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Author Topic: Feeling really low  (Read 9361 times)


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Re: Feeling really low
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2015, 07:53:20 PM »

Hi Essexragdoll

So glad you were able to get what you want - but very sorry to hear about the nurse. I am very surprised that a nurse is able to prescribe a medical treatment for the first time - and especially as this one does not know about menopause!!

Even though you have had irregular periods, as it is only 5 or 6 days until your next due date I agree with CLKD and wait to see if your period comes and if not I would just start Day 1, say - the day after the due date. That way you could possibly synchronise with your cycle - but as honeybun says you may well get a bit of breakthrough bleeding - because your cycle has gone to pot as it does in peri-menopause.

As the others have said - despite how you feel now, you can look forward hopefully to feeling much much better soon, when you settle into the tablets, and I would try to enjoy your weekend in a positive frame of mind if you can .

Hope it goes well :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Feeling really low
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2015, 08:08:16 PM »

Thanks hurdity I do feel more positive this evening, but then I am always ok after 7pm, weird.  I am going to start taking the tablets on Tuesday even if I have not started my period I just want to start them now I have them. Hopefully the weekend will give me time to relax and enjoy my time with hubby and then I can come home to a fresh start and HRT !!!


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Re: Feeling really low
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2015, 08:10:20 PM »

Hi Essexragdoll,
I have very similar symptoms to yours. I wake with horrible anxiety which lasts till early evening then disappears, I lost loads of weight since last April, I sleep ok apart from waking early. I also suffer from nausea at certain times of the month, rashes, dry skin. I can certainly relate to the worry you have about going away too. Last years holiday was hell for me, just managed to get through for the kids.  I had an FSH test last year that showed I was perimenopausal so these are certainly related symptoms.
Am sure you'll see results from the HRT when you get started,good luck!  :foryou:


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Re: Feeling really low
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2015, 08:27:03 PM »

Oh jedigirl it's so horrible isn't it. I feel fine most evenings and often wonder why I made such a fuss about it but come the morning " bang" the anxiety hits me. I also wake really early in the mornings. I am really going to try to enjoy the weekend for my OH as he has been so good to me during this time.
Do you mind me asking what you are doing to relieve your symptoms ?


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Re: Feeling really low
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2015, 08:29:47 PM »

Sorry I have just seen one of your recent posts and now know what you are taking


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Re: Feeling really low
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2015, 09:16:27 PM »

Hi, yes am switching on Monday to a different regime as have worked out I am better on more progesterone! Was fine on Femoston1/10 for two weeks of the month but when i went back onto estrogen only felt terrible.

I laughed when i read your last post as I am like that every night! I give myself the chat " Remember how good you feel this evening, get a grip of yourself, you're okay!" then wake next morning with the worries of the world bearing down on me! I even say to my hubby when we go to sleep "when I'm crazy in the morning remind me it'll go away again!" Blimey it's no fun is it?!

I also keep a small stash of diazepam for absolute emergencies (especially when i need to work) but only ever take a half tablet on an awful morning to get me through to the evening again. The GP is happy to let me have 5 at a time and the last five has lasted three months. It helps sometimes just knowing I have the option.

It might help you to know for this weekend that Benadryl (over the counter antihistamine) is helpful if your anxiety is spoiling your weekend away. I used it a couple of times before i had anything else and it relaxed me. If you google it there is information. You probably couldn't drink alcohol with them though.

Have a great time



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Re: Feeling really low
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2015, 10:14:59 PM »

I can relate to everything you say, I even say the same to my husband in the evening, I am thinking of writing down how I feel before I go to bed so in the morning when I get up with terrible anxiety I can remind myself that it will get better later. I have proponol (beta blockers) that I take when it all gets too much and it help take the sting out of it. Thanks for your chat, I hpe your new regime works out for you


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Re: Feeling really low
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2015, 10:30:59 PM »

Thanks essexgirl, sorry didn't realise you had something for those awful moments, for some reason I assumed you weren't on anything yet(not sure why) or I wouldn't have suggested the benadryl.
I write stuff down , keep a diary of how I'm feeling. It helps you to spot patterns you may not otherwise notice.
Take care x


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Re: Feeling really low
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2015, 11:09:21 PM »

I've got propranalol too, was on it from dec12 -July 13, cut down after I had been on Femoston fir couple of months, started that april 13 and still got some for back up but haven't touched them but been close some days


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Re: Feeling really low
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2015, 10:07:33 PM »

Hello Essexragdoll

Sorry you are struggling. Just to let you know I understand exactly how you feel, as I often feel just the same. I dread events that 'normally' I would really look forward to.

My anxiety/random fear just arrived out of the blue his time last year. It has been horrible and looking back I don't know how I got through some of the blackest days. The only other time I have ever experienced anything like this was when I had PND after my first child was born. In fact the anxiety and feelings of dread were identical. It was this that started to make me suspicious that my sudden anxiety/depression must be hormonal, and not just general anxiety like my GP kept telling me.

On my GP's advice I took ADs for 7 months, but although the masked my symptoms quite well I just didn't feel like myself. I fought for a referral to a PMS/Menopause clinic and the consultant gynaecologist immediately diagnosed me with hormone related anxiety/depression due to being peri menopausal.

I have since learned that many consultant gynaecologists are growing concerned at the sheer amount of women being prescribed ADs when they just need hormone therapy.

I really hope you manage to get away for the weekend. I usually find that if I am dreading something, but make myself do it then it is much better than I expected. Let us know how you get on xxx


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Re: Feeling really low
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2015, 10:12:34 PM »

Oh and I have lost a stone over the last 3 months, mainly because the anxiety kills my appetite.

I also keep a mood diary every day. Like Jedigirl says it really helps you keep track of yourself, and makes you feel slightly more in control. It also helped me spot that I often dip badly as my period ends, and I sometimes dip again just after ovulation.

Basically my body can't handle ANY changes to hormone levels. But it helps to remind yourself 'Hang on, this happened the same time last month. I can see it did in my Mood Diary.'
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