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Author Topic: Teeth and gums - need moral support!  (Read 14158 times)


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Teeth and gums - need moral support!
« on: March 09, 2015, 09:29:07 AM »

Am having real trouble with receding gums causing gum disease.  Only flared up last year despite six monthly dentist visits and am now obsessed with the idea that all my teeth will fall out.  Last night I noticed some kind of access around a back tooth and now have emergency appointment. Went to hygienist two weeks ago and same thing happened last time I went.

Just need moral support really!  Despite teeth am doing quite well on half tablet of progynova and 10mg of Citalopram a day.

Health anxiety is the bane of my life.  I just thought meno was a few hot flushes...


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Re: Teeth and gums - need moral support!
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2015, 09:54:47 AM »

I just thought meno was a few hot flushes...

I know the feeling!

Hope you get the help you need at the dentist.  Not sure how easy it is to send moral support via the internet, but I'm doing my best  ;)


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Re: Teeth problems with surgical menopause
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2015, 09:55:10 AM »


I was just about to post something about teeth when I read your post.  I  am 8 months into a surgical menopause and I have noticed in the last couple of weeks all my teeth are sore and aching.  I feel like they are all loose and really annoying.  I visit my dentist
every six months so this visit this week will be interesting.  Anyone else have these problems or experiences.



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Re: Teeth and gums - need moral support!
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2015, 10:06:29 AM »

Yes. My gums have started receding in the last year or two. It's loss of collagen formation from lack of estrogen. You can take some heart rebelyell. My mother began having extreme gum recession after surgical menopause. They told her dire things about tooth loss etc.
she became super diligent ( but not obsessive) about tooth care. Regular brushing flossing etc.
now she's 73 has every one if her teeth still firmly attached and a nice white smile :)


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Re: Teeth and gums - need moral support!
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2015, 10:09:54 AM »

My teeth are always sore - I think it is the clenching. :-\  I am forever trying to find ways to de-stress.

I have had problems with my gums recently.  I have a crown where food gets stuck down the side.  Even lettuce.  After a patch of corsodyl (yuk).

I have gone back to my old way of brushing - I brush all surfaces thoroughly with a gentle round and round movement, then do the same with plain water to rinse them.  For a while, I was leaving the toothpaste on as I had read that leaving the fluoride on was more important, but I had noticed that the plaque was coming back too soon and making my gums sore.  You can always put a bit on when you have finished.  I use floss, carefully once a week, otherwise it upsets the crown again.

I have always had problems with my gums receding.  Dentists are quite happy to tell you this, but offer no solution, in my experience.  I put it down to having a load of fillings in my late teens, and overbrushing (scrubbing) as a result.


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Re: Teeth and gums - need moral support!
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2015, 10:10:19 AM »

Gum problems are common with the menopause.  Mine have improved since I started taking Q10.  I also change my toothpaste as many now are very abrasive but I don't think the chemicals in them are good for the gums. Perhap try one that is gentler, such as sensodyne daily care gel.  My mouth has been generally less sore since changing to this.


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Re: Teeth and gums - need moral support!
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2015, 10:22:22 AM »

My gums stopped bleeding when I started HRT.

Try a toothpaste without Sodium Lauryl Sulphate. Much more gentle on your mouth and gums.

Good luck at the  dentist. I hope it all goes well.



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Re: Teeth and gums - need moral support!
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2015, 10:23:06 AM »

Thank-you everybody, this is excellent moral support.

I had hysterectomy when I was 40 - am 54 now - due to severe endometriosis.  Kept my ovaries but suspect I should have started oestrogen sooner than last year.  But nobody tells you anything - endometriosis wasn't even around when I first had it!

Will report back after dentist.  Anything less than full set of false teeth will be a result in my catastrophising world!


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Re: Teeth and gums - need moral support!
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2015, 12:20:20 PM »

Back from dentist.  Tooth is infected and am on course of antibiotics - no alcohol.  :(  Options are removal and have a gap [but already have a gap next to it so would have no teeth at very back one side] or root canal which might or might not save tooth, or implants.  Implant is best route but as have gum disease on some teeth due to receding gums that might not be possible.

Bloody menopause!  Have already lost loads of weight from Citalopram upsetting my stomach, and now too nervous to eat!  And I was skinny to start with!

Why is it not possible to do what my DH does and put it all in proportion?  Am not dying.  Children are doing well.  He is not dying.  Have no money worries and House of Cards is back on Netflix.   

Am just anxious wreck since meno started...

Any advice??


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Re: Teeth and gums - need moral support!
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2015, 12:47:06 PM »

Back from dentist.  Tooth is infected and am on course of antibiotics - no alcohol.  :(  Options are removal and have a gap [but already have a gap next to it so would have no teeth at very back one side] or root canal which might or might not save tooth, or implants.  Implant is best route but as have gum disease on some teeth due to receding gums that might not be possible.

Bloody menopause!  Have already lost loads of weight from Citalopram upsetting my stomach, and now too nervous to eat!  And I was skinny to start with!

Why is it not possible to do what my DH does and put it all in proportion?  Am not dying.  Children are doing well.  He is not dying.  Have no money worries and House of Cards is back on Netflix.   

Am just anxious wreck since meno started...

Any advice??

No advice, but bucket loads of sympathy and empathy.

I had a hell of a time on Citalopram - never again!
I also have receeding gums (have done for years, and I'm only just 45) and am struggling with every little worry at the moment. Had terrible health anxiety in the Autumn which seemed to disappear but has morphed into generally feeling fragile and overwhelmed.



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Re: Teeth and gums - need moral support!
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2015, 01:08:00 PM »

Thanks Honorsmum - every woman I speak to who is over a certain age says they are struggling in some way.   Anxiety is the worst side effect I think for most people.

I know what you mean about citalopram - I am four months in on low dose - they have stopped the actual panic attacks but I hate the flat feeling they give.  It's alright not been down, but I would like to get the occasional up to make it worthwhile!



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Re: Teeth and gums - need moral support!
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2015, 01:28:27 PM »

Don't dismiss the root canal rebelyell. I have had 3 over the years as I am very prone to infected roots.  Of the 3 only one has failed, after several years, and I had to have an extraction.  The first one is still going strong after nearly 40 years.  Best to save the tooth, if you can, as you have still got a long way to go.


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Re: Teeth and gums - need moral support!
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2015, 01:32:43 PM »

Thanks rosebud - I will ask the implant dentist about root canal first.  If nothing else it is way, way cheaper!!

You lot are brilliant, and really soothe me at times like this. 


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Re: Teeth and gums - need moral support!
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2015, 01:46:59 PM »

I LOVE my implants.  But they cannot be offered under the UK NHS because they are seen as 'cosmetic' unless caused by accident.  The Dental Surgeon explained that the jaw needs teeth, chewing, slight movement in order to remain healthy.  Without tooth action the gums recede = problems.  The Surgeon took X-rays of my jaw line to make sure that it was stable enough to accept the implants.

So now I have 3.  The lower left requires a lot of daily care as it does collect debris due to a deep gum so lots of Tip-ee use.  I HATE toothpaste  :sick02: so it is hard work, a lot of debris needs removing from that lower one as well as the partner in the top jaw which gets food stuck behind it  ::).

DO NOT allow anyone to talk you into having the whole implant process in a day. One needs to got through the process slowly to allow the bone in the jaw line to 'accept' the what is a foreign body.  My procedures took 8-9 months each but can take longer.  Once the titanium rod is implanted the jaw needs time to heal.  It is easier at this stage to remove the implant should it be necessary, rather than when the whole procedure is done.

If the gums recede there is more chance of infectoin/abscess formation. Good dental hygiene before implants is essential and the Surgeon will advise.  Only a certain % of Dentists are qualified in this procedure, initially I had 1 Surgeon who visited my Dentist who is so intrigued that he took the Course himself …….. so he is  now qualified to perform the procedure/s at his Practice.

Over brushing doesn't cause gums to recede  ;) … it's lack of jaw movement apparently.


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Re: Teeth and gums - need moral support!
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2015, 01:49:53 PM »

My root canal work over the years has been fine and not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

Hubby has lost teeth on one side and has a small plate that looks really good. Would that be possible for you.

Think we all hate going to the desist to be honest so well done for even getting through the door. My daughter is going to get a crown fitted soon and I go with her for moral support.....that's a laugh ....I'm a very good actress though  ::)

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