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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Im trying everything & nothing is working  (Read 8997 times)


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Re: Im trying everything & nothing is working
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2015, 10:27:16 PM »

Hi again :)),
I have had a chat with my mum and found out that it was 20+ yrs ago that she first went on hrt so that made her 54/56 yrs old when she first went on it, and her blood preasure went thru the roof as soon as she took it she said, and her doctor said that she was lucky not to have a heart attack because of it, and has been on medication ever since for high blood preasure n anjina, ( atenanol) and if she had gone to her normal doctor he wouldnt have put her on hrt,
Sooo this is what im scared off and why my doctors have said im not allowed hrt aswell as my migrains, as these health risks aswell as cancer run in my mums side of family n stroke, cancer, thrombosis run in my dads side,
Im healthy n very active 4 days aweek at the gym doin cardio n weights im scared that something could bugger it all up if i take hrt like it did my mum :((
Im at docs on monday to see the nurse n see what she says about it but i am scared of hrt lol


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Re: Im trying everything & nothing is working
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2015, 09:31:39 AM »

zodiac - You mother was probably on the older more synthetic HRT preparations. The HRTs today are far more bio identical so can bring fewer side effects and problems.  There are also low dose HRTs that can be very effective - again probably safer for you to try.
You sound as though you are a really fit active person and I would be surprised if you couldn't at least give HRT a go.  Femoston 1/10 sequential HRT might be worth trying as the oestrogen is bio identical (the same as we produce naturally) and the progesterone in it is kinder and close to our own hormones and many women do really well on it.  The real 'bio identical HRT combination' is Oestrogen in patch or gel form with Utrogeston (micronised progesterone) alongside in ssequi or conti versions - many of us are using this combo these days.
You mention cancer in the family - do you have a close family relative with breast cancer in the family e.g. your mother or a sister? More distant relatives and other forms of cancer don't count. Did you know that HRT has been shown to reduce the risk of bowel cancer? High blood pressure can be caused by many things and if you are fit and have good diet you may not be at risk from this issue.
There have been so many scares about HRT but they never tell you about the good things.
Aspirin is taken routinely for pain relief, reducing inflammation and is often prescribed by doctors to patients at risk from stroke and heart attacks but it carries the risk of developing stomach ulcers and other problems - it's a powerful drug.
Life is a risk. Try to keep an open mind - you may find you get so much more energy with HRT you'll be able to do more exercise and actually be even fitter.
Have a good chat with the nurse, write things down so you don't forget -  list the meno symptoms that are causing you problems, your concerns, and the questions.  DG x


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Re: Im trying everything & nothing is working
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2015, 10:35:37 AM »

You've tried everything except Estrogen!

A lot of us suffer from headache and migraine as we approach and are in peri stage.

Not trying to play down the severe headaches but you seem to have tried everything over last 7 years you could have been going thru peri stage.

Sometimes the answers are in clear sight :)

In terms of the items you've mentioned even if you had high blood pressure, you can still take HRT if your under medication and controlling your Blood pressure.

Hope that helps



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Re: Im trying everything & nothing is working
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2015, 11:49:41 AM »

Hi again zodiac
I forgot about you suffering from migraines.  The trans-dermal form of HRT is recommended for those ladies who suffer with migraines.  There are combined patches or you might be better to try Oestrogen in patch or gel form with Utrogestan for 12 days each month.  Dr. Curry describes Utrogestan as "breast friendly". I was getting a lot of nasty headaches without HRT and the Oestrogel with Utrogestan combo has meant my headaches have virtually gone.
I think I've had one headache in the last 2 months on HRT instead of 2-3 times a week without HRT!!!! DG x


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Re: Im trying everything & nothing is working
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2015, 12:28:25 PM »

Hi, im goin to write all these different things down lol, yeh im healthy, i dont smoke or drink because as soon as i touch anything alcholic banggoes the headaches lol n can last a few days, im 47 now 48 in march dont know if im thru the peri stage or not still have periods but never know when they will happen, i have the hot sweats n mood swings, its the hot sweats n not sleeping n no sex drive i just aint got the urge anymore lol pooor hubby lol, anyway see wot they say at the docs and thanx for all the advice :))) x


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Re: Im trying everything & nothing is working
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2015, 09:39:55 PM »

Hi :)))
Well ive been to the docs and saw someone who deals with all menapause stuff had a good chat with her, did all medical history on both sides of family also my history, and im very high risk, and i cannot take any form of hrt even low dose i just cant,
I could have insisted n tryed it but dont see why i should run the risk of my blood preasure goin thru the roof n risk a heart attack, n ruin my health n life as now im fit n healthy, i just cant do it im way to younge to run any risks and just got a granddaughter to take out n play n run around with, n my dogs, n step kids n kids at wrk, so thanx everyone for all the advise but im gona stay on the herbal side of things its the only way :))) x


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Re: Im trying everything & nothing is working
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2015, 09:51:43 PM »

Hello  :)

In the past I have taken Prozac and Sertraline for PND and they certainly make it harder to orgasm. More recently I was on Amitriptyline for a few months, and it really didn't affect my orgasms at all.

It's an older tri cyclic AD but considered very safe. Really improves the quality of sleep too. Might be worth a try?


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Re: Im trying everything & nothing is working
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2015, 10:55:33 PM »

Its worth trying starflower first , my flushes have all but stopped and my mood is even, its worth giving it 7 days to see xx
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