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Author Topic: cyst symptoms?  (Read 5440 times)


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cyst symptoms?
« on: April 02, 2015, 04:12:59 PM »

Hi, glad to meet some sympathetic folk.  I am 48 and blood tests show I'm perimenopausal. Experiencing all sorts of strange symptoms and one thing seems to lead to another. Initially went to Dr because of vaginal dryness, tried a cream and then 6 months ago another lady dr changed me to vagifem. 15 years ago I was fitted with mirena coil because of hormonal problems (always suspected contraceptive pill was the culprit combined with repetitive strain injury -pins and needles, numbness down one side which woke me up at night, panic attacks, heart racing, worried about a lump on top of my inner thigh, didn't help that hubby was being treated for thyroid cancer at the time). Up til now mirena has been great and I don't have any bleeding at all. However, I have been getting burning pains where I imagine my ovaries are and for the last two weeks I have felt burning sensation at cervix too and a horrible heaviness, bloating and pressure at top of vagina. No discharge, no pain urinating. Pressure on bowel as well. Last week another Dr said that both mirena and vagifem can cause cysts and that he would refer me for abdominal scan but not refer me to gynae yet. Prescribed tablets for irritable bowel, but I know it's not that. Wish I could have described it better to him, so embarrassing talking to a man but he was the one who fitted the mirena. He thought vagifem was for hot flushes and when I said that wasn't a problem, it was for dryness, he said once a week should be sufficient. That scared me because lady Dr prescribed 2-3 a week and I've been using 3. So glad to get more blood results today CA125, TFT, FBP and CEA all normal. So, is this horrible bloating and pressure on my vagina normal during menopause, or is it likely to be cysts? Dr said scan would be 'some time' happening, I think if blood tests hadn't been OK I would have paid for a private one. Just hate waiting, doesn't add to the romantic Easter break i was planning next week!  Thanks for reading. Glad of any advice.


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Re: cyst symptoms?
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2015, 04:24:21 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM golden girl
Firstly, the male GP is wrong about Vagifem - you do use it at least twice a week for vaginal dryness - it will do nothing for flushes etc. and I don't think we've had anyone on MM reporting Vagifem causing cysts!!!!
How long have you had your Mirena?  It's supposed to be changed every 4-5 years so if yours has been in for some time that might be an issue - perhaps some infection??!!  I didn't know that the Mirena caused cysts!!!! I thought it controlled excessive bleeding and would actually reduce things like cysts and polyps - I could be wrong about that.  You could do an email consultation with Dr Currie through this site for advice as your GP seems to be unsure about all this.
Good to have a scan to check things out but the bloating could be caused by all sorts of things.  Many of us find that we get issues with bloating, wind and irritable bowel etc. when peri meno hits. You may well be in early peri meno and might need to add some oestrogen as your oestrogen may be fluctuating.  You didn't have your FSH and oestrogen levels tested??!!!
Do read up all the info on this site to get really clued up and hopefully other will be along with support.  Dg x


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Re: cyst symptoms?
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2015, 04:37:19 PM »


Just to say Hi you will get loads of good information and support here. Think DG said most of what I would have said.


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Re: cyst symptoms?
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2015, 04:40:52 PM »

Thanks so much for your reply, don't feel I can talk to anyone about such personal stuff face to face. I've had 3 mirenas fitted over 15 years, the last one has been in 2 1/2 years. I did wonder about infection but the Dr said it was 'unlikely'. There is no discharge but I am aware of a strong urine type smell. So embarrassed one day when a comment was made in the staff room about 'cat's pee', afraid it might have been me! Previous blood tests were done by lady Dr, can't remember numbers but she said I'd definitely started the change cos levels were much higher than she had expected. So scared about DR's comment about vagifem causing cysts, I haven't used any since.


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Re: cyst symptoms?
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2015, 04:46:03 PM »

GPS really aren't that clued up  >:(

Put vagifem in the search bar at top of page and read all the threads I've never heard of it causing cysts ! If it did surely it wouldn't be on the market !


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Re: cyst symptoms?
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2015, 06:38:48 PM »

I had a Mirena fro 4 years and I found I got quite a bit of bacterial vaginitis - a slight clear discharge but felt itchy.  I use Multi Gyn Actigel to help keep the flora balance in the vaginal area right - there are other treatments so it's trial and error to find the one that works for you.  I wouldn't stop using the Vagifem as that will help to keep things healthy around the vaginal area.
We discuss all sorts of personal stuff on this site so don't be embarrassed.
I don't think cysts in themselves are dangerous so I wouldn't worry.  The scan will be good for reassurance and if there are cysts they can be treated.  I think you need to be reassured at this stage.
Keep us posted.  Dg x


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Re: cyst symptoms?
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2015, 08:56:43 PM »

Hi, thanks for your comments. I've been reading threads here on fibroids and vagifem. It seems that while mirena suppresses fibroid growth, vagifem can increase fibroid size. Are fibroids same thing as cysts? Maybe I had fibroids before and didn't know it. Also read how some of you get a musky smell from using vagifem. Seems all very complicated. Made another appointment with lady Dr today but have to wait 3 weeks! Thanks again.


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Re: cyst symptoms?
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2015, 09:22:14 PM »

I'm certainly no expert but my understanding is that cysts tend to be on our ovaries and fibroids build up in our uterus so they are different things - hopefully somebody who really knows about this will respond. The Mirena does help to reduce fibroids as fibroids tend to give problematic heavy bleeding so a Mirena is recommended for this reason.  I don't think that Vagifem will encourage cysts as the amount of oestrogen in Vagifem is very low and is intended to help maintain a healthy environment in the vaginal area. I think it is very common to find that the smell around our intimate area changes with menopause and for me the only way to maintain a healthy flora is through vaginal gels and/or oestrogen treatments that keep things slightly acidic and prevent bacteria and thrush from emerging. DG x


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Re: cyst symptoms?
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2015, 10:24:44 AM »

Hi Goldengirl. You mention pressure at the top of the vagina and also in the bowel? Has anyone examined you for a possible prolapse? These symptoms can be typical of things dropping down a little.

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: cyst symptoms?
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2015, 02:33:37 PM »

Hi, prolapse seems scary! Apart from poking my tummy last week, only first Dr about a year ago examined me. Asked today when scan would happen - 9 to 11 weeks!


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Re: cyst symptoms?
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2015, 08:24:43 PM »

Thanks so much everyone. It's making me feel more positive just knowing many of you can sympathize with me. Discovered that a private scan is available locally for £99 and I can be seen in two weeks, quicker than I can see my gp. So I've booked! If I feel better before then I can cancel. They can give full report to GP if action needed. Couldn't bare to wait 11 weeks for scan and then wait again for gynae referral.