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Author Topic: New & Confused  (Read 1674 times)


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New & Confused
« on: February 07, 2015, 12:30:17 PM »

Hi,  I'm 44 and had a hysterectomy when I was 37 (ovaries were retained) It changed my life for the better, as I suffered with terribly periods and pms. Recently I have problems sleeping (although I do have quite a stressful job) itchy and sore vagina, no sex drive, although I've never been highly sexed. Waking up in the middle of the night dripping with sweat, even with the window open, plus several people close to me saying 'are you ok,you've been a bit short tempered and grumpy lately'. I have also started to notice changes in my mood, which are starting to mirror what I was like before a period and they weren't nice feelings at all. I'm not sure if this is relevant, but I've also been waking up most mornings feeling sick and wretching - similar to morning sickness, and I know Im definitely not pregnant!  My husband convinced me to go for a blood test to see if I was starting on the change and I reluctantly went, but everything has come back 'satisfactory' whatever that means?
I now feel foolish about going back to the doctors, even though she is a female, she isn't the most sympathetic. 

Why do I have symptoms if the tests are showing something different. Is this all in my head? I have been told that having a hysterectomy can bring on the menopause early, but some say it doesn't. I'm really not sure what to do. All I know is I'm feeling unhappy and uncomfortable and I'm not sure where to turn.  I can't talk to my mum about it as she  says it's just something that women go through and it will pass and she didn't have or need any help with it. My husband is trying to be supportive and was during the bad times before my hysterectomy, but he doesn't really understand what it feels like. I'm hoping that I can gain some friendly advice and also not feel like I have to go through this on my own.


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Re: New & Confused
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2015, 01:14:32 PM »

Hi hadders
Welcome to this forum.
It does sound like the problems you are having are hormonal if you are also getting what would have been pmt. Do you know what age your mother or sisters started the perimenopause? The tendency for early menopause runs in families a bit. Your husband was right to ask you to see the doctor. The trouble is the blood tests are unreliable because hormone levels fluctuate. You could ask for a referral to a specialist clinic because at your age it would be good for you to have hrt if it is agreed that you are getting ready for the menopause. There are others on this site the same age as you, so hopefully will come along soon.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 01:16:28 PM by carrie »


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Re: New & Confused
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2015, 01:20:27 PM »

Hi Hadders,
I'm 45 and having what I think are perimenopause symptoms, including retching some mornings - not nice! That tends to happen when I wake up feeling very anxious - so might be the anxiety, or maybe hormones causing  anxiety, causing the retching.
Like you, my blood tests came back as "normal" 4 months ago, so my GP hasn't offered any help. I have found a  specialist, via this site, and am seeing her next month, because there have been times when I've felt so unlike myself, and actually quite unwell.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2015, 02:02:56 PM by honorsmum »


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Re: New & Confused
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2015, 11:33:28 AM »

Hello Hadders.

You have come to the right place for help, support and information about the changes you are going through.

Now you have found this site you won't be travelling this road alone.

Wishing you well.



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Re: New & Confused
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2015, 12:59:26 PM »

Thanks for your advice so far. my mum started on the menopause when she was around 50 I think, although she is a manic depressive and was diagnosed when she was 38. One day she was fine and the next she just became a completely different person.  Not that, any of that is really relevant to this, She didnt have a hysterectomy or suffer with period problems like I did. I don't have any sisters to be able to gauge from either.
Honorsmum.... That's what I feel like, I'm not myself, it's like someone is taking over me and I can't do anything to stop it. I came home from work on Friday and just burst into tears for no reason at all! I don't like feeling like this and it makes me angry that I can't control my emotions.