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Hello - new here. Shocked and scared quite frankly
« on: January 27, 2015, 07:08:00 PM »

Hi - I am age 44. I found out last Friday that I am menopausal.  I am advised to have another blood test in a couple of weeks and then go in and talk about HRT and perhaps have some other blood tests.

I cannot stop worrying about there being an underlying cause (because Dr said very vaguely other tests and that it's not usual menopause but Ovarian Failure).

I think I am in shock and my brain is overwhelmed.  I am trying to come to terms with my periods stopping and making sense of how awful I have felt for 2 years or maybe almost 3.

This new information feels like a piece of the puzzle that I needed to know before, to stop me spiralling into low confidence, self esteem issues and anxiety and sleep issues that I have never had that I couldn't somehow resolve.

I must add that I am prone to anxiety during times of change and have had quite a lot of unexpected surprises in my life and I feel like I am not coping with this news very well.  My fear are running wild most of the time, other times I am philosphical and think, hey, it's ok, its natural and happens to everyone but........the order and unknowns have been very hard.  My GP was not that great at explaining anything and it seems there is nothing to explain really - so why so many questions in my head?!

I don't have children, I wanted them, circumstances didn't come together - with this diagnosis it has sent me off wondering if I have something wrong with me in any case, infertility or an underlying disease (all the info on the internet mentions this happening sometimes with other things).  All of this is futile as my periods have now stopped - ironically since the phone call diagnosis - before that they were every month albeit the last one ended with days of spotting and burning back ache and tightness (was that my ovaries shutting off  :( )

Anyway, you can probably tell that fear and anxiety are my main issues.  Somehow my brain wants to understand why I didn't realise or expect this and what did I miss?  I guess it's made me lose confidence in my own self care although that's irrational I guess.

My periods have always been on a shortish cycle 24/25 days and reduced a bit over the last couple of years, never heavy or light, just normal with hardly any PMT and occassional ovulation tweaks.  I felt quite reassured by my cycles.  The type of bleeding did seem different a couple of years ago and I read up on perimenopause and that seemed to fit with anovulatory cycles etc and I could expect shortening of cycles, then lengthening and then big gaps. 

What has freaked me out the most is that last year almost a year to the day I started having skin reactions, redness, hotness and went to the GP - never having had skin issues.  My face looked puffy and then sagging and lines appeared, hair intermittently falling out, intermittant dry eyes, funny crawling sensation on my face.  None of these symptoms lasted long.  Skin would go back to normal after a couple of months then it came back again.  I mentioned all these things to GPs several times, told them my anxiety was really bad and not sleeping properly.  I knew something wasn't right and started getting health anxiety thinking something ws really wrong - last September I went to the GP and out right said that I was worrying so much, I just didn't feel myself and could there be an underlying cause, thyroid, another disease etc that was 'progressing'.  She said well, I don't want to test anything for now, no clear symptoms, it is stress and hormones.

Now, do I put all these things down to being menopausal, I guess I do and now I have to calm my mind down and undo all my worry which no doubt has made this experience worse.  'THIS IS MENOPAUSE '

I am rambling but I really don't have anyone to talk to and have been scouring the internet driving myself nuts.  To top off all this emotional shock and turmoil, my mother died 7 years ago and can't ask her about all this and in any case I think she would have been fairly dismissive.  I have an older sister living abroad with her husband and child, I have spoken to a couple of friends but generally feel very isolated.  So it's good to write it out.

I had my thyroid tested at the same time as the FSH/LH and he told me that was in normal range - what other blood tests do you think they will do?  He said I was on the cusp of 'normal' being near age 45 and when I said what other blood tests he said iron I think.

Since the phone call I have missed my first period, well, it was brown spotting :(  I have aching body, no energy and started night sweats!! Ironic that the symptoms have arrived now and not before - I am really scared and feel like I am falling apart right now - mainly as I don't know what symptoms might come next and how long for.  Nothing I read matches my pattern - 'normal' menopause happens slowly and erraticly.  I genuinely feel that the hormones have just disappeared and my whole self is adjusting. 

Everything feels backwards and not helping my anxiety - I am much better in life if I know what I am dealing with.  When he said he thinks I have entered menopause I sort of thought there wouldn't be anymore symptoms - so confused and feel so stupid.

Thanks for reading

I also want to add that I had put down all my struggles to not dealing with life very well and adrenal fatigue (I have been through quite a lot outside of this situation) but now I wonder if my hormones have caused problems for years and do not know the strategy to deal with this.  Dr's dont recognise adrenal fatigue, maybe they call it ME - but I am now a little confused and am quite certain the NHS is not going to help me with the bigger picture.  (sorry for the rant) 
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 07:11:27 PM by BrightLight »


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Re: Hello - new here. Shocked and scared quite frankly
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2015, 07:28:18 PM »

Oh hun welcome and dont be scared, there are lots of ladies on this site with loads of reassuring info and advice for you, im ahead of you having had sweats and flushes and hair loss and skin reactions and weird periods and funny brown periods! I have 1 teenage son and must admit it took a couple of years to come to terms with no more children, but- its ok really it is. Listen to your GP, take advise where offered, eat well and exercise and try a few supps or even HRT, but work towards it and through it with a plan. I take starfower which reduces flushes and improves mood, i have a few hair extensions to cheer myself up, have a water avian spray by my bedside and try new brands of make up and clothes all the time because life my be changing but its ok if you go with it😃 im sure lots of ladies will follow with some great tips to help


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Re: Hello - new here. Shocked and scared quite frankly
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2015, 07:34:58 PM »

Hi Brightlight,
Firstly sending you a big hug.
You sound exactly like I felt last year at 44 when all this hit me. Fearful, uncertain, health anxiety, not knowing where to turn. The symptoms you describe sound very much like hormones to me and they can cause absolute havoc which is why you are feeling as you do.
It is perfectly natural to worry and wonder what has happened to your body, it's a big change especially when you weren't expecting it.
Read up as much as you can on this site, there's loads of information. If you are interested in HRT look at the preparations available so you can make an informed choice when you go to GPs next week.
You will find that many women on here state anxiety as their worst symptom but you are not alone now, you can chat and rant as much as you like.
If you are going to worry badly for the next two weeks ring and ask for a telephone appointment to explain what other blood tests the GP is wanting. They're probably checking you're not anaemic but I'm sure they'll be happy to chat about it.
Please be reassured that we have all felt this way, check out some of my posts! In time, when you have come to terms with it and have your  HRT in place you'll feel much better.
Take care and keep chatting xx


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Re: Hello - new here. Shocked and scared quite frankly
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2015, 07:51:56 PM »

Hi Brightlight, yes this all sounds so familiar. You have come to the right place for help and reassurance. I thought i had some deadly disease a few years ago when it all started and this site saved me from going insane with worry. I am three years post and had to go on hrt patches to help me with my symptoms, now trying to come off it to see where i am. You will have good days and bad days but on the bad days just get on here and someone will put your mind at rest.  :foryou:


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Re: Hello - new here. Shocked and scared quite frankly
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2015, 08:05:13 PM »

Hi Bright light,

Apart from your diagnosis of menopausal, I could have written your post myself - especially the bit about feeling like something is progressing in your body and worrying it is an illness. I have had tests for thyroid (all normal), diabetes, heart tests and am now being tested for an adrenal tumour - because I suggested that my symptoms were maybe due to adrenal fatigue, but my GP doesn't recognise that as a diagnosis so has gone down a more extreme route.
Like you, I need to know what's happening - any ambiguity makes me worry. Unfortunately, my GP won't entertain the idea of perimenopause, and is trying to put my many symptoms down to anxiety.

I would guess that the blood tests you might be sent for will be things like iron, vitamin B12, electrolytes, liver and kidney function etc - general MOT stuff.

I'm sure it will take time for everything to sink in, so it's not surprising your head is spinning right now. I am new to this site but already realising that it is a font of  knowledge, so hopefully you'll have many of your questions and worries answered.


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Re: Hello - new here. Shocked and scared quite frankly
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2015, 08:05:35 PM »

HI'll be glad you have some answers but it takes a while for it to sink in.

This site is brill for helping with advice or just to talk to us if your worried etc. it's a lot to take in is it but your going in the right direction and take the help from your doc.

I was 45 when I got my bloods taken and was told I was say I was shocked is an understatement....3 years on and I still can't believe it at times. I also have an under active thyroid and suffer anaemia from time to time.

Just hang in there, take what the doc offers to eliminate the God awful symptoms of the Menooause as they can make you feel awful....please don't suffer. There's no need too.



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Re: Hello - new here. Shocked and scared quite frankly
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2015, 08:43:13 PM »

Aww thank you for the warm and reassuring welcome.  I feel better but also even more shocked that there isn't more general info 'out there' in the world about all these things.

I have always looked after my health in an integrative way - looking at the whole and never really had anything quite so 'complicated' or at least it feels like it on the surface - multiple things going on at the same time.

I definately have anxiety issues anyway but still concerned there is something behind my worsening state - I actually think it's the GP's that have got me thinking this, precisely because they have never really taken my anxiety into account, they sort of dismiss it.

Anxiety is adrenalin, adrenalin is a hormone and all hormones are messengers talking to each other and need to remain balanced - makes sense to me that something is making my anxiety worse and I sure hope it's just the drop in progesterone and estrogen - which I now have new respect for.  They are powerful drugs and I want mine back :(

No one told me growing up that they stop everything drying out and keep you vital.  This is a rough ride - thanks again for the welcome.  I will try not to worry and take it step by step.

Honorsmum - an adrenal tumour!  That really is extreme and makes me a little upset that the doctors can't take adrenal issues to mean more than ME or a tumour!  Presumably if female hormones are wonky then adrenalin can kick off as well and if doctors can't give explanations for the processes going on in our bodies we are going to worry!  Vicious circle - knowledge is power and here there is a lot of knowledge and experience, so I feel a bit better


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Re: Hello - new here. Shocked and scared quite frankly
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2015, 08:47:03 PM »

Hi Brightlight


So sorry to read your story and especially your disappointment that you are probably menopausal and may not be able to have children. Conceiving at your age isn't completely out of the question, but very unlikely (although think Cherie Blair), as you say you were still having regular periods and have only just missed one - so ovulation may well still be occurring albeit rarely. It is known that the ovaries can have a last burst of fertility before no more eggs are released. I don't want to pry but are you with a partner and is this something you want to/can pursue with a fertility specialist? Perhaps you might benefit from talking to someone about the issues and facing up to what must be a shock as you say. It does draw a line under fertility once menopause is reached.

By the way missing one period does not mean they've stopped - they can go on being irregular for some years. There is no set pattern to a woman's menopause - which are as variable as we are! If you have been lurking on this forum you may well have read the article on peri-menopause and there is so much fantastic information on this site - especially the orange menu on the left.

All the symptoms you describe can be explained by the menopause and decreased oestrogen levels. There is nothing like it for making women think there are serious things amiss because there are so many symptoms, many of which the docs do not recognise nor accept.

Don't be distracted by adrenal fatigue, and I suspect much of what middle aged women are palmed off (by the docs diagnosis) with in terms of ME, chronic fatigue etc, actually turn out to have a hormonal basis (whether, thyroid, oestrogen, testosterone etc) which could be treated if only the NHS were able to tests us for all of these hormones and also not adhere so rigidly to reference ranges and go on symptoms too!

Re blood tests - a good doc should do all the blood tests at this point - so all the vits, renal and liver function, blood count, iron etc. However they may not do all of them is the hormonal tests confirm you are approaching menopause.

At your age definitely take HRT as it will help give protection to heart and bones amongst other health benefits. Have a look at the section (Green - to left) marked Hormone Replacement Therapy - and come back to us with more questions.

It's a rough ride but we can all help to support you along the way.

Hurdity x  :)


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Re: Hello - new here. Shocked and scared quite frankly
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2015, 09:11:11 PM »

Thank you for all that info Hurdity.

It's horrible how my mind has got hooked on a serious degenerative disease being my fate - totally horrible.  I hadn't even thought about the tests being for my wellbeing as it were, with more simple things like vitamin deficiencies.  I was thinking he was looking for a serious underlying condition that caused my ovaries to fail - I think that has freaked me out completely - the broken part of me.  Even though I know they do that.  (I sound crazy because I feel shocked)

Children - the truth is my relationship ran into trouble when I felt I wanted children a few years ago after both my partner and myself lost our mothers within 2 years of each other.  Our relationship drifted and path got lost and I lost confidence............then my anxiety kicked in after the next series of sister had 4 miscarriages and a subsequent baby with Down Syndrome.  She lives in Australia, she suffered terrible PND and came back to the UK and I cared for her and my nephew for 3 months.  That was late 2012 and that was when I started to feel's been really hard, fear got hold of me and ambivalence about children continued.  Losing my mum and seeing my sister struggle confused me, but really I know I would have been a great mum.  I wanted it with a previous partner age 30 and that didn't work out and didn't meet current partner until 36 and the bereavments happened soon after.

I had almost come to terms with it recently and could see a way forward without (because really my relationship isn't geared this direction and isn't right for him and us).  So in a nutshell, my world has collided into me with what feel like time constrained and difficult things and I don't think I can push forward with anything.  I feel exhausted and want to turn a page in my life and really don't know what that means yet.......I feel the time passed some time ago. 

The doctor made it quite clear that he doubted I would have a period again as the FSH was 83.4 and said that indicated it had been rising for a long while and unlikely to drop - I asked if it could be a peak from an anovulatory cycle and he said no.  To be honest, all I wanted was for nature and life to take it's course and the notion that my ovaries failed has somehow made me want to 'fix' something and look back and wonder about all the decisions re children thus far.  In a way I could do without focussing on my fertility in any way :( It's stirred up ambivalence again.

I agree with you about ME/Chronic fatigue etc coming down to hormones and now I really think that I have had a hormonal balance for many years - with estrogen and progesterone, I say that because I had a fibroid diagnosed in my late 20's which they said was young, two burst cysts and a cervical polyp.  All of them causing minimal problem and anxiety for me - I have also had melasma skin pigmentation over the years and I know this is hormonal - as I say, it brings up so many questions about things but the medical system stresses me out and I am not one to 'fight' it if I don't have to and didn't want to keep saying - do you think this or that - when I asked in my 20's about the fibroid and was it an issue, they just said, not unless you want children.  I am hoping that once through this I will feel fantastic and realise hormones caused all my fatigue and issue :)

Looking back, I realise I have gathered negative experiences regarding all this which makes it hard for me to even talk about (writing is easier)  - I dont feel that proactive with the Drs, but I am trying to be now.

I have used homeopathy and accupuncture for anything I needed really and have been in touch with a GP that practices these things as well as bio dentical hormones - I am just gathering info at the moment, so that I can make decisions for my future well being.

Already worried about the Dr pigeon holing me into this or that, because I am now in menopause!  Just been reading that BP can shoot up etc  I haven't taken anti-biotics or paracetamol for years - this is going to be new territory for me.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 09:15:40 PM by BrightLight »


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Re: Hello - new here. Shocked and scared quite frankly
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2015, 09:47:55 PM »

Oh welcome! we can feel 'off colour' without realising why, we can all justify the whys and wherefores of feeling un-well.  We struggle on with our jobs/hobbies/tasks ………

Read the menus left of screen.  Keeping a food/mood journal can help.  Also, my periods came and went for about 2 years before stopping [2002], aged 42ish.  This is after regular periods of 28/32 days with very heavy bleeds and dreadful pain since age 12.  So I was pleased to see the back of them!  I had awful PMT until I learnt to eat every 3 hours even through the night, helps stop that awful lurch of nausea. You may find a grazing regime helps.

Join in!  Ask away.  Hormone levels rising and falling can cause adrenaline surges = anxiety.  We have several threads here about that, as well as 'doing stupid things' and 'there's a strange woman in my house' ……. [probably said that already  ::) ] both can raise a smile.

Some ladies don't have many symptoms, others have problems. 

Cultivate a working relationship with your GP.  Take notes and go along, I usually start off by saying 'I'm back again with more symptoms, can we work on these?' either to my GP or Practice Nurse. 

Keep posting, we don't bite ;-)


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Re: Hello - new here. Shocked and scared quite frankly
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2015, 02:55:04 PM »

Thank you CLKD, I will keep posting.  I have been keeping a journal of symptoms etc and took alist to my GP yesterday of concerns/questions.

The upshot of this GP visit was more uncerntainty, lack of information and more freaking out from me last night.  I just don't feel right about the whole pattern of events in the last few weeks and the past year.  I needed some information from my GP about what to expect symptom wise and just some reassurance.  I have read so much in the last few days and it just seems so odd to me that ALL menopause symptoms have come on suddenly - the GP yesterday didn't really confirm whether my little niggles last year were perimenopausal.

I am not explaining myself very well - it's just that things don't seem to add up quite.  I went to the GP with spotting after my period - they ran tests and said my ovaries had failed.  Only then did I miss my first period and also having sudden and clear signs of estrogen loss ever since - sudden night sweats and waking and not sleeping again.  Stinging sensations,  sense I need the toilet occassionaly, aches, fatigue, changes to my breasts etc.  I know these are all postmenopausal and peri menopausal symptoms.

I asked the GP if they were testing for anything else and she couldn't see previous doctors notes on the screen, told me this was earlyish but not that early and they wouldn't be looking for anything else with blood tests, just routine.  I asked why my periods hadn't changed until sudden stopping and she said, oh, haven't they?   Then I said I had brown spotting at the time a period would come and is that what to expect now, she said not really and that needs a pelvic exam if it continues - but I thought they explained the spotting by the FSH post menopausal blood test!!!

SO - I have booked an appointment with a private GP next week. I had a talk on the phone and explained what has been happening and she asked what tests had been done.  She wants to do more tests to rule out a cause from somewhere else, the endocrine, pituitary or adrenals.  She said she can support me to get these tests from my GP (NHS) or from herself and then we can discuss hormone replacement as this may be needed but a clear diagnosis is needed first.

Wow - I am feeling overwhelmed but glad.  I really feel let down by my surgery and totally lost faith.  Prior to this recent event I have been several times last year.  I get a different doctor everytime.  All I need to better cope with this is clear information, clear diagnosis and then clear options for available help.

I feel pretty weird right now.  I hope everything becomes clear for me soon, so I can confidently know what I am dealing with


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Re: Hello - new here. Shocked and scared quite frankly
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2015, 03:08:49 PM »

We really do seem so alike, BrightLight.
I feel the same about my surgery - I have seen 4 different GPs in the last 4 months and none of them will consider perimenopause as the most obvious cause of my long list of symptoms. They seem happier to send me off for random tests (heart, adrenal, ovarian cancer) than actually look at my age and what I'm telling them my body seems to be telling me. Worst of all, the message I am getting back us that if all these (incorrect) tests come back as normal, it must be all in my head and I should be on antidepressants - where's the logic??

Hopefully, the private GP will make some headway and you will start to get a solid picture. It's good that they have said they will negotiate tests with your own surgery.


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Re: Hello - new here. Shocked and scared quite frankly
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2015, 03:11:32 PM »

You should not have to visit a private GP! and your surgery should, even if part of a training scheme, be able to make an appt for you to see the same GP!

Hopefully you will have more time for discussion with someone you are paying to listen!  Take that list  ;)


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Re: Hello - new here. Shocked and scared quite frankly
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2015, 03:17:57 PM »

Hi Brightlight

Sorry to hear about the negative experiences you had with your GP. They should know that there is no standard way to arrive at menopause - the last natural period (which can only be determined in retrospect once 12 months has passed), and as you will read on here the time leading up to this is slightly different for each of us. This is why the docs could not tell you what you personally can expect. If your blood tests show that your FSH is increasing, your periods have changed and you are getting menopausal symptoms - then I would have thought that is a clear diagnosis, that you are peri-menopausal? I can understand your fears as it is a lot to come to terms with especially given your story, and I can see why you might want to have further tests.  Most likely the diagnosis will be as the doctor has said ie you are peri-menopausal and nothing else wrong but at leats you will have peace of mind. A pity that your experience has made you want to go privately though as the NHS should be able to provide what you need!

I hope you get on OK with the private GP but you could also ask to be referred to a (NHS) menopause clinic (or self refer privately) too. I would hope the one you go to will carry out the same tests and give similar advice?

Do keep us posted with how you get on and what the GP comes up with.

Hurdity x


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Re: Hello - new here. Shocked and scared quite frankly
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2015, 03:20:03 PM »

Yes, we should all be able to gain clear information, diagnosis and treatment options - that is what it comes down to.

I feel so upset and scared.  At the end of the day I now have severe symptoms of estrogen deficiency and yes this could be early menopause that came suddenly for no reason and I will have to adjust. I realised what if there is a problem with my endocrine system that has strained my failing (naturally as I am 44) reproductive hormones and this is why I have menopausal symptoms?

If this second scenario occurs I guess there could be a chance of restoring cycles to end naturally or at the very least proper treatment for potentially 2 conditions. I have read here on the menus and other places that ovarian failure needs to be investigated sometimes, granted it is usually younger women that want children that have this (under 40) but I feel quite upset that maybe because that is unlikely for me they may not investigate.

I know that the eventual outcome may remain as menopausal status but if not, I will lose those hormones years before I might have and HRT without a proper investigation and diagnosis might be jumping the gun.

I would pay many £'s to have the answers, diagnosis and plan of action right now, as this is causing me a lot of stress - not least of all the 'fight' to get healthcare.  Really hope the private GP works out.

I feel grateful I have never had a medical condition previous to this that meant repeat visits to GP and monitoring as it were.  Complete nightmare
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