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Author Topic: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic  (Read 42534 times)


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2015, 09:16:28 PM »

It's a great idea HB, there are a lot of women out there ( my friends included) that can't take HRT, and some that are worried about the side effects, so a section dedicated to any alternative routes to relieve some or all of the symptoms would be a great help.


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #31 on: February 18, 2015, 09:29:23 PM »

Yes from me HB and thank you for taking on trying to get this established.



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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2015, 10:11:09 PM »

I've often felt a bit awkward, bringing the subject round to HRT alternatives, so a big yes from me, too, HB. 
« Last Edit: February 18, 2015, 10:19:35 PM by Dulciana »


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #33 on: February 18, 2015, 11:03:40 PM »

It sounds like a good idea but we need to remember not to post commercial links i.e. ones that contain a "buy now" or "shop" or "cost of services" facility which is where we have come unstuck a few times in the past I think?

Taz x  :)


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #34 on: February 18, 2015, 11:34:32 PM »

Absolutely Taz.

Hopefully this just might work though. God loves a tryer  ::)



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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #35 on: February 18, 2015, 11:54:06 PM »

 :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2015, 06:50:58 AM »

Good idea


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #37 on: February 19, 2015, 08:12:45 AM »

Excellent idea, HB.


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #38 on: February 19, 2015, 09:17:11 AM »

Well it's fine to have a thread on this but we do have several already eg "HRT Good or Bad" and "Tell us how you've coped without HRT".

Perhaps it would be an idea to have an "alternative "  section that those who are not able or don't want to go down the HRT route would feel comfortable asking and discussing things without any worries of science being the main theme.

Perhaps if enough of us were to ask the administrator, and as the forum is undergoing some work, it might be possible to have a dedicated alternative section.

Would anyone be interested in asking......should I start a new topic, and ask for a "show of hands" Then we could ask if it was possible.

Just a thought.


However I don't quite understand the idea about "worries about science being the main theme". If we're talking about alternative remedies ie products such as herbal products, creams etc - they wouldn't be available to buy at all, if there had not been trials and studies (science) at least into their basic safety and safe dosage - even if not their efficacy!

In fact, it is in the forum rules that members are requested to provide information about any health or medical information they provide - which may be something that newer members are not aware of.

Here is the information:
Members are kindly requested to give references (eg links) to any health/medical information they provide, when it is not personal experience. Personal experience is anything the person has undergone himself/herself.
Information posted by members must be true and correct to their knowledge.

Here is the thread - information for members:,8308.0.html

Of course alternative remedies are not exempt from this and to attempt to stifle proper discussion, by saying what can or cannot be said in a particular section can only lead to further conflict. This is an open forum and moderation is light touch provided everyone abides by the rules and it would be a pity to try to alter this by such a move ( ie to sideline scientific discussion!). I like to think we all respect each other and our views and opinions, but disagreeing with the science of some information that is linked to is different, and does not imply any lack of respect nor is it a personal attack, but healthy debate!

I find it very sad if members feel they are unable to ask about alternative remedies - as has been pointed out there is a section on these, and personally I enjoy the discussions and trying to help other members understand the minefield of information out there, and to help them in their choices.
As Taz rightly points out and honeybun accepts, of course we are not permitted to give commercial links or to be seen to promote a product and that includes identifying a particular product, the company that sells it and the web address - which is what led to the present posting issues.

There are all sorts of posts on here - members requesting and giving personal experiences, members needing and offering emotional support, giving and offering advice about all sorts of things, and requesting and providing information about menopause and HRT (science). There is room for all of these, and we all have different strengths and something to offer, but perhaps we should try not to muddle them all up!

To reiterate - anyone that provides links and information are all trying to help, but by doing so - must expect that if conflicting information/evidence is found - some members may well add to this or disagree - and are free to do so while adhering to forum rules.

CLKD some therapies are available on the NHS and suggested by GP's.  There are plenty of checks people can do to find reputable therapists and nutritional/herbal medicine practitioners, but people do need to be aware of how to do this and it's something I would appreciate sharing and reading about.

There is a huge misunderstanding about 'natural' medicine being safe, I agree with you that herbs need to be respected as they can have powerful effects if not used correctly.  That isn't a reason to discount them, just as the safety issues around medicine don't stop people using them.

Many alternative treatments are not in the NHS system purely because there isn't enough research and standardisation for GP's to prescribe.  People react differently to pharmaceuticals and they react differently to herbs and complementary therapies, the only difference in my mind is that being under the NHS umbrella gives a sense of security and confidence in using a medicine, which I completely understand.

There are definately ways to support the menopause in a wholistic way that don't even include herbs - access to mindfullness relaxation, positive thinking, food, diet, haircare, skincare, all sorts of things that address the ongoing changes in our bodies, that will continue long term.

I think it's a really positive and exciting way to view things :)

I wholeheartedly support the holistic view expressed by BrightLight and anyone who has followed any of my posts will see that this is one of my frequent mantras too - that it is not just a question of taking HRT, or a herbal treatment or getting some acupuncture - this is not the cure all or elixir of a long healthy life - but a need especially at this time of our lives to look at our whole lifestyle and make modifications to ensure that we can enter this phase of our lives best equipped to cope with it.

Oh dear - this has been long again but felt I wanted to explain my position and thoughts  :)

So in answer to your question honeybun - if we continue to have a free discussion about everything which might include the provision of scientific evidence where relevant - then fine. If such a move - for a separate thread/section will cause conflict and stifle debate then I would say, sadly no.

Incidentally there is nothing to stop anyone starting a thread with an appropriate heading and if it is popular it will just stay somewhere near the top like How Are You Today as members will keep on posting.

I wish everyone well at this difficult time of your lives and hope you are able to come to a solution that works - and particularly in the long term. Science will tell you which treatments are safe and are most likely to work - and where trials have been carried out - and these, together with the latest information, are given on this excellent website - but of course the decision on what to choose is yours alone, and I hope some of us can help with this decision  :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #39 on: February 19, 2015, 09:47:20 AM »

This thread has gone round my mind a lot in the early hours  ::) - so yes, count me in if you are looking for numbers !


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #40 on: February 19, 2015, 10:33:16 AM »

Thank you for your comments Hurdity, they were just as I had expected.....however as has been mentioned in this topic some of our members feel uncomfortable discussing alternatives and it would seem at the moment you are a bit of a lone voice.

It maybe the moderators will agree with you but there is no harm in asking the question as there seems to be a good bit of support. Also quite a few of us have become increasingly upset with the way Silver lady was treated when she gave good advice on alternatives. If we had a dedicated section on alternatives perhaps that would not have happened and no member would feel bullied and leave the forum.

Thank you every one for what seems to be a good deal of support for this idea.



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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #41 on: February 19, 2015, 11:08:41 AM »

Good idea count me in


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2015, 11:25:37 AM »

I don't see how you could stop proper discussion Honeybun. Someone might very well disagree with one of the alternatives mentioned due to personal experience or scientific fact even though they agree overall (as most of us do) with the upholding of everyone's right to try other treatments other than HRT. Does this then mean that they are not allowed to post anything negative?

Taz x  :-\


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #43 on: February 19, 2015, 12:36:25 PM »

You're at it again  :bang: ………. let's stop being personal and move on  :'(

Some people agree with crystal therapy but the only benefit is a placebo effect …….. the beauty of the formations can give pleasure but a crystal is 'dead' ……… one is unable to get anything physical from a crystal  ;) - so I agree that some find them lovely: as I do Blue John and Jade: are interested in the formation and where they are 'grown' - however ……...
« Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 01:21:49 PM by CLKD »


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Re: Request to Moderator for a dedicated Alternatives Topic
« Reply #44 on: February 19, 2015, 12:39:23 PM »

My next question is what exactly is an 'alternative therapy'?  If I have a headache I have a choice: I can ignore symptoms and hope it goes away or I can do the alternative, which is take pain relief ……….  :-\

Even with prescribed mediations I have been really ill with side-effect but there were no alternatives ……. St John's Wort was NOT an option.

This is an open Forum and all opinions should be listened to but answers become finger pointing or personal …….. if someone is hurt then they have the choice : lay low for a while or leave ……. many ladies get here because they are really ill and vulnerable so are looking for support and hopefully answers. 

Historically many Forums fall apart at times because of upsets ……...
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