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Author Topic: Sleep...or the lack of it?!  (Read 4388 times)


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Sleep...or the lack of it?!
« on: January 31, 2015, 05:45:24 AM »

I am 63 and into the 10th year of meno-symptoms. I had the vicious flushes, the debilitating panic attacks and the bewildering mood swings for 6 or 7 years, now those symptoms have calmed down to a manageable, less intense and much less frequent level. However, the sleep problems which kicked in at about 3 years into meno are still plaguing me...hence I'm here writing this sad story at 5.30am! 😵 Anyway, my usual pattern is I either don't fall asleep until 3 or 4 in the morning,  waking to feel drugged and groggy, or I go to sleep OK but wake up around 4 leaving me feeling spaced out for the day! I've tried every 'natural sleeping aid' I could find, which have no effect at all, I've trie a sleeping pill or a couple of glasses of wine, the only effect being that I do sleep for a little longer, but have macabre dreams! This is affecting my health, well being, ability to function...and not least my poor husband! Does anyone out there have the solution?! 😳


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Re: Sleep...or the lack of it?!
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2015, 05:59:02 AM »

Good morning Lynjane,

You are not alone!

I go through phases of being able to get off to sleep but end up wide awake somewhere between 4-5:30 am. If I'm lucky, I roll over and go back to sleep. However the past few nights my brain wakes up and starts thinking about everything so getting off again is impossible.  :o

I wish I had a solution.. I'd happily share it.

I do find that if I'm super active through the day I can fall asleep again. I been too busy these past few days to do my usual lunchtime speed walk and wiifit session so maybe that's my solution. Might be worth a try for you?

Galadriel x



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Re: Sleep...or the lack of it?!
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2015, 06:12:04 AM »

Good morning to you too Galadriel! Well if I'm being honest, of late I've become a bit of a couch potato...I have been retired for 6 years, but always think I'm busier now than then! Tuesday, we have our 4 year old g-daughter for 41/2 hours; Wednesday and Thursday afternoons I help my daughter out in her beauty salon and Friday we have the 3 year old g-daughter for 41/2 hours! To be honest after each of those days I tend to collapse in front of the TV! I have done some exercise most of my life, last 3 years in a power plate class twice a week, but I seem to have pulled so many muscles of late I haven't been since before Christmas....but I fear you're right, I must get up and move more, the problem is persuading myself I have the time to do it....I will make more effort see if it helps! Thank you!!


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Re: Sleep...or the lack of it?!
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2015, 11:13:19 AM »

Might I suggest that you stop worrying about it?  Don't mean to sound flippant but I had lack of sleep for years until I came to a kind of acceptance: I was able to function the next day, I didn't kill anyone, it didn't kill me and I was able to sleep on the settee or later at weekends.  I  know that the 'experts' say keep to a normal rhythm but that do'nt work for me and sleeping when able does! 

I have busy busy long involved dreams everynight and some mornings wake exhausted.  Fortunately this eases after breakfast.  I do have nights when I either can't drop off or when I wake in the early hours ......... for years I had Radio2 on quietly by the bed  ::) - now with all my pills and potions there aint' room for the radio  ;D ......... I read, do crossword puzzles, anything to stop my brain racing ......

I also have a wind down at night; bubble bath, chocolate milk shake, medication and bed  ;)


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Re: Sleep...or the lack of it?!
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2015, 11:27:54 AM »

Might I suggest that you stop worrying about it?  Don't mean to sound flippant but I had lack of sleep for years until I came to a kind of acceptance: I was able to function the next day, I didn't kill anyone, it didn't kill me and I was able to sleep on the settee or later at weekends.  I  know that the 'experts' say keep to a normal rhythm but that do'nt work for me and sleeping when able does! 

I have busy busy long involved dreams everynight and some mornings wake exhausted.  Fortunately this eases after breakfast.  I do have nights when I either can't drop off or when I wake in the early hours ......... for years I had Radio2 on quietly by the bed  ::) - now with all my pills and potions there aint' room for the radio  ;D ......... I read, do crossword puzzles, anything to stop my brain racing ......

I also have a wind down at night; bubble bath, chocolate milk shake, medication and bed  ;)

That made me laugh - my daughter actually says that my bedside looks like something from the boarder next door! I have so many pills, potions, eye masks, water bottles, emergency snacks, Kindle with headphones for Classic FM in the early hours...
I have a bedtime routine too - lavender bath, hot chocolate, pills, meditation, sleep. Works until between 5 and 6am, when I am now awake for the day.I used to sleep through the alarm and beyond previously. I try to have a nap in the afternoon before the school run, if I can.


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Re: Sleep...or the lack of it?!
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2015, 12:02:14 PM »

 ;) we don't need as much sleep as we age - apparently  ::).  If you have had good quality sleep until then ……….  8)


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Re: Sleep...or the lack of it?!
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2015, 11:17:11 AM »

I do try not to worry about it, and as I rarely have to get up early these days, I don't have to think about that! But it's still not pleasant feeling only half awake all the time! On the plus side I've just booked up 3 sessions at my power plate class for next week!!


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Re: Sleep...or the lack of it?!
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2015, 11:27:19 AM »

Great Lynjane - I agree that exercise in the day is the way to go for a good night's sleep (bit not too late in the evening as it is too stimulating), as well as reducing caffeine intake ( especially from 6 pm or earlier if you are sensitive to it), and all the usual night time rituals that are conducive to sleeping eg no bright screens just before bed, a milky drink ( unless it makes you pee!), quiet relaxing music in low light etc.

It sounds like you use up a lot of nervous energy with your grandaughter.

I have periods of time when I can't sleep and my mind races - there is an anti-anxiety exercise on here put up by Bette who used to be a regular member, that was given to her. I adapted it to help me sleep and it usually works even after a while.

The thread is here:,8454.0.html

I don't know how to link to a particualr place in a thread so I'll just re-post what I said here:

"I just wanted to say I've adapted this to help getting to sleep and it's amazing!
I don't suffer from anxiety as such but do worry about things and always lie in bed mulling over things and trying to work things out or plan things, adrenalin going round, thinking about things that have happened, working etc, and it usually takes me ages to get to sleep.
I read about this so thought I would have a go and never get past the first time cos it really sends me off! Unbelievable!

I just do:

I can hear
I can see ( but I can't because my eyes are closed so I just imagine what I can see - usually connected to the sound)
I can feel.

I just think of one sound or feeling at a time and then concentrate on it for a while."

Hope this helps

Hurdity x



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Re: Sleep...or the lack of it?!
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2015, 04:16:01 PM »

Have you tried going to bed later than you  usually do? Sometimes that works for people.  So if you are normally in bed by 1030 try 1230 and see what happens.

there is a new mindfullness book written by a sleep clinic doctor who says get rid of all the routines and just accept being awake - he tells you how to control your thoughts .  Sometimes I wake up at 1.30 and just know I am not going to get back to sleep so get up and read for 20 minutes - sometimes have a herbal tea while I sit there - that seems to sort me out. Of course I would rather not wake up in the first place but accept its  part of this period of our lives. 


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Re: Sleep...or the lack of it?!
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2015, 04:23:14 PM »

I don't even try to get back to sleep because I know it won't work. I get up and have some warm milk and read for a little while. I then go back to bed and convince myself that even though I'm not sleeping im resting. I deliberately don't close my eyes....I just lie there are concentrate on my breathing. I usually go back to sleep eventually.


Ju Ju

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Re: Sleep...or the lack of it?!
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2015, 07:58:08 PM »

Since starting low dose HRT, I do sleep better, maybe one night a week, followed by a heavy sleep the next night, so not too bad. Now I get on with my medical training and watch Grey's Anatomy! Might have to have a career change as I am running out of episodes!


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Re: Sleep...or the lack of it?!
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2015, 10:33:45 PM »

I used to think that during my ER watching days....oooo just loved George Clooney in those days.

Be still my beating heart  ;D



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Re: Sleep...or the lack of it?!
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2015, 11:42:05 PM »

I think I might try that idea Hurdity, although it's not really my mind racing, more like I tense up and then can't relax! Yes I've tried going to bed at different times, and though I know being on my iPad and Kindle is not conducive to good's what I do when I'm too tense too sleep! Vicious circle?!!


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Re: Sleep...or the lack of it?!
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2015, 10:08:25 AM »

As you can see from my username I have problems with sleep - I would literally give anything to go back to how I used to sleep - like a log.  I feel permanently exhausted and hate the bags under my eyes.  I've just changed to a different HRT hoping that might help - might be worth asking if a change is likely to make any difference?  I'm sure the other knowledgeable ladies can advise on that


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Re: Sleep...or the lack of it?!
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2015, 11:14:42 PM »

Hi CJ, yes it's awful feeling tired all the time! I'm not on any HRT, never have been because of blood pressure issues. I would love to be like my husband...head touches the pillow💤💤💤💤💤💤! Ah well, I'm trying not to stress about it too much, and when I get to the point of 5 or 6 consecutive nights of no/poor sleep, I take 1/2 a low dose sleeping tab which breaks the cycle until the next time!! Off to power plate class tomorrow to see if getting moving more will help!
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