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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Scalp Psoriasis  (Read 8401 times)


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Scalp Psoriasis
« on: February 02, 2015, 11:54:49 AM »

My list of annoying meno things increases by the day! I'm not sure if psoriasis is part of it, I'd be really interested to know if any of you have suffered similar?  My hair loss is now terrible. I don't think it's connected to the scalp psoriasis as I was losing my hair at least a year before the psoriasis started.  What was a few strands of hair coming out is now a brush full of hair though. Since I last posted, the scalp psoriasis is also worse. I'm keeping it at bay a bit with treatments from the GP including shampoo but it's not going away and it's edging ever more towards my forehead. I'm terrified I will get it on my face. I think that will just about finish me off. I've even had the psoriasis in my ear which has sent me round the bloody bend! The itching has been unbearable. Am I alone in all of this? It all seems never ending!!!


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Re: Scalp Psoriasis
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2015, 12:31:53 PM »

I suffer with psoriasis - it started 2 years ago.  Alphosyl 2 in 1 shampoo is the best I've tried for scalp - does stink though - it has helped a bit with the ears as well as it drips down when washing the hair :)


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Re: Scalp Psoriasis
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2015, 12:33:09 PM »

Oh sometimes I feel I shouldn't be here as I haven't suffered anything as awful  :'(

There is a psoriasis society ……. and maybe have a walk round your local hairdressers for advice?


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Re: Scalp Psoriasis
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2015, 01:00:09 PM »

CJ..I've got that.. I've used it a few times. The one from my GP smells exactly the same. Has a bit of a whiff of the old Vosene about it!  How often do you wash your hair? I'm doing it every other day at the moment but thinking Imight have to do it every day. To be honest by morning there is quite a build up on my scalp again. I'm using Betnovate which should only be for 2 weeks as it thins the skin out but my GP says sometimes patients need longer and I seem to be one of them. I put it on a cotton bud to treat my ear to help with the ear psoriasis.. it's working. CLKD I've been on the psoriasis society website and read a lot of stuff. I think I might learn more when I go back to GP on Monday. My guess (as an ex hairdresser many years ago) is that a hairdresser wouldn't really have much of a clue!


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Re: Scalp Psoriasis
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2015, 01:23:38 PM »



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Re: Scalp Psoriasis
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2015, 04:50:11 PM »

Hi, just wanted to offer an idea.

My eldest son has had severe eczema all his life with many infections and associated problems. A while ago when stressed over exams he developed an incredibly sore scalp with large open circles, flaking and weeping. Every morning we would treat with prescribed treatments, getting more and more potent and then i would have to comb the flakes from his hair. You can imagine how upset he became, at 16 to have to have his Mum do his hair every day not to mention the embarrassment of how it looked and felt.
He was eventually referred to a consultant at the hospital who gave him an extremely strong steroid shampoo. I was so reluctant to use it but my son was desperate so we did. We used it once and it was like a chemical peel. His whole scalp flaked away and was horrendously sore. I cried for him when he wasn't looking though he just got on with things as usual. For me it was the last straw.

I decided until we found something else he would wash just in water to give his skin a break from the chemicals. I scoured the internet and found this;

He doesn't have rosacea but i liked the principles of it and thought using honey wouldn't harm him as the chemicals and steroids were.
We tried the honey treatment and the results were fantastic! Within a week his sores healed and he could do his own hair again. He doesn't need anything stronger than honey and sometimes coconut oil.

I don't know whether this would work for psoriasis but its worth a try?


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Re: Scalp Psoriasis
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2015, 05:19:15 PM »

Ask for a referral to the hospital. Some times a GP is just not enough.

Sorry I don't have any suggestions but wanted to send you a  :bighug:



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Re: Scalp Psoriasis
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2015, 10:05:13 PM »

Jedigirl thank you for this. I shall give it a go. Your poor son at such a young age :( Really pleased things have improved so much. I am wondering if stress has set off my psoriasis. This sounds a bit weird I know, but my husband was shot at in July, nothing sinister.. we live very rurally and on his way to work in the Summer, a farmer we know shot at the car. The thing was, bits of information dripped back to me and for 2 hours I thought my husband was dead. As it happened, the farmer had had a breakdown and he killed himself which was just dreadful (although he made a right mess of our car shooting at it, hubby was uninjured!).. I'm wondering if the shock of those two hours has set something off in me... I feel fine and although I was shocked beyond belief at the time, it was short lived, but has something triggered my psoriasis in that time I wonder?
Honey B.. thanks for the hug  xxx


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Re: Scalp Psoriasis
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2015, 10:18:21 PM »

Stress can cause all sorts of skin trouble and if you add hormones too its not a good mix! Glad yr hubby is OK, what a horrible shock.
Hope the honey works for you. Keep us up to date x


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Re: Scalp Psoriasis
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2015, 09:13:23 AM »

I use the alphosyl twice a week and in between I use a very simple shampoo - currently "naked" with no parabens etc etc.  I hardly dare say this, but since I've been on HRT there is a definite improvement in my psoriasis - particularly the two patches on my arms.  I've found a rotation of different stuff seems to work better than a continuous treatment - its as if the skin gets used to one type and stops working.  I really hate the smells - although I used to like Vosene!


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Re: Scalp Psoriasis
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2015, 10:58:22 AM »

Shock probably did trigger it.  I have had psoriasis for 15 years.  I found a tiny patch above my knee a few days after a lorry crashed into my car and it's never gone away totally.  Tried everything the doctor suggested but nothing helped.  Now I wash with glycerine based soap that has lavender or chamomile essential oil in (both good for skin trouble) and it has slowly started to get better, both in terms of irritation and size of the patches.

I've found sunlight to be beneficial but heat makes it worse so try avoiding wearing hats on both counts.
It might help if you can limit your hair washing as this may be drying your scalp out?  Dryness tends to make it worse

I've had the occasional patch on my face, but each time it has only lasted a few days and has not been as unsightly as the patches on my scalp, arms and legs.


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Re: Scalp Psoriasis
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2015, 12:22:53 PM »

Sunlight definitely makes mine worse - I know this is unusual - my hubby also has psoriasis and his improves in the sun, but mine flares up terribly in the summer - evidently mine is "the other kind" - trust me ::).  I have a new patch lately on my foot - drives me nuts.  I've tried just about every skin care cleanser on the market over the past two years - settled on Sanex bodywash for sensitive skin and Aveeno skin relief moisturiser - it really is trial and error finding something that doesn't cause a reaction.  E45 and similar makes mine much much worse - in fact most products that state they are for psoriasis seem to make mine worse! I have some stuff from the dermatologist for when its really bad but I can only use it sparingly and for about 3 days at at time - more than that it seems to backfire and make it worse.  Stress definitely makes it worse.  Glycerine based stuff does seem to work ok.  I've been lucky in that so far I've not had any on my face - I dread the day


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Re: Scalp Psoriasis
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2015, 09:36:40 AM »

Thanks for the replies. Dorothy, you might be right about washing too much. I didn't wash my hair last night and it doesn't seem so bad today.  The shampoo is causing my *dry eye* issue to be worse too. My skin has always been dry but this past few years it is very dry, like all my other  *bits*.  I have always had allergies to soaps and shampoos.  You may recall recently I had a terrible time over Christmas with itching all over my body that turned out to be Lenor concentrate!  I only use simple soap and I use Liz Earle or Elemis on my face.. I've never had a problem with either of these. My scalp isn't terrible. It's like a bad case of dandruff, no heavy scaling or red patches, but if I don't use some form of treatment every day, there is a noticeable build up of *flakes* in the morning. I must be irresistible to the opposite sex with my head flaking and dry fanny!! LOL!!!  CJ.. I'm praying mine gets better in the sun, but I bet I have the *other type* too :(


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Re: Scalp Psoriasis
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2015, 10:29:59 AM »

Lynne, don't know if this helps, but I use Simply Pure tabs to wash clothes and vinegar as fabric conditioner & don't get irritation from clothes any more.  I've tried a couple of other things, but the shops keep changing what they stock overnight - doesn't seem to occur to them that some of us get terrible skin trouble if we swap brands.  But Simply seems to be quite widely available for the past two years so I'm hoping it is here to stay!

As CJ says, it is trial and error  :(


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Re: Scalp Psoriasis
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2015, 10:41:36 AM »

Thanks Dorothy I will have a look for those.  I use fairy sensitive and it works fine for me.  I am frightened to change to anything because even the stuff that is supposed to be for sensitive skin can irritate me. The shampoo I'm using for the scalp psoriasis is definitely irritating other parts of me, i.e. my back was itching terrible the other night after washing my hair in the shower! It's all a bloody nightmare!
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