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Author Topic: New and struggling...............  (Read 2276 times)


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New and struggling...............
« on: February 25, 2015, 02:51:48 PM »

Hi GP referred me to this website yesterday and looking for guidance and support so here goes...............

Im 43 years old but from the age of 40 I noticed changes with my monthly cycle.  It would vary from month to month.  Some months were light and would last for 5 days, some months would be heavy for 2 days then light for 2 then finish but most months would run on a 26 day cycle.  Then before Christmas I missed a period, panicked and took a pregnancy test which was negative.  Went to my GP and she said it was nothing to worry about but i was due a smear routinely, so that should rule anything untoward out.  I got Christmas out of the way and wanted to see how my next cycle was.  It was heavy for two days then light the rest of the week but it was on a 26 day cycle as usual, then two weeks later I came on again (a week earlier) and it lasted for almost two weeks!  Was going away for valentines so started taking Norethisterone which stopped the bleeding (which was by that time light and mixed with clear discharge - sorry for the gorry details :?).  Saw my GP again yesterday to have the smear and some swabs taken and now i feel like the worst bad person in the world.  My emotions are all over the place.  My sleeping is poor and im so tired.  The GP said she was sure i was perimenopausal but that doing the blood test would not be conclusive as its results can vary during the month.  im so worried that the smear will come back abnormal and say ive got something bad.  Ive had no pain only slight period pain and never been flooded off my feet with it but had some small clots which i believe is normal.  I have hot sweats from time to time, mostly early morning when i wake up at 4am worried sick.  the sweats start on my back and work their way up the back of my neck.

Can anyone help me with my predicament?  I feel so alone.  Hubby doesnt understand why im so worried and im so grumpy he looks at me like ive got two heads!  Im in such a dark place and cant get out.  Ive looked into counselling and emailed a counsellor close to where i live but not sure if this will help.  I have two children and need to be here for them but all i want to do is lock myself away from the world.  Dont know if im angry or upset, Brain wont shut off from all the thoughts going round in my head,  Am i losing it or is this really the perimenopause?  If it is, at least ill have a diagnosis and have something to put it down to.  then maybe i can shut off for a bit and get some sleep!

Grateful for any advice you can give.  Many thanks   :'( :'(


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Re: New and struggling...............
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2015, 03:13:57 PM »

Hi and welcomeSJ
It does sound as though you are experiencing peri menopausal symptoms.  Your GP sounds sympathetic and quite informed but even though she is right in that blood tests can be inconclusive, I think a blood test to see what your FSH level is might be worth doing.  A raised FSH would indicate peri meno even if your oestrogen level was OK.  I would ask if this test can be done as you are rather young to be experiencing peri meno and some treatment with HRT might be appropriate.
The smear is routine and your erratic periods do not indicate any real problems - please try not to worry about this test.
Do read up all the info on this site and get back to us with questions.
Poor sleep and increased anxiety are classic symptoms of meno.  The more you research the more empowered you will be.  Dg x


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Re: New and struggling...............
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2015, 03:36:45 PM »

Welcome SJ,

You have come to the right place ,there's always someone ready to help,loads of info here have a look around . I'm sure your smear is just a routine one and nothing to worry about . Your doctor sounds good very impressed they knew about this site so that is half the battle having a clued up GP .



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Re: New and struggling...............
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2015, 03:44:42 PM »

Thank you DG and Dazned I appreciate your support! 

One thing i did read yesterday was that a couple of people reported dizzy spells and vertigo.  Ive had this for over a year now.  GP gave me Stemetil but this made things worse. So i dont take anything and just put up with it.  Do you ever feel like your body just isnt working?   ::)  Interesting if thats one of the symptoms too.  Never dreamed that could be down to the Menopause.

Maybe im on such a downer because last month i seemed to be on a high.  I started to feel that i was now happy with how my body looked.  Come to terms with being a size 18 and proud of it.  So proud i bought new underwear for valentines.  Thats gone back in the drawer now.  Dunno.  maybe things will pick up in a few days and its just a major dip


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Re: New and struggling...............
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2015, 05:04:11 PM »

Don't put them back in the drawer :) go get them back out ;D No point wasting the purchase.

Just wanted to check if your on a combined contraceptive pill or have you come off it recently?

As others have said there are plenty of us around to help.



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Re: New and struggling...............
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2015, 07:03:33 PM »

Lol that made me smile!

No not using pills at all. Doctor said I'm too overweight for the pill. Using condoms. She mentioned me trying the coil but I want to know wot I'm getting myself into first.....