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Author Topic: Newbie struggling!  (Read 5138 times)


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Newbie struggling!
« on: February 10, 2015, 02:51:56 PM »

Hi Guys

This site has just been recommended to me from my GP.  I had a good look through yesterday and it looks great!

My menopause started 3 years ago at the age of 44.  I ache, cry, hurt, decide I'm dying, on a daily basis...

As I have got thus far without any medication the GP has recommended I "ride it out" - my weight gain has been quite dramatic and its a nightmare trying to shift it.  The flushes are good and bad, some days none and others quite a lot.  The flushes are only seconds in length and from the neck to the tip of my head.  Night sweats, again, are good and bad.

I look forward to talking to you all!



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Re: Newbie struggling!
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2015, 03:14:34 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM sarahcb
I had an early menopause which started in my mid 30s - I have used HRt for many years. I do wonder why your GP isn't recommending some HRT for you as 44 was too young to be without the oestrogen to prevent long term problems like bone loss, heart disease, vaginal atrophy and urinary problems. It is now thought that 5 years of HRT post meno can actually prevent the early onset of many of these things and be beneficial in the long run - if you had a few years of HRT now you might gain these benefits.
Weight gain is a problem during the menopause and perhaps if you felt better you might feel you could get more exercise and be encouraged to eat a better diet? - I certainly do.
I sense from you post that you are questioning your GPs advice and are perhaps open to looking at HRT as an option?
If the menop symptoms are impeding your life then it can be worth trying HRT to see if it suits you - you could try 3-6 months and if you don't like it you can stop. Sadly nobody can tell us how long the meno symptoms will last - it can be a few months, 2-3 years or 10 or more years.  Only you can know whether you can cope with life with these symptoms or not. Many women find that Femoston is a good HRT to try first - it suits many women very well because the progesterone is very close to our own hormones and the oestrogen is bio identical. Perhaps try the low dose sequential first - Femsoton 1/10?
Keep posting. Dg x


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Re: Newbie struggling!
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2015, 05:26:11 PM »

Hi Sarahcb,

The hurting, crying, thinking you're dying sounds all too familiar!
I'm sure it's easy to say suck it up, when it's not your GP going through it! (considering it's meant to be a caring profession, it always amazes me how many health professionals are so dispassionate and lacking in empathy!)

I'm 45 and getting a few unpleasant symptoms, which my GP won't consider as peri. Having felt really quite unwell at times over the last few months, I don't plan to "suck it up", and  booked to see a private specialist. In the meantime, I'm trying to eat well, walk every day, go to bed earlier and take vitamins and mineral supplements to help me feel as good as possible.
My sister is 10 years older than me, and finally post-menopausal. She has suffered symptoms for 7 years and is still troubled by a lot of them, but has never sought help - I could cry for her, because I know she has had a horrible time.

I have come to see peri/menopause a bit like childbirth - there are no medals for being brave and doing without pain relief!  ;D ;)


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Re: Newbie struggling!
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2015, 03:24:13 PM »

Read these posts my doctor asked if I wanted to discuss hrt but I am a little afraid of it .i put weight on and have really struggled to get some back off .i hear a lot of people can't have a significant weight gain with hrt is this so


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Re: Newbie struggling!
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2015, 04:29:06 PM »

It's very much a personal decision but if you generally felt better then you could perhaps be in a better position to excercise more than you are now.

I have never put any weight on using HRT but of course we are all different.



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Re: Newbie struggling!
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2015, 04:32:58 PM »

HRT doesn't make you gain weight as such but it is usual to gain some weight when we get to menopause.  There is no doubt that we need to eat less and maintain some exercise to keep our weight under control.  I find I have more energy when on HRT so find it easier to keep my weight under control.
Basically - this is the time in our lives when we really need to look at our diet and exercise regime whether we use HRT or not.  Dg x


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Re: Newbie struggling!
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2015, 05:42:24 PM »

Hi Sarahcb

Just wanted to say 'hi'. I'm 48 and peri and my symptoms so far are irregular periods, sometimes light and sometimes horribly heavy, no hot flushes as yet and I don't take HRT. I worry about weight (I always have) and I'm struggling to keep to my usual weight. I exercise regularly and watch what I eat and sometimes don't eat very much but it's a constant battle so I know how you feel. Horrible isn't it? x


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Re: Newbie struggling!
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2015, 01:01:37 PM »

Hi sarahcb  :welcomemm:

Do seriously consider HRT as Dancinggirl says - if you are going through menopause early. How are your periods doing - are they getting few and far between? No point in suffering, and HRT is not medication especially at your age, and if it's bio-identical (ie same as our own hormones) as Dancinggirl said.

Ask us any questions and we can try to help!

Hurdity x


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Re: Newbie struggling!
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2015, 01:50:51 PM »

Thank you all for your comments thus far.

My last period was in March 2012 and that was it, no more, ever!   

Although I did go through feelings that I was going to have a period, nothing transpired.

So March 2012 was the date I feel my menopause started proper, my periods for 12 months before that were very few and far between.

I have lost about a stone and a half since xmas and do feel better in myself, but have quickly realised that you cannot, seriously cannot, eat as much as I used to without gaining weight!

I have started swimming 4/5 times a week and now the lighter morning are here am able to walk with the dogs for 30 minutes before work and 30 minutes after work.

I used to enjoy sex, now its something I have to build myself up to, no physical problems at all, only the thought of the time and effort it will take  ;D

One of my main aches is across my shoulders and up the side of my neck, it used to worry me but since reading this forum I have seen I am not alone in these aches and pains!  My left hip also used to ache but that seems to have stopped - this Menopause is seriously random.....




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Re: Newbie struggling!
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2015, 06:16:23 PM »

You are clearly doing all the right things - well done on loosing the weight and your exercise regime is fab.
The aches and pains can definitely be meno related.  I would see if you can attend a meno clinic or ask which doctor at your GPs is clued up about treating menopause.  You are still young and HRT could really help you if you want to give it a try.
Have a look at some of these Youtube films - they're really good.

DG x


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Re: Newbie struggling!
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2015, 02:26:30 PM »

Hi sarahcb

As you have had an early menopause it is really important to take HRT to help protect your bones and general health, at least until the natural average age of menopause which is 51-52.

Your doctor is quite wrong to say you should ride it out. It is now 3 years since your last period and your natural oestrogen will be at its lowest ever now. I urge you to make an appointment - (and not with that same doctor!) to discuss the options. The oestrogen should help with the aches and pains too.

You have no way of knowing how long the flushes, sweats and aches will last and at your young age especially I would not want this sort of thing to interfere with my quality of life. Read up as much as you can from the menu on the left and ask us any questions so that we can help you.

So glad you are taking regular exercise - such an important aspect of our lifestyle that can only have health benefits! You are right about eating - I still manage to put on weight and eating far less than I used to - but trying to remedy that with even more exercise!

Do keep us informed of your progess and journey  :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Newbie struggling!
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2015, 09:36:28 PM »

Hi ya,
Just thought I'd share, been on HRT now for 2 weeks. I am only 43. Had my ovaries removed 3 days before my  43rd birthday! Happy Birthday to me!....still recovering, going back to work in just over a week on a phased return. I think that will kill me...the waves of exhaustion are awful.....!

I have to be careful what I take too as I suffer from temporal lobe epilepsy.... :o