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Author Topic: Hello Newbie here from Somerset - Dry mouth anyone?  (Read 7283 times)


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Hello Newbie here from Somerset - Dry mouth anyone?
« on: February 10, 2015, 03:20:19 PM »

my name is Momo and I am 45 years old, have not fully kicked into the menopause as my last period was about 100 days ago and the one before that was similar time frame but I have various blood tests last year and the Doc confirms I am well on my way to the menopause.
I am not taking any medication so I am seeing how things work out. However the biggest thing is that  I  have at the moment that is driving me up the wall is  a dry feeling mouth although I still produce plenty of saliva ( is this too much info????) anyway I just wanted to ask if a dry mouth whilst not taking any medication could be part of the menopause? I have felt like this for last 18 months or so.

I have had tests for Diabetes and Thyroid and liver function which have all been clear and am just about to go for a CRP test to rule out other random Auto immune possibilities. It's not that I want to have anything wrong, but I am fed up of always feeling thirsty and never being able to quench it so I would love to find a solution.

I do drink tea and coffee but balance that by drinking tons of water and herbal teas too, but I will drink from the moment I get up until I go to bed, just in a bid to stop my mouth feeling like a desert!

Does this seem familiar to anyone else or is it just me being weird  ;D

thanks for any advice and all the best Momo



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Re: Hello Newbie here from Somerset - Dry mouth anyone?
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2015, 05:17:08 PM »

Welcome, Momo!

I am the same age as you, and believe I'm going through perimenopause, but my GP refuses to entertain the idea.
When I was feeling particularly awful with symptoms recently, I too had a dry mouth feeling - it was like a thirsty, furry feeling, no matter how much I drank. Does that sound similar?
It seemed to go on it's own, so I can't tell you what caused it. Sorry!


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Re: Hello Newbie here from Somerset - Dry mouth anyone?
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2015, 09:42:30 AM »

Hello Honorsmum
thanks for the welcome...that sounds really similar, fuzzy feeling describes it well.

it seems like I have had a very sympathetic GP especially reading some of the other posts here. He claims that if my mother had an early menopause then I am likely to as well. My mother started hers at 45 - so looks like we are keeping it in the family as it were.
I have been taking magnesium and B6 supplements which really helped me with tiredness and leg cramps and trying to keep healthy generally and 80% of the time I feel ok, just now and again - I guess as the hormones start raging that I get a bit down about it all. Anyway this forum is a great help and it is reassuring that I am not alone.

cheers and take care.



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Re: Hello Newbie here from Somerset - Dry mouth anyone?
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2015, 09:59:31 AM »

Welcome Momo,
Hope you find answers on here.  I'm new too, joined the other day  :tulips2:


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Re: Hello Newbie here from Somerset - Dry mouth anyone?
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2015, 10:00:41 AM »

Your GP sounds like a good one! Mine just says I'm too young to be going through menopause, and won't listen when I say my mum went through it in her late 40's/early 50's, so it would be totally in line for me to be going through peri now.

I know what you mean about good days and bad days - my poor children don't know what to expect some days! What makes it worse is my daughter is 11 and beginning to feel the effects of hormones too..! Do you have children?


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Re: Hello Newbie here from Somerset - Dry mouth anyone?
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2015, 04:13:08 PM »

Hi Lindy Lou and Honorsmum
thanks for the welcome. Hope you find some answers too Lindy.

I don't have children, my husband and I  decided not to have them for various reasons, so I am quite accepting of the whole menopause thing. It did put the willies up some friends of mine who thought they might have until their fifties to conceive, they didn't realize you could be in your 40's or younger and hit the menopause. But we are all different.
Sad though that your GP won't even do the blood test to confirm your hormone levels.

take care



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Re: Hello Newbie here from Somerset - Dry mouth anyone?
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2015, 04:21:41 PM »


Stands to reason if everything else is drying up  ::). I too have a dry mouth and also dry eyes.

Just one thought though. Have you had your blood sugar levels tested as it can be an early indicator of diabetes. Might be an idea if you are drinking much more than normal and find it difficult to quench your thirst. That was one of my hubbies first sign of developing diabetes.



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Re: Hello Newbie here from Somerset - Dry mouth anyone?
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2015, 09:50:31 AM »

Hi Honeybun
thanks for the welcome. I guess you are right, I am just becoming a dry old husk of a thing  ;D

I have had a couple of tests for Diabetes over the years and I have always been clear. That was the first thing the doc  tested for when I first went to the docs with a dry mouth, because most of my family have type 2 diabetes - but I lost a lot of weight ( 5 stone) over the last 2 years and keep myself healthy now, so I hope I have managed to avoid it but with my family history  2 parents with it and 2 brothers it is highly probable that I could still get it I suppose????  Maybe the doc will test again if the latest round of tests fail to find anything.



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Re: Hello Newbie here from Somerset - Dry mouth anyone?
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2015, 12:57:30 PM »

Hi Momo

Just to say  :welcomemm: from me too and I live not far from you in Devon!

Well done with the weight loss and hope you get the dry mouth sorted!

Hurdity x


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Re: Hello Newbie here from Somerset - Dry mouth anyone?
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2015, 05:15:56 PM »

thanks for all the kind words. All the test results came back negative, which is a good thing, but still no explanation as to what is causing dry mouth but must be the menopause since there doesn't seem to be anything left to test for.

However my 3rd brother has now had a diagnoses of diabetes at 56 years old, so I am the only one left in my family without type 2....every time I go running and feel like stopping I just think about that and it keeps me going, I am determined to fight it, but I wish the menopause hadn't come so early and I could have had a few years of feeling healthy  :P anyway enough maundering on. That is what I like about this forum , it gives me a chance to vent.

The sweats are really bothering me now, but I am fighting having to take HRT , I am trying the herbal approach menosan and sage and hoping it will get better, only 2 weeks in to taking them and hoping that after another few weeks things will settle down. At the moment I am 'flushing' about every 2 hours and waking up 3-4 times a night with them. Not to mention feeling tired and twitchy - but I guess that could be lack of sleep too. 

anyway - hang in their everyone and take care, thanks for 'listening'


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Re: Hello Newbie here from Somerset - Dry mouth anyone?
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2015, 05:22:32 PM »

it seems like I have had a very sympathetic GP especially reading some of the other posts here.

Be careful...we'll all be moving to Somerset so we can share your GP  ;D

I've had a dry mouth & throat for the last year or so and dry eyes too, but I don't feel thirsty, just dry! 


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Re: Hello Newbie here from Somerset - Dry mouth anyone?
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2015, 07:28:26 PM »

 :welcomemm: fortunately my GP is supportive  :-*

My eyes feel gritty, itchy, dry; I have vaginal atrophy improved with medication; my skin is sometimes dry - there are sweeties that help dry mouth …...


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Re: Hello Newbie here from Somerset - Dry mouth anyone?
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2015, 10:54:40 PM »

Hi Momo
Your GP does sound really good, I haven't had such a good experience with mine.  I arrived at this site to see if the strange symptoms that were coming and going were hormone related - turns out, a lot of them seem to be.

I know that menopause can definately cause dry mouth, I recently had an appointment with my hygenist and asked her about changes in mouth and gum health during the menopausal years.  Dry mouth was the first thing she mentioned, so it is common. 

I have had very very dry lips and eyes though - it has come and gone about 3 times in the last year and doesn't bother me so much now.  At one point my lips were dry, red and peeling and just wouldn't absorb any lip balm - the same happened with my eyes, itchy and blurry.  An opticians appointment confirmed dry eye and I used saline drops and it has gone - well mostly.

The drops in estrogen are what I think cause this dryness - I hope the herbs work for you.  I am looking into a herbal mixture myself at the moment and one of the things I am aiming to support is general dryness! It does seem that this is a key feature of hormonal decline and one that doesn't really resolve completely.  So anti inflammatry diet, water drinking and supplements could play a key part.

Take care


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Re: Hello Newbie here from Somerset - Dry mouth anyone?
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2015, 07:31:15 PM »

Just wanted to say Hi from one Somerset dweller to another  :)