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Author Topic: Symptoms gone completely topsey turvy. Any ideas?  (Read 6022 times)


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Symptoms gone completely topsey turvy. Any ideas?
« on: February 12, 2015, 12:11:56 PM »

Well another month has passed, and I am no nearer getting a revised prescription for HRT from my consultant. I have left 3 messages and actually written to her personally c/o the menopause clinic. But I have heard nothing back as yet  :-\

For those who don't know, I have been suffering with cyclical anxiety and depression linked to my menstrual cycle for over a year and it's really nasty. I get a couple of weeks where I feel great then I start getting random anxiety and really low mood dips and feelings of impending doom  :'(

My consultant offered me oestrogen patches with separate progesterone feedback, which I initially turned down (I was stupid, I know). Then I changed my mind after an anxious Xmas but had to see a locum at the clinic as my consultant was ill. The locum was useless and prescribed me Evorel Conti which my consultant had specifically advised against taking as I don't tolerate progesterone well.

But my symptoms have just gone completely topsey turvy. For the second month in a row I have felt very anxious with feelings of doom and dread 'when I'm ovulating'. This is so abnormal as ovulation is always my best time of the month. But for the second ovulation in a row I have just suffered two horribly anxious days and felt exhausted and sleepy. Woke up today feeling fine again with lots of energy.

I don't know what is happening with my body? I just don't. I'm so sick to death of this roller coaster. Do any of you clever ladies know why my symptoms have switched so dramatically? Why is ovulation suddenly making me feel so awful?

When I ovulated last month it was exactly the same, the anxiety and the exhaustion. Then it passed. Then I had a really bad mood dip on Day 21 of my cycle and I thought 'Oh here we go, my PMS on steroids has arrived' except it didn't. Within 24 hours the dip passed and then I felt GREAT. And carried on feeling great right up to when my period started and beyond and I carried on feeling great until I ovulated this month.

I have an appointment to see my GP next week to see if he can prescribe me HRT in the interim as my next appointment with my consultant isn't until May.

It seems a shame to take HRT when I only suffer with these symptoms on certain days of the month but my 'bad' days are just so nasty and I am conscious that I will never get these 'bad' days back. I just endure them and pray for the day to end. And even when I am having a 'good' day at the back of my mind I am dreading the next 'bad' day. And I can't really look forward to anything because I have no guarantee of how I will feel on that day.


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Re: Symptoms gone completely topsey turvy. Any ideas?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2015, 12:22:33 PM »

Hi GypsyRoseLee

Sorry to hear you are still feeling rough.

As you know during peri-menopause your hormones begin to fluctuate wildly and sometimes unpredictably and to more extreme levels than when cycling normally and it is likely that this is what is giving rise to your symptoms.

Normally in the menstrual cycle there is a peak in oestrogen just before ovualtion and then it falls - now this presumably can happen rapidly in some women. It generally does rise again before falling just before the bleed but I imagine the exact profile will vary slightly amongst different women and also depending on the stage you are at re menopause. If you google  "Hormone levels during menstrual cycle" and look at the images - you will see some of these different graphs.

The dip in mood as I think we've discussed will be due either to rapid fall in oestrogen, rise in progesterone ( if you are sensitive to this) and additional pms (tension, irritability, anxiety) as it drops rapidly and as you body re-adjusts to the physiological changes.

Sorry this doesn't help you, and you won't be able to measure what happens - but your symptoms
 tell you approximately what's happening to your hormones, especially in your case where you have already identified how you feel at the different stages of your normal cycle.

I hope you are able to start an appropriate HRT that will help even out your moods  :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Symptoms gone completely topsey turvy. Any ideas?
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2015, 12:48:44 PM »

Thank you Hurdity  :)

Honestly I get so sick of myself talking about the same things each time. But I like things very orderly and organised and it just stresses me so much that my body is behaving so erratically. What you have written about oestrogen dropping suddenly after ovulation then rising slightly before dipping again as your period starts makes perfect sense and ties in with what has happened these last two months. Except I had the dip on Day 21 then started feeling great again on Day 22 and carried on feeling great until my period started on Day 25.

But even my period was odd. I 'thought' I had started on Day 25. But really it was just spotting. Then nothing for a whole 24 hours, then a heavier bleed which lasted 5 days. A much longer period than I have experienced recently.

If I could wear some sort of clever monitor which would explain to me precisely what was happening in my body and why on a daily basis I would feel so much better and able to cope. If it could produce little messages which explained 'This afternoon GypsyRoseLee your oestrogen is dropping very quickly so be prepared for anxiety by this evening' or 'You are currently experiencing anxiety because of higher progesterone, GypsyRoseLee, but this will start to disappear by lunchtime and you can then look forward to 5 days of optimism and stable mood levels'

Such a shame there isn't such a gadget  ::)

On another topic, when I see my GP next week I intend to ask for an oestrogen patch regime with a separate bio identical progesterone feedback. Do you know how long you have to take the progesterone feedback for each month?


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Re: Symptoms gone completely topsey turvy. Any ideas?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2015, 12:59:41 PM »

Hi GypsyRoseLee

love the name by the way but I guess we're both related to "tea" in our names  :D

In terms of the earlier discussions a few of us said to proceed with the patches.

I know your saying that you think the issue is prog related but trying the patches as you have them might balance things out and get rid of the dips?

Seems a shame to be waiting this length of time for a response.
Can you phone them direct and ask for head of dept?




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Re: Symptoms gone completely topsey turvy. Any ideas?
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2015, 01:06:11 PM »

Hello peegeetip  :)

The problem is they only have the menopause clinic once a week. Whenever you ring you just get given the run around by various receptionists and secretaries, and it's clear that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

This is why I am seeing my GP next week. I have a lot of faith in him as he was the only GP to twig that my symptoms were cyclical and didn't think I should just be fobbed off with a script for ADs as did the other two female GPs at my surgery.

I am hoping that he will agree to trial me on some oestrogen patches/progesterone just in the interim before my next consultant appointment in May. I don't feel I have anything to lose by at least trying it.



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Re: Symptoms gone completely topsey turvy. Any ideas?
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2015, 07:31:57 PM »

My anxiety has changed also.  For some reason I have been really badly anxious on day 12 and 20 this month.  I am expecting the results of a 12 day saliva test any day and hope that might explain things.


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Re: Symptoms gone completely topsey turvy. Any ideas?
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2015, 08:06:59 PM »

Hello Toffee

If your anxiety was really bad on Day 12 and Day 20 that could correspond with what Hurdity said about oestrogen levels suddenly dropping at ovulation and then just before your period starts?


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Re: Symptoms gone completely topsey turvy. Any ideas?
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2015, 11:01:49 PM »

I too am noticing the odd pattern of symptoms you describe. Like you, it's the lack of predictability which I find most difficult. Feel like I have no control in my life these days. Regarding your question about  progesterone, most people in peri take  200mg daily for days 15 to 26 or thereabouts. That said, I am wanting to switch to 100mg for days 1 to 26 as I dislike how I feel when I have a  sudden dip at the end of the month. X


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Re: Symptoms gone completely topsey turvy. Any ideas?
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2015, 04:11:25 AM »

Hello Toffee

If your anxiety was really bad on Day 12 and Day 20 that could correspond with what Hurdity said about oestrogen levels suddenly dropping at ovulation and then just before your period starts?
Yes, it was reassuring to read that. 


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Re: Symptoms gone completely topsey turvy. Any ideas?
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2015, 03:01:02 PM »

Hiya Briony

Hasn't the HRT helped your symptoms at all?

Because I always used to feel much better in the run up to ovulation, then feel fantastic whilst ovulating I assumed that wearing an oestrogen patch through out the month would stop these horrible mood dips? But with this weird new pattern of symptoms I don't know now whether I am now reacting to dips in oestrogen or dips in progesterone?

It is the inconsistency of symptoms which is the killer for me. My husband and I are hoping to go to the Caribbean in 2 months but I can't look forward to it because I have no idea of how I will be feeling at the time. I might feel my normal happy self, or I might feel riddled with anxiety and having to paint a smile on my face the whole time  :(


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Re: Symptoms gone completely topsey turvy. Any ideas?
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2015, 03:30:57 PM »

Hi GypsyRoseLee
I am 44 and have recently stopped having periods for the first time and FSH levels show I am menopausal.  What you describe is very similar to how I was feeling last year but I didn't quite get to grips with it being hormonal as GP's kept saying it wasn't (sound familiar?).  I did know things came and went and they weren't all that predictable with pre or post ovulation, they were random.  I too wished there was a gadget to monitor the mayhem.

Had I known then what I know now, I would definately have used some nutritional support.  I don't know how you feel about that but I am putting it out there as an option if you choose not to try the HRT - either route should help smooth out the fluctuations. It might help while you move through this.

I would avoid the strong plant estrogens like Maca, Ashwagandha, Cohosh or even Soy and maybe add some of these gentle hormonal tonics - you can get many of them in herbal tea combinations:

Alfalfa and licorice.

Taking extra Omega 3 and flaxseed (seeded bread) might help as well.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 03:34:14 PM by BrightLight »


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Re: Symptoms gone completely topsey turvy. Any ideas?
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2015, 04:11:41 PM »

Thank you for replying BrightLight

For the past few months, every day I have been taking a Menopause tablet, a double strength Promensil with Red Clover tablet, a high strength calcium tablet and a very high dosage vitamin D3 tablet.

So I think all my vitamin supplement levels should be excellent by now. I also eat very little sugar or white carbohydrates.

To be honest I feel so dreadful on my 'bad' days that I really don't think anything gentle or subtle is going to help me through it. When you can barely bring yourself to even smile at your own child because you feel so wretched and hopeless inside, then you need something a lot more heavy hitting than a herbal tea, I'm afraid.


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Re: Symptoms gone completely topsey turvy. Any ideas?
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2015, 04:26:05 PM »

Point taken and yes, there comes a tipping point where all the basics of nutrition, excercise etc don't touch things like the anxiety. Disconcerting in itself. Hope you find relief next week after GP visit


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Re: Symptoms gone completely topsey turvy. Any ideas?
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2015, 04:37:49 PM »

GypysyRoseLee, I feel for you so, so much.
I seem to be having a similar experience to you, insofar as I can have days where the horrors are a dim and distant memory and I feel perfectly like the  old me...but then I have days like the last couple when I feel absolutely bloody awful.
I can't even tell you in what way I feel awful - just that I do. It might actually be a relief if I could cry on such days, but I can't seem to.
No words of wisdom - like you, I've been taking a variety of vitamins and supplements, but right now, I'm pinning everything on seeing a specialist next month and hopefully trying HRT.


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Re: Symptoms gone completely topsey turvy. Any ideas?
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2015, 05:16:15 PM »

I felt like that last year, and I know what you mean by trying to smile at your own child, dreading feeling. Well I tried everything and then screamed at my GP to give me HRT after refusing it! As you'll see from my thread look how far I've come it worked! Oh I would have taken anything at the time to get out of the nightmare. Hope you get sorted soon x
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