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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: New girl !!  (Read 4053 times)


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New girl !!
« on: January 17, 2015, 09:44:57 AM »

Hi this is the first time I have posted on this forum, and any other forum for that matter, but have been browsing for a couple of months now.
Bit about myself. I am 48 and have been peri for about 2 years. Initially I only  had the physical symptoms, hot flushes, aching joints, itchy scalp, missed periods and a little bit of hair loss, although all these were in no way great I felt totally able to deal with it and actually felt really well.
Then all of a sudden my whole life changed....... It started with a God awful period, really heavy and painful, followed by a week long migraine (thought I had a brain tumour!!). Then the anxiety hit me like a sledge hammer :'(  I could not function at all, my enthusiasm for life went out the window, I felt numb and detached from reality and could not stop crying  I was also feeling really light headed and slightly dizzy.Christmas went by in a blur. I visited my GP who prescribed me propanol twice a day and after blood tests confirmed I was well into my menopause as my FSH read at 49. I was signed off work for 3 weeks.
Since then I have had really bad days and some not so bad, although I have not felt normal for
weeks. I still get panic attacks especially in the morning and still feel  totally lightheaded and
spaced out most of the time. I want to be positive and don't want this to rule my life, but find it very difficult some days. Anyway, that's my story and I look forward to sharing meno experiences with all the ladies on here. I hope I may also be able to help some from time to time if i can


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Re: New girl !!
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2015, 10:47:53 AM »

Hi and welcome to MM Essexragdoll
You are describing very typical menopause symptoms.  Did your GP not discuss HRT?
Do read up all the info under the headings to the left of this screen to get really clued up
Have a read:
Unfortunately many GPs reach fro ADS and other drugs when women present with menopause symptoms instead of the obvious thing that would be HRT.
At 48 some HRT would and could make a big difference to you; also HRT would protect your heart and bones in the long term. Get back to us with questions.  DG x


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Re: New girl !!
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2015, 11:03:33 AM »

Hi Essexragdoll.  This is a great place for info, support or just to get stuff off your chest. I'm in a similar place as you and find the emotional symptoms are the ones that throw me the most. I keep telling myself that it's just my body going through a process and that helps a bit. Learning to pace myself is hard as I like to be busy but good rest is important to help you cope mentally and phyiscally. I am inspired by stories about fabulous older women who do things like climb mountains when they're 80 so there is hope and an end to all this! Can't comment on HRT or other drugs as not on any but there are lots of ladies here with good info about them.


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Re: New girl !!
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2015, 01:51:50 PM »

Hello Essexragdoll and welcome to the forum.

Sorry to hear that you are suffering but you have come to the right place for help and advice.

Take care and keep posting.



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Re: New girl !!
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2015, 02:18:06 PM »

Thanks ladies, I have just been round my mums for a good cry and have told her about this forum, she said that she wishes there had been something like this when she was going through her change.instead she very nearly ended up having a total breakdown.
Dancinggirl  I have seen 3 different female GP's recently, the first gave me the beta blockers and put everything down to anxiety, even though I have never suffered before, the second mentioned HRT briefly but did not give me any information, just said it will help my bones especially as I am still quite young, but to probably only stay on it for a year, she also said she was surprised I was still having periods as my FSH level was pretty high. (Is it and how high Can it get ??)
The third did not recommend HRT as she said it only delays the inevitable. So a little confused at the moment as to the right path to go down. The last doctor also prescribed me fluoxetine, however I am bit reluctant to take these. Is anyone else on these and if so have they helped ?


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Re: New girl !!
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2015, 05:17:36 PM »

Hi, sorry I can't offer any solutions but I empathise with the symptoms you're having....I also have those symptoms and it is hellish to say the least-...I have a gynae appt soon s hoping for some help as some days it is unbearable.....strength and hope to you and keep venting xxx


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Re: New girl !!
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2015, 05:57:20 PM »

Oh dear Essexragdoll
Yet another lady who has a group of ill informed GPs - we keep hearing about this and it's very depressing to know so many women are not getting the support they need?
Any risks with using HRT only kick in after the age of 60 and even then the benefits can outweigh the risks.
You need some HRT to protect your heart and bones and at least 5 years of HRT at your age would give real long term benefits.
I'd ask to be referred to a menopause clinic if there is one in your area or a gynae as your GPs are clearly not 'up to speed'. I suspect these lady GPs are quite young - all I can say is, wait till they get to menopause, I bet they will get themselves on HRT a.s.a.p.
HRT does not delay the inevitable, meno symptoms can go on for many years and quality of life is very important if you have to work or have a family to look after etc. The peri stage can be particularly challenging and HRT can really help you get through this.
To be honest I feel it is negligent for GPs to prescribe SSRIs and ADs when it is HRt that is required. Sorry for the rant :bang:
HAve a look at this article:

Perhaps print it out and show it to the GP.

It's also worth reading through the info from the 'World Menopause Day'.  The latest findings from the big study on HRT is enlightening.  Unfortunately the press has loved telling us about the small risk of breast cancer if HRT is taken beyond 60 but they don't tell you that it can reduce your risk of bowel cancer!!!!!!
If you go to the link on this post you can find the relevant report. Maybe print this off for your GPs as well.
I assume you live in Essex so you're not far from London and there are a number of meno clinics there.
My top tip, based on feed back from many ladies on this site, would be to ask for Femoston sequi 1/10 and see how you go.  This HRT has a kinder progesterone and seems to be well tolerated by many women.
I'd go back to the GP that suggested HRT and say you'd like to try Femoston (you can say you've been doing research and this one is a more natural form of HRT with fewer side effects). I would stress that, having done some research from reputable sources, that you now know that you are experiencing an early menopause and you are really worried about the long term effect of this on your bones and heart and HRT is the best from of treatment.  You have found out that you need at least 5 years of HRT to help prevent these long term problems and get you through these difficult meno symptoms.  If she wavers, then I would ask for a referral to the meno clinic.
I like to write out my questions before I go to the GP so I don't forget things.
Good luck  DGx


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Re: New girl !!
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2015, 07:34:22 PM »

Hi essex rag doll. I have just posted my first post too and it sounds like we are in the same situation. I also mentioned in there about professor studd....check out his website


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Re: New girl !!
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2015, 09:30:33 AM »

You are right dancinggirl two out of the three GP I saw were in there early 30's so probably not going through this, the other female GP was probably my age but she was the one that basically told me that HRT only delayed the menopause. Thank you for the links I will give a good read of them tonight and maybe go back to my GP loaded with info. The symptoms I find the hardest to deal with are all psychological, the physical sides of Meno I can put up with with and they don't mess with my life, does HRT deal help with anxiety and brain fog etc ? (Sorry I am sure it will tell me all this when I read the articles)


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Re: New girl !!
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2015, 10:17:47 AM »

Hi Essexragdoll
Anxiety seems to be one of the most difficult meno symptoms to deal with for many women.
I have had periods of depression but I don't seem to suffer with undue anxiety.  Ironically it's my husband that seems to suffer with anxiety more - he sees dangers everywhere and worries about trivial things and leaves the big issues for me to deal with.
Many women do find HRT helps with anxiety. I believe that if you were not normally an over anxious person and you find you are suddenly feeling terrible anxiety as peri menopause emerges, then it is likely to be menopause related. We do have a number of ladies posting on MM who are desperately trying to control their anxiety but become terribly anxious about the risks and possible side effects of HRT and then get frustrated that HRT is not helping. I suspect these ladies already suffered with anxiety and the menopause has simply increased these feelings. Prof Stud has done all the research on this and treats women with HRT for all these mood related issues but, from what I read on this site, many women do find a SSRI alongside some HRT is often needed to really control the anxiety aspect of the menopause.
I do think that getting the menopause symptoms like flushes and night sweats under control can make a big difference.  Getting some decent sleep can make so many things better and will certainly help reduce brain fog - feeling tired all time is enough to make anyone feel in low mood and therefore more anxious .
The only way to see if HRT would help is to try it. If after 3-6 months you didn't get any benefit then you can stop - it's not something that you have to commit to for the long term.
The GP you saw who was your age may not be suffering badly with menopause symptoms. 40-50% of women sail through with no real problems!!!!
I did see a gynaecologist privately to get advice and he did recommend an SSRI called Citalopram as being the best for helping with many of the meno symptoms if HRT doesn't do the trick. I have a colleague at work who suffers awful anxiety and is now taking Citalopram and is feeling so much better.
I still think even a couple of years of HRT would be worth a try for you just to protect your heart and bones and, you never know, it might help a lot of other things as well.


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Re: New girl !!
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2015, 10:24:54 AM »

Thanks DG that is great advice, I have not as yet taken the AD's so think I should at least give them ago first before going back to my GP but if they fail, I will definitely consider trying HRT, my mum was on it for 13 years and said that it made her feel young again !! Now wouldn't that be wonderful  ;D


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Re: New girl !!
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2015, 10:37:45 AM »

Personally I would try the HRT first as you body needs the oestrogen at your age.  SSRIs can take 2-6 weeks to work and can give some initial side effects can some people find difficult to cope with, so you may need something to help you over this initial stage.  Do discuss these possible side effects properly with you GP.
Good luck  Dg x


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Re: New girl !!
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2015, 07:06:53 PM »

Thanks DG. You've given me food for thought as I've always been a worrier and peri has 't helped. The physical symptoms haven't been too bad for me either so I shall follow your suggestions up.


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Re: New girl !!
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2015, 01:12:33 PM »

Absolutely - as Dancinggirl says - don't take the ADs if you can possibly help it!  Also I agree with what she says re HRT. You need the oestrogen and it should help with anxiety - especially if you didn't suffer from this before. Yes if you've always been a worrier ( I have!) then you always will be - but HRT should enable you to live your life with your normal level of worry! As I have no medical reason not to take HRT I have always done so (now aged 61) and would never take ADs unless there was no alternative for my symptoms and situation.

Hurdity x


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Re: New girl !!
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2015, 08:45:44 PM »

Hi :) I am only 46 myself and my FSH was 70 back in August. I do not know if it is very high or just high as well. I am still having my periods occasionally but I have passed the stage of heavy bleeding. What I am noticing now is that I usually feel much worse about once every month(all the symptoms you described) and I start thinking it has something to do with the fluctuation of the hormones every month
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