undignified although nothing as undignified as childbirth!


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Re: Really bad, embarassing bladder problem
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2015, 08:43:33 PM »

Hello tired lady.

This thread reminded me of a friend with similar problems.  She also went to a Urology clinic and was prescribed tablets. She found that they made her a bit constipated so she increased her fibre intake. I see this lady often and I'm sure that after a while she stopped the tablets and is fine now, she certainly hasn't mentioned this problem for ages so maybe it can settle down in time? She is 49, hasn't had a period for over two years and is having the same fun time hormonally as the rest of us!

Hopefully you'll get the help you need.

Take care.



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Re: Really bad, embarassing bladder problem
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2015, 08:50:43 PM »

I've had bladder problems for years
I have had 4 vaginal births and the first was 8lb 2oz and the 4th was 9lb 4.5oz
But birth no 2 was for my baby girl who they said wouldn't live once delivered so I was induced at 19 weeks
That birth was handled wrong, I delivered ok but the placenta wouldn't deliver so they pulled so hard they broke it, I swear they ended up with just the cord (I refused all pain relief because I needed to be fully aware of everything as these were to be my only memories)
Anyhow, I haemorrhaged and ended up in theatre.

After that I had uterine, bladder and rectal prolapse(hence the hysterectomy aged 32)

I went for physio for the bladder as I refused the lift at the time of the hysterectomy, using electric shock treatment, I had a few mid haps over the years but it's getting worse now (I'm 48)

Last year on holiday my 3 grown up kids dragged me on the dance floor to cotton eyed Joe, something made me laugh and I had to run to loo, I'd pee'd most of it out by the time I reached the ladies

But now, like you, I never feel like I've emptied my bladder, I get a lot of infections and what helps me is rocking a bit after I've finished (still on the loo) also I have spates where my bladder is full and I can't pee which is distressing
Also for the days I feel I need a bit of reassurance I wear a tena liner (I buy mine from eBay to save embarrassment of buying face to face)

Whenever I leave the house I go wee, as I'm going out the door 9/10 I feel like I need to go again
I also get kidney 'twitches' like I'm getting an infection there too (I have history of those too)

I use femfresh too because I'm paranoid of smelling

Go to your gp and get your problem sorted, I won't consider surgery until mine reaches a certain stage but all my treatment was 20 odd years ago xx
