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Author Topic: Breakthrough bleeding on utrogestan advice  (Read 10105 times)


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Breakthrough bleeding on utrogestan advice
« on: March 14, 2015, 09:02:31 AM »

Hi everyone I wonder if anyone could help with my question. I use Estrogel Gel x 2 pumps per day split into am and pm,    I use 100mg Utrogestan every 2 months for x 12 days vaginally, ( I have tried various methods and am trying this now) reason is the Utro wipes me out, so I have started a bleed on the 6th day of using the utro for the second time of this regime, last time when I started the bleed on the 6th day I just stopped the utro and let my body have the bleed, which it did for about 4 days, I thought my body would take the Utro for the 12 days then when I stop then get a bleed, any advice why this is happening would be great help.


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Re: Breakthrough bleeding on utrogestan advice
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2015, 05:38:01 PM »

Hi evey  - I am doing the same regime but 14 days of 100mg Utrogestan every 2 months and I had the same thing happen to me.  I've only done 2 cycles and my bleed started both times on day 9 of the Utrogestan and I bled for 4-5 days.  I continued my 14 days on Utrogestan though just in case. My regime was prescribed by a private gynae - you wouldn't get this on the NHS as it is not licensed for use in this way.  I actually feel quite good on the Utrogestan pause as it helps me to sleep better so I feel more alert during the day so I may try it continuously. 
I think the main thing is to have a good bleed to shed the uterus.  Unfortunately the bleed did give me some nasty stomach cramps so another reason to try continuously.
I expect you are seeing a gynae privately and he/she will probably scan your uterus at some stage to check the lining isn't building up too much.  DG  x


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Re: Breakthrough bleeding on utrogestan advice
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2015, 09:46:58 PM »

Thanks for advice everyone, well I will carry on taking the Utro through this breakthrough bleeding so that was great to know, I will also carry it on till day 14, I had a pelvic scan few months ago and the lining was normal so that's good and I will have another one in 6 months, well I had the first scan just referred by my doctor but may have to go privately for the next one!   I did have a bleed for 4 full days last time so I think that's ok. Well no I don't see any gynaecologist privately, I researched and read so much on this forum and googled away and decided on it myself, yes I get the 100mg prescribed by my doctor, which I know you supposed to take every day, I decided myself on the regime as I have found this 2 monthly utro regime suits me (I read about it on this site) maybe a read about you doing it dancing girl as your name looks familiar to me, I read so much on here to be honest!  The Utro makes me feel absolutely knackered and exhausted when I take every day, I can't cope with the tiredness, this way (the tiredness kicks in about day 5) I can cope. I think as long as we get good bleeds to shed lining and go for 6 monthly or yearly scans should be ok, I have no hot flushes and my awful VA got better, and also this site told me best places to rub the gel in when i asnt absorbing it and flushes came back, so it's a great site for me, I'm so glad you are doing a similar regime DG and good luck if you change to continuous Utro, yeah I would do that if I could I guess! SJ, well I messed around I think with patches and I didn't even get a bleed that's why I asked my dr for a scan as I was worried, but lining was thin,  I will definitely be on the ball with next scan and take Utro minmum 10. Days now, once again that's so much for advice.


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Re: Breakthrough bleeding on utrogestan advice
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2015, 04:50:50 AM »

I also tried using the Utro 100 only ever other month, got horrible breakthrough bleeding went back to gynae put me onto 200mg which didnt work for me, they were so strong, I felt horrid, so I went back onto 100mg for 12 days per month, which seems to be working well. The important thing, if you use the 100mg in the unprescribed way is to have a scan at least once a year to keep an eye on your uterine lining and to see, that enough is getting shed. Just remember, it is also important to go for your scan just after a bleed, in order, to get an accurate reading of the endometrial linings measurements...


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Re: Breakthrough bleeding on utrogestan advice
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2015, 10:23:12 AM »

Hi, Cassie,
Can I ask how old you are and how far into the menopause you are?
Only,my daughter has been diagnosed with early meno at 37.She
is prog intolerant, the same as me.She is suffering from anxieties ,tiredness and
depression.She is on 100mcg Utro for 25 days and 50 mcg patch .She stopped
taking the Utro for a few days and her mood lifted considerably,also she had
more energy and happier all round.Am going to Docs with her tomorrow as
she isn't clued up on HRT yet.
I take my Utro 200mg for 12 days every 3 months alongside a 50mcg patch.
I was going to suggest my daughter tries the same regime as me or bi-monthly
at least.Do you think 100mcg Utro for 12 days bi-monthly would be enough to
protect her?
Would be grateful for any info,so she can be armed with a little more knowledge
for tomorrow.
It is all a bit hit and miss when you visit the Docs,they're not really sure of the
doses and treatments themselves.Also,they had never heard of Utro when I asked for it
a few years ago.


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Re: Breakthrough bleeding on utrogestan advice
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2015, 12:08:05 PM »

Hi evey
I carefully didn't mention that my private gynae allowed me to use 100mg for 14 days every other month as I didn't want anyone to think this was normal. I will have to have regular scans.  All the other ladies doing a long cycle are using Utrogestan 200mg for at least 12 days every 2 months.  It is very dodgy to do this long cycle regime without the supervision of a gynae. I urge you not to do this without the advice of a gynae. Please, please be careful.

Diana - I wouldn't advice your daughter to use any particular HRT preparation without consulting a doctor - if she can be referred to a gynae or meno clinic that is the best idea. What suits you may not suit her. If her periods stopped 2 years ago then she will be well in post meno.  If she has only recently been diagnosed then she will need a sequi regime and a monthly regime would be best to start with.  She may well like something like Femoston which has the kinder progesterone.   EArly menopause needs to be managed properly - I know as I had a premature meno. Sometimes the pills are easier to manage to start with. Get your daughter to start her own thread so we can support her.
DG x


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Re: Breakthrough bleeding on utrogestan advice
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2015, 02:03:03 PM »

Hi Diana I went through prem meno @ 38 and was put onto the combo of Oestrigel and the Utrogestan 100mg @ the age of 40. I am now over 50 so this combo has served me for well over 10 yrs and has worked a treat. I tried using the Utrogestan in various ways, also didnt want to use it monthly but eventually after fiddling around and having breakthrough bleeds etc I settled on this 12 days per month of he 100mg... and so far, so good...touch wood!
I do go yearly though for a scan, this is most important as others have mentioned, if you want to use it any other way than daily,so yourself and your daughter should go, just to see that you are taking in enough progesterone to oppose the oestrogen and to keep your endometrial lining thin enough.
The combo of the gel and progesterone has been fantastic for me... I  hope to stay on it for another 10 :)


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Re: Breakthrough bleeding on utrogestan advice
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2015, 05:47:01 PM »

Thankyou for info...  Did you ask your Doc for a yearly scan? I have never been offered one.
I will ask for a scan myself at my next checkup,just to be on safe side.I will suggest the gel to
my daughter tomorrow.She is quite happy today after not taking the Utro for a few days.She
has been on HRT since last May.She was given a continuous hrt but the prog in them made
her PMT and other symptoms much worse.Also she had a terrible time with acne breaking
out.Norethisterone was a real bad experience.She is intolerant of most progs,even in the pill
when she was younger.

Hi,Dancing girl.
Yes, my daughter was prescribed HRT by a gynae consultant after  years of heavy bleeding and
ovarian cysts plus all the other nasties premature meno causes. She has tried the Femoston but
didn't ge on with the prog side.
I have asked her to join this forum.
I am 59 and have been on various HRT preparations since I was 40.Took 2 years to get a Doc
to realize early meno...Utro has been the only prog I can cope with.
Thankyou for reply.
Regards to you both


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Re: Breakthrough bleeding on utrogestan advice
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2015, 08:26:23 PM »

Hi Diana, I am not sure how it would work on the NHS, I consult with a private gynae and he does the scan routinely once a year, costs a whack I may add, but well worth the peace of mind...


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Re: Breakthrough bleeding on utrogestan advice
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2015, 10:26:29 PM »

Thanks again for most recent advice, well I think it's best if I try to stick to the utrogestan every month for 12 days, and have yearly scans, thanks for info to say when to go I would not have known that.   Seems like hopefully the breakthrough bleeding will settle down if I go monthly again and DG thankyou for your concern I will definitely use it every month now, actually the exhaustion hasn't been as bad this time so maybe my body is getting used to the utro, the benefits of the estrogel are so great I just have to be careful like you say