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Author Topic: Anyone had an op for frozen shoulder?  (Read 17664 times)


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Re: Anyone had an op for frozen shoulder?
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2013, 01:48:26 PM »

panda...think I have said this before, but also try throwing a long scarf over the top of a door, then using it like a pulley, with your good arm pulling up the bad arm.  Don't push yourself through pain though.   Indeed, I was doing this one day when I literally felt something 'give' and within days I had about six inches of movement back. (I drew a line in eyebrow pencil on a door frame where my hand reached when I stood side went up and up until finally I can now get it over my head again.)

Tried accupuncture which didn't help me...but Bowen Therapy definitely did.  Its a strange, gentle therapy which uses tiny movements and works on the fascia (that thin membrane surrounding the tendons) but if you find a good therapist who has worked on FS before it really does something to free up the capsule.



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Re: Anyone had an op for frozen shoulder?
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2013, 02:54:21 PM »

panda...think I have said this before, but also try throwing a long scarf over the top of a door, then using it like a pulley, with your good arm pulling up the bad arm.  Don't push yourself through pain though.   Indeed, I was doing this one day when I literally felt something 'give' and within days I had about six inches of movement back. (I drew a line in eyebrow pencil on a door frame where my hand reached when I stood side went up and up until finally I can now get it over my head again.)

Sweet pea, this is very similar to the physio I was given, I lay on a bed with a metal grid type thing on the ceiling above me, they attached a long spring type thing to it and a sling on the end, my arm was put in the sling and I had to just gently swing my arm from side to side, and each week the spring was notched up alittle more, and the arc in which i swung my arm was bigger, I never really had any pain, and because it was so gradual, i did;nt even notice the improvement x


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Re: Anyone had an op for frozen shoulder?
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2013, 03:17:19 PM »

Hi Panda,

its called Arthroscopic Capsular Release for Frozen Shoulder, you can Google it, this seems the most common procedure for frozen shoulder it only takes about 30 mins, although it is uncomfortable it does help a lot.



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Re: Anyone had an op for frozen shoulder?
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2013, 09:27:57 PM »

Joyce...that reminds me, I also did pendulum swings. 

Lean over from the waist, and let the bad arm hang loose like wet spaghetti (I love that comparison) or a needle on a string....then move the arm back and forth like a pendulum - or if you can manage, in small circles. 

If you can only do the pendulum (back and forth in rigid movements) it proves how bad the capsule is.  Eventually you should be able to do circles.

We have a huge kitchen table - farmhouse style - and I got it into my head I would do this exercise, lying flat out on my front, half my body on, and half off the table with my arm hanging down.  (If you have ever tried to lie completely flat on your front, shoulders flat down with a frozen shoulder, it is impossible.)  Anyhoo, you've guessed neighbour did the 'whoo-hoo' thing and let herself in...only to find me spread eagled amongst the kellogs cornflakes. 

Took a lot of explaining....
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 09:32:04 PM by sweet pea »


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Re: Anyone had an op for frozen shoulder?
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2013, 10:24:31 PM »

Thank you sweet pea, Joyce21 and Tink,

I've been given lots of exercises to do from my physio, including various stretching and weight-bearing ones. She also gave me a resistance band to build strength. (Love the kitchen table scenario, lol).

Have googled the op (not always a good idea!) along with patient forums.

Can't pay for 'alternative' treatment as I don't have enough cash, so stuck with whatever the NHS can offer....which is currently physio and acupuncture.

I do have a lot more movement that when I first got frozen shoulder, for which I am very grateful, but it's difficult getting my arm behind my back - although I'm doing stretching exercises every day to lengthen the muscles.

I don't really want surgery (general anaesthetic) and all the associated risks (infection / blood clot / numbness / pain / worsening of the condition / etc) nor do I want to take at least 2 weeks off work (self-employed) and face several weeks of very intense physiotherapy.... but I wanted to look into ALL the available options.




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Re: Anyone had an op for frozen shoulder?
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2014, 03:17:05 AM »

Yes, I had my left shoulder frozen for oven two years trying cortisone shots , physio,  acupuncture and massage. Nothing worked. Had surgery a little over a year and beside nerve damage that has now stopped and having more movement. Went to physio for seven month three days a week. My arm is not straight but a lot better. I was home three months to heal but also had calcium deposits and bone spores.  I would say have the surgery. Right now I am in the beginning of my right arm freezing so too much pain so hopefully will not need surgery but probably will because extra came back with similar to the left shoulder.If you have any suggestions please let me know. Good luck.

gorgeous fluffpot

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Re: Anyone had an op for frozen shoulder?
« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2014, 01:03:29 PM »

I had a frozen shoulder last year ... fell over onto my outstretched arm and within two weeks I had the pain (wincing while I remember it) and the zinging electric pains when I reached out my arm.  Doctor prescribed physio to keep the arm open as it was freezing.  In a nutshell, I tried acupuncture for pain relief which worked.  Then my sister told me about an article in the Daily Mail about the Neil Asher Technique, so I went to the London clinic and had a session there.  I instantly gained movement and went back a month later, and each time had more movement restored.  Honestly, please believe me, the Neil Asher trigger point therapy works!!  Bear in mind that I live in southwest France, and had to fly back, stay over 2 nights at a hotel (due to plane times not linking in with appointment times, ) so, in total, rarely got change each visit from £500 or more.  But it was worth every single penny, I had five treatments over five months and shoulder is pretty much back to normal with almost fully restored movement.  I'm not linked to the clinic in any way, just a really happy customer, and you can find them on for more info.  I'm happy to say more if you want on this.


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Re: Anyone had an op for frozen shoulder?
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2014, 01:55:30 AM »

I had surgery in 2013 on left shoulder then February 2014 right arm froze. It is now October and started acupuncture and cupping and just two sessions and a lot of movement now just not over my head yet.  I have a lot of bruising from cupping but will go back next week and hopefully more success. I too need more surgery on right shoulder but am trying hard to do it myself. Will keep everyone posted.



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Re: Anyone had an op for frozen shoulder?
« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2014, 10:12:26 AM »

I have had a frozen shoulder in both arms which lasted about 18 months on each side. I had weekly physio and a list of exercises to do at home which i felt helped. The acupuncture that i had did no good, but i did feel the cortozone injection did. It does take time and is a real inconvenience but i would not go down the route of surgery unless i had no choice. Both my arms have full mobility back thank god. x


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Re: Anyone had an op for frozen shoulder?
« Reply #24 on: January 16, 2015, 07:39:48 PM »

Hi ladies

I have had frozen shoulder since July 2014 had cortisone I jection did physio and after 5 months with no difference and when I caught my arm the pain was so unbearable I ended up in tears as you can't do anything about it you have to wait until  it stops the consultant sent me for MRI scan and then said I did have a bad case of frozen shoulder worse case he had seen I can't wash or brush hair properly with right hand dress myself raise my hand any higher than straight out and decided I couldn't wait until it comes back which could be 12 to 18 months even longer so I decided to have the op to release the tendon which I did 2 days before Xmas thinking well at least I would have time off work during the xmas period without having too much time out of work which I did I was back driving within 2 weeks or when you felt able to do an emergency stop that is what I was told and of course having stitches in the shoulder where the seat belt went it had to be comfortable .i am now having physio but am disappointed thinking I would be able to move more than I can but I am hoping it's a time thing and if I keep on with the exercises that I will get more movement back than I have at present after going through the operation and having a reaction to the anaesthetic I don't want to give up .but of course there is no gaurantee it will return fully that is why your told in order you don't Sue so all I can do is live in hope but I have got to be patient .my physio did suggest accupuncture so been interesting reading other experiences on this forum .
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