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Author Topic: Feeling worse than ever???  (Read 2199 times)


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Feeling worse than ever???
« on: March 23, 2015, 09:58:29 AM »

Morning Ladies,

As you may be aware I have changed from Oestrogel 3/4 pumps to Everal 50 on the advice of the Consultant (who discharged me on this advice) I am 56 and it's my 4th week.

I am feeling dreadful my symptoms are:

Anxious, shivery, clammy depressed, breast sore. loose stools, crying, worse in the mornings, but not sleeping well. Had a few missed beats too. I never had all these symptoms on the gel just felt wired like I had 10 cups of coffee.

Not sure what to do GP not helpful. Shall I stick it out or go back to the gel. I hate the depression >:(

Hope you ladies can help W x


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Re: Feeling worse than ever???
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2015, 10:21:44 AM »

Hi W, I have just had a very similar experience after 3 months on fem 7 was "ok" and then all this stuff hit, including like you the ectopics.was too scared to even have a bath as was so dizzy and lying flat on my back made me feel like my heart was going to stop.
I have now come off the hrt and wont go back on it again.
Cant you ask to have your eastrogel back?why has your gp changed it if you were ok on it? Im assuming you were.
Im not as well informed as alot of the lovely women on here but sending a cyber hug to you,its all truly a roller coaster  this x


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Re: Feeling worse than ever???
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2015, 11:39:06 AM »

Maybe you are absorbing much better from the patch than the gel. The symptoms you describe are exactly how I feel if I try to increase my oestrogen.
My answer was to cut the patch in half and then work up slowly to a full patch.

I am now on just half a patch as I get reasonable symptom control that way. I'm 54, perhaps at 56 your body does not need quite so much.

Just a thought.

Hope you feel better soon.



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Re: Feeling worse than ever???
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2015, 11:50:39 AM »

Your symptoms sound just like mine before hrt. But here's the question.. We have no way of knowing whether the symptoms we feel at any given time are due to the medication or to menopause. Changing things ( meds, herbals etc) rapidly will result in side effects plus the actual symptoms as they come and go from our own bodies.

Makes it very difficult to know what's what's.

I think the best route for all if us is to go very slow. Only ever adjust one thing at a time and ensure you give it time ( like weeks not days) to see how the body adjusts. This means you might ferl like crap longer because we all ( including me) want to be back to normal yesterday

Maybe your dose is too high. Maybe it's not enough and tjose symptoms are not drug side effects but your own symptoms. Or maybe it's a Perfect dose and you need time to adjust.

I think starting at the lowest possible dose ( like 25) and waiting then increasing if symptoms persist is a reasonable way to go about things. Dr currie on here told me the same. She would like to wait 3 months between dose adjustments. That's a long time!!