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Author Topic: Tachyphylaxis  (Read 9823 times)


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Re: Tachyphylaxis
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2021, 07:11:24 AM »

Have you taken Dim recently or for a longer periode of time? Dim can flush the more potent estrogens out of your system. It is recommended for so called estrogen dominance. I think you should try to stop Dim first and see how you go. When I tried Dim it gave me a horrendous headache for 4 days and I only took one pill. Tried it again to be sure and the same thing happened.

bev lloyd

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Re: Tachyphylaxis
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2021, 07:12:04 AM »

Salad..That is a high patch dose, but love that idea..if I can get GP to agree, so 1x100 and 1x75 at same time? How long did it take for your level to drop to a "normal" level? I am so interested in your story, it seems to mirror mine!


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Re: Tachyphylaxis
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2021, 09:17:31 AM »

Salad..That is a high patch dose, but love that idea..if I can get GP to agree, so 1x100 and 1x75 at same time? How long did it take for your level to drop to a "normal" level? I am so interested in your story, it seems to mirror mine!

The level dropped quickly, that was half my problem. Changing to patches gave me a more consistent dose.

I was prescribed 2 x 100mcg patches by the Menopause Specialist and told to cut the patch if I wanted to adjust the dose.
I cut off a quarter, so 175  mcg in total.
I did increase to 200mcg last year and this year I would need to go higher.
I have just spoken with a Menopause qualified GP and I am now trialling  Lenzetto spray - I’m due a review in a couple of weeks.
The dose should be 3 sprays, but I need 4.
It’s a bit of a challenge for some of us to find a good dose  :D


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Re: Tachyphylaxis
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2021, 11:05:38 AM »

Lenzetto is quite weak, i got in touch with the manufacturer about how much a dose is expected to deliver and its not much so a lot is needed to achieve a higher dose. 


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Re: Tachyphylaxis
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2021, 05:50:09 PM »

Lenzetto is quite weak, i got in touch with the manufacturer about how much a dose is expected to deliver and its not much so a lot is needed to achieve a higher dose. 

That’s interesting- thank you. I can certainly feel it wear off  ::)

bev lloyd

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Re: Tachyphylaxis
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2021, 08:21:10 PM »

my meno nurse was horrified by my high level and said stop all HRT. No way am I doing that! But levels over 2,000 are so scary. GP said that I'm absorbing but rebound is happening so all symptoms return. Scared now, and no idea what to do. I tried DIM the last 3 weeks to try to force levels down, not seem much difference, but boobs have reduced-just what I do not need!!! flushes and no sleep remain. the 100 Evorel was horrendous, I had to stop that and go back to gel.Flushed all night long, the worst!! It used to be fine.
Salad..I am very interested in your 1st post-what happened? did your levels reduce, did you just have to go higher and higher doses? All I know is that I feel awful but with off scale blood estrogen


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Re: Tachyphylaxis
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2021, 10:28:27 PM »

My estrodiol was tested as 3126 pmol/L last July. Once I saw that, I stopped immediately because I was sure I was going to get a chastising phone call. To my surprise, I actually felt okay off it. I had headaches often but manageable. I was off estrogel entirely for about 6 weeks, then I restarted with half a pump a day. Worked up to a pump (or 2? can’t recall for sure) and in late October my E2 was down to a much more reasonable 316 pmol/L. Currently I feel much better on one pump than I did with 4.

I understand your hesitation to change things but it might not be as bad as you think.

Someone said here (read it last year) that at a certain point, your body shuts off receptors to estrogen when flooded like that (or something to that effect). Like once you get to a point where you’re taking much more than you need, nothing is getting in. A high blood level is present but the body cannot use it. So you may be served better with a lower dosage, one that doesn’t close the windows and the doors as it were. Another way of looking at it is a bell curve—-there’s a patch in the middle where you get the best results but go too far to either end and the effect decreases.
Sorry I have zero references for this.

bev lloyd

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Re: Tachyphylaxis
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2021, 07:04:21 AM »

Thanks for your tips and stories. I just had my worst night yet, soaked in sweat.  I hoped that changing to split dose x2 x x2 of gel would do the trick-sadly not. Terrified to stop HRT, absolutely terrified. Stop and wait a few weeks or.. what? lower does, raise dose, I have no idea. Lower I suppose, but last  year, on x3 gel, my blood test was 350, not very high, low even, when I do best on 800. SOOOOO what the hell happened?? Nothing makes any sense. I am very depressed now


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Re: Tachyphylaxis
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2021, 11:10:17 AM »

Hi Bev,

I have learnt a lot recently and like you panicked when my bloods show between 1100 and 5000pmol over a 5 day period.  My levels are not like that they are spikes in estrogen because of fluctuations.  I then did another test on one of my worst days and this was 457pmol which is low estrogen for me which is why I have all my symptoms back and more.  It may not be what is happening to you though but may be worth a thought.


bev lloyd

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Re: Tachyphylaxis
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2021, 11:24:34 AM »

Floo, How did you remedy this situation? Are you ok now, what stopped the fluctuations? What caused them?
My GP is useless, and the meno clinic are equally useless. I really don't know what to do today- have a few different patches from last yr/lockdown, Estradot,Estraderm, various strengths. Not sure where to go at all, stop/cut down/raise!!!
 The gel is useless at the moment, and maybe the DIM has dropped my levels..Will stop that tomorrow.
I was liking the Testim, Doc said stop that, it may be converting, not happy about that,  so now I feel like I will shrivel overnight. The flushes at night are the worst, I was SOAKED last night, this cannot be right. I have such a  stressful job and young kids.


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Re: Tachyphylaxis
« Reply #25 on: March 26, 2021, 11:55:10 AM »

No I'm struggling but at least I now know for certain that I need more estrogen and my blood tests finally proved it.  I'm waiting for a call with the menopause clinic to discuss how I'm going to get enough estrogen, I don't absorb too well on gels or the patch I tried.  Im on Lenzetto but it's too weak but great and easy to use and just started adding 1mg Sandrena in the hope it starts to make a difference however small. 
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