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Author Topic: No energy to enjoy anything  (Read 4253 times)


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No energy to enjoy anything
« on: February 21, 2015, 12:38:08 PM »

Can anyone offer any encouragement please? I'm exhausted. Just the thought of the effort involved in changing the duvet cover has reduced me to tears. I stood and cried over preparing dinner last night because I just hadn't got it in me to chop carrots. By the time I've done what HAS to be done each morning (get up, get washed, clean teeth, make bed) I've no energy left to do anything enjoyable. It's particularly bad with anything that involves heavy work with my arms - changing duvet cover, washing windows, lugging the vac upstairs. My poor hubby is lovely but I can't just sit around and let him do everything. Sometimes I think that if this is it, if things are going to be like this forever, I'm not sure I could handle it. I'm 53, my moods and energy levels have been all over the place for at least 10 years; in some ways it's the fact that I'm OK-ish one day but weeping and exhausted the next that's hardest to cope with - I keep thinking things are finally improving only for them to plummet the next day. I'm no use to anyone and hate the self-pity. It's like torture. I long to be happy and active like my old self. I look at women in magazines etc who are running businesses and walking up mountains and living their lives to the full and I feel pathetic and angry and very sad. Please tell me that this will improve. Any tips on dealing with this would be lovely. Sorry about wallowing. Thankyou. 


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Re: No energy to enjoy anything
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2015, 01:13:59 PM »

I appreciate the exhaustion. Around 5 years ago, when I joined the forum, I was taking an HRT break. The exhaustion was overwhelming, known as "Crashing Fatigue". Sweats & flushes drained me day & night. Thankfully I'd given up work as would have been even worse if I'd been working. I could burst into tears over the slightest things. The duvet got me every time too, so you're not alone.  GP put me back on HRT as I was in bits.  Now on a very low dose oestrogen & low dose tablet for anxiety. Things aren't always rosy, but I'm now as near normal as I can be.  Having said that, I'm in a mood today, but that will pass, hopefully.  ::)


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Re: No energy to enjoy anything
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2015, 03:24:12 PM »

Freda, you sound depressed, and if it's hormone related then it will be up and down because that's what your hormones are doing.

Are you on HRT? Because I was a lot like this when I was on it - took it for a year and a half, for anxiety and joint aches. It helped the joint aches but I had almost continuous spotting and then a couple of full-blown periods so I stopped taking it. About a week or two later, my energy levels (mental and physical) were much higher - I hadn't realised how depressed HRT had made me. I thought I was just tired and old!

« Last Edit: February 22, 2015, 01:04:59 PM by Tabbycat »


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Re: No energy to enjoy anything
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2015, 03:36:42 PM »

Tabbycat, yes I'm on HRT - oestrogen patches and utrogestan progesterone capsules. You're right when you talk of "mental energy", it's not just physical get-up-and-go that's affected. I had been thinking that HRT was the answer to recurring depression, anxiety and insomnia but now I'm wondering if all I'm doing is delaying a full transition thro to menopause and adjustment to my own new hormone levels for the years to come. It's difficult to know what to do isn't it?


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Re: No energy to enjoy anything
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2015, 05:56:48 PM »

Hi Freda- I read your post with interest and I wanted to reply as i have been taking Utrogestan as my progesterone for 4 months now and although it has certainly helped with many of my anxiety symptoms amongst others, I too have never felt so utterly exhausted all the time. I actually went to the docs this week and had blood taken to see if there is anything up but Im wondering whether the utro is anything to do with it.... I certainly never felt this knackered before I took it! Out of interest, how do you take your utrogestan?


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Re: No energy to enjoy anything
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2015, 06:17:50 PM »

Vit D has helped quite a bit with the joint aches - which came back with a vengeance when I stopped the HRT. (But I'd rather have joint aches than depression!) HRT didn't help anxiety or insomnia.

I've never got on well with synthetic hormones. I was on the pill from 18 till about 33, and it wasn't till I stopped that I realised how depressed it made me. I was suffering permanent PMT!

Freda, how long have you been on HRT? If it's not long then perhaps you need to give it a bit longer. But if it's three months or more, maybe it's doing you more harm than good. If it were me, I'd come off it for a while to see if it helps - you can always start taking it again if you need to.


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Re: No energy to enjoy anything
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2015, 07:12:51 PM »

 :bighug:  crashing fatigue is awful and impacts on daily Life.

Please don't compare yourself with those women walking up mountains! it burns up any energy you have left.  So does anger.  When do you go to see your GP/Practice Nurse?


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Re: No energy to enjoy anything
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2015, 04:37:16 PM »

Kittyjay - I take Utrogestan orally in the evening. CLKD - not due to go GP for 4 months. Thanks for your replies ladies. Feeling better today, but when I think about it the exhaustion has coincided with poor sleep, headache and constipation which is exactly what I used to get pre-menstrually when progesterone levels plummet. Maybe the progesterone gets "used up" in its role of opposing oestrogen, then once oestrogen levels have been reduced the level of progesterone can rise again until the level of oestrogen has crept back up and needs squashing back down again, causing a cycle of up and down just like the old menstrual cycle... That's what it feels like anyway. Grrrrr !!


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Re: No energy to enjoy anything
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2015, 05:05:36 PM »

When you feel better don't do too much or you will use up your energy  ;)


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Re: No energy to enjoy anything
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2015, 11:53:00 PM »

Hi Freda
Exhaustion is something I have had on and off for a few years and it's really hard at times.  Frustrating and can increase a sense of isolation which isn't good.  With HRT being a possible factor, would you consider going to the GP earlier and discussing it - your hypothesis about the PMT like pattern sounds possible. With the hope of a change, things seems a bit brighter - maybe the GP can help explain what is happening?  Just some ideas


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Re: No energy to enjoy anything
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2015, 02:17:41 PM »

Hi BrightLight, thank you for that - I'll talk to my GP about it. I decided to switch to Utrogestan on a cyclical basis rather than a continuous basis and already I feel better for not having it last night...


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Re: No energy to enjoy anything
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2015, 02:23:24 PM »

Good to hear you are finding your way :) I think of all this as a puzzle, sometimes it's exhausting to try 'working' it out to feel better but when something shifts and wellness increases its a triumph :) small things seem to please me these days :)