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Author Topic: Diazepam  (Read 14227 times)


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Re: Diazepam
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2015, 09:56:43 AM »

I was prescribed them 5 years ago, when suffering horrendous side effects from Citalopram.
I was too terrified to take them.  :o


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Re: Diazepam
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2015, 03:27:14 PM »

I never had problems with Citalopram ………. so how did you 'get through' without Valium  :-\


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Re: Diazepam
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2015, 08:21:50 PM »

Yes I am also interested in how you managed without the diazepam. I feel that if I had taken it for a few days last week it may have speeded up my recovery, I feel by only taking it once it didn't allow my body/mind to relax for long enough to restore itself and even though I have since calmed down I now feel I made myself suffer unnecessarily. I think this could make an interesting thread and help others when deciding whether to take the diazepam or not. My family (who have never needed sedation) frown heavily on it whereas my MIL, SIL and best friend all scream at me to take it as they have all suffered and used it.


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Re: Diazepam
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2015, 10:13:32 PM »

I had to stop listening to 'others'.  When I told Mum I was depressed I got "You don't want to be depressed" - no Mum I don't want to be but this is where I was …….. a hug would have been nice.  So I NEVER told her again about any of my medical situations.  Now I listen to DH and m y GP ……… and if I require immediate anti-anxiety I end up in the Surgery, a shivering wreck - kind of gets the GP on side …….

Relaxation therapy can help but needs to be practiced and of course, once I felt better I forgot  ::).  I also take a Beta-blocka every night and have an emergency drug when the anxiety floors me. 


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Re: Diazepam
« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2015, 10:14:51 PM »

I never had problems with Citalopram ………. so how did you 'get through' without Valium  :-\

Well that's a good question, CLKD - because I really did react horrendously to them...all night panic after the first tablet, even hearing voices, I couldn't eat, sleep, cry, function.
I would say it took 3 months to stop feeling bad. I just hung on for dear life and sat it out, because having started, I wasn't prepared to stop and have to go through the same horrors on a different medication.
I won't go back on them or any other antidepressant through choice, so I've found other ways to deal with anxiety - meditation, rest, exercise, self-help books, supplements etc. Not always easy, but it didn't kill me then, so it won't kill me now.  :)


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Re: Diazepam
« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2015, 10:17:43 PM »

Well done you !   :medal:    some people do have awful reactions to various medications for various medical conditions.  Scarey.  I had weird side effects to Prozac ……..


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Re: Diazepam
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2015, 10:19:19 PM »

You may have realised - I'm stubborn and determined as hell!  ;)
I may well sit tight through peri too, because I'm frightened by the possibilities of side effects from HRT. I deal much better with the "known", rather than the unknown what if' s.
Horses for courses, though - we are all different.x


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Re: Diazepam
« Reply #22 on: February 25, 2015, 06:19:30 AM »

I had a reaction to an AD after 2 tablets which resulted in 3 days of solid panic and it left me with a head tremor that I now have for life so you will totally understand why I could never have them again. Even writing that down still makes me shudder and up goes my shoulders. I have recently started CBT and I must say I am very very impressed with the counsellor which is a big statement from me as things have to be absolutely perfectly factual for me to even listen to someone and counselling always seemed a bit hairy fairy but this lady knows her stuff so well and I feel very hopeful.

Suzi Q

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Re: Diazepam
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2015, 02:19:04 PM »

OK MUM now listen one god or the great inteli in the sky gave men and women the brains to invent stuff
Imagne no Im not taking Polio jab or Insulin or Thyriod pills ohh they could have side affects
So do Pen and Antibiotics so do paracetamol . Theres no reason on gods green earth to suffer fear@panic OK!
Now I didnt take HRT cos my GP at the time  wouldnt give it to me  my Mum had had a HA due to Pill at 32
I went over at 37  they now call it Oarian failure then it was early meno
My dinlaw  had my grandson last year. at 36 so u can imagine how I felt when it hapened to me at 37!
GPs were loath to prescribe HRT in the 90s it was being linked to heart attacks and cancer.
So with the help of the mini pill and couple of years later Ovestin which 10 yrs later I changed to Vagifem
Plus Beta Blocas to get rid of that mind numbing fear panic which was ruining life(I only take them when needed
My heart would skip beats my pulse would race I felt like I was in a plane that was crashing no hope horrible YUK
BUT with the help of the Mini Pill the Beta Blocas my life turned around for years. Untll I had some news thats affected my entire life and will do till I die my son developed a disease incurable but with the drugs available
Here he is almost 15 years on is here married with a wife and child. The pills that I to was scared to take
 In the end was the best thing I could have done I also had 3 years of recog Therapy every single month   
But it worked I still get the odd week or so when Beta blocs have to come out and even now like you I say I will be OK I can manage then one morning I realise I cant I take them. Then wish god wish Id taken them 3wks ago We have ONE life thats it no coming back saying wish Id done?
Im not saying that given diff curcumstances I wouldnt have jumped at trying HRT AND for me BECAUSE I DIDNT
I now have severe@I mean severe Vaginal atrophy. BUT my sis in law didnt take anything and she didnt get it
So as u say diff strokes but whats the point in ending up as u probably will like I did thinking I was having a HA
Rushed to Casual to find out it was panic thats when I gave in finally took the Beta the bathroom cub Dont be scared to try dont put up with it Life is to be lived enjoyed and stress when it comes is crappy
 im 62 in June and went through it alone
No parents no sisters no freinds no tinternet hehehe I had no choice but in the end to accept help
This site and Taz and CLKD nagged and nagged me day after day for HOW long YOU 2! Aug 2009 till Feb 2010
When I finally went to the GP and took my kickers off and said LOOK cos the ache pain throb dryness even with the mini pill and Ovestin one look Vagifem off the mini pill@Ovestin with in 5 days better with in 4mnths 100%
If it wasnt for those 2 NAGGAROONIES and this site only god knows how Id have coped. So dont be scared OKx


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Re: Diazepam
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2015, 03:08:27 PM »

Hi SuziQ >wave<

I found a tub of Valium this week from over 20 years ago ……. lid still on tight  ;)

Mrs Bennet

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Re: Diazepam
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2015, 06:55:11 PM »

Hi girls well here is my report after my few days away......I took the diazepam the night before we went away and was impressed that I managed to travel to Cornwall without incident and as its a 4 hour journey that was pretty good  ;D however a full 24 hours later I had some weird attack of shaking and feeling sick it was dreadful and really scared me I don't know whether it was the tablet or not? I did not take any more so the break was some what marred by my anxiety and panic over will I or won't I need the loo if we went out,  so stayed near the hotel pretty much all the time  :(  Now I am home I don't know whether I should give the Sertraline a go,  I was prescribed this yonks ago and never took it because of fear of side effects, I feel in a real muddle in my head not knowing which way to go for the best, have been battling with this for so long now.......beginning to think I am beyond help. xxxxxxx


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Re: Diazepam
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2015, 07:18:13 PM »

You got there in one piece.  Maybe you hadn't eaten properly during the journey?  It is unlikely to be related to the Valium as it doesn't stay in the body for long ……..

Or maybe you should have taken another Valium …… you won't know ……… but it spoiled your break  :-\ …….

What were you prescribed Sertraline for?  Some ladies here take it with good effect.


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Re: Diazepam
« Reply #27 on: March 03, 2015, 07:39:53 PM »

I am not a doctor but it sounds to me that you had an anxiety attack but you need to focus on the point that it did pass, you did travel home, you did go on holiday. No one is is beyond help, work on this and you can beat it xx

Mrs Bennet

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Re: Diazepam
« Reply #28 on: March 03, 2015, 08:00:58 PM »

Mmmmm.....maybe it was an anxiety attack Everyones mum now wish I had taken another Diazepam hey ho......but you are right it did pass and I did travel home ok on ward and up ward  :) I was prescribed the Sertraline for the anxiety CLKD... I think my GP is all out of solutions for me  :(  my body just does not like ADs or any meds for that matter  suppose like many I am looking for a magic pill to make me normal whatever normal is  ;D I am just fed up with feeling as I do. My probs are deep seated I think whist I have always been a bit of a worrier it has escalated out of control since my dad died in 2012 my mum has long standing ( 50 plus years) mental health probs along with narcissistic personality disorder she is now in a nursing home and I am have been on a no contact for 6 months...that is just a brief summary... I would so  love to meet up with someone who is in a similar situation to me....look at me feeling sorry for myself sooooo did not want to be a victim xxxxx


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Re: Diazepam
« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2015, 08:18:57 PM »

Sorry to read about your parents. For me personally I feel this peri meno has thrown up lots of emotions that I have found difficult to deal with and I have tried to run away and not face them but they sadly caught me up and bit my bum. I have also always been a worrier but I do not have a narcissistic mum but my husband does and I find him very critical at times. My worrying escalates when I am anxious and since hitting Peri I don't seem to cope very well with bits and pieces. Propanolol beta blocker works for me and the odd diazepam if all else fails. You are not alone x
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