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Author Topic: New member reassurance needed please  (Read 2661 times)


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New member reassurance needed please
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:56:25 PM »


I am 53 and my periods stopped three years ago, my then GP told me that a blood test had shown that I was devoid of All hormones and was officially an 'old woman' Apart from the lack of periods I had no other symptoms and was quite proud of the way I was sailing through my menopause!!!

However, during September of last year I started experiencing familiar pre-menstrual symptoms, painful boons etc and then started a light period. I went to my GP who said that this was irregular and sent me to hospital, where I had several tests including swabs taken from the lining of the womb- all was normal, i.e. Nothing nasty was going in like cancer- thankfully.

Subsequent blood tests then showed that the hormones were back!! And I have had a couple of small bleeds since then.

I also have pernicious anaemia and coeliac disease; this was diagnosed around the same time as my periods stopped?

Now, I feel dreadful, the worst symptoms are palpitations ( almost constantly, especially evening and night) morning sickness feeling which can and do (like today) last all day and headaches and fatigue and I feel a mess and worried.

My GP is at a loss as to how the hormones could vanish and then come back, I wondered if It could be due to the malnutrition due to the coeliac disease?

I can't have HRT as I took it for ten years from age 28, as I had all of one and 1/2 of the other ovary removed.

I don't really know what to expect from here, but I just wondered if anyone has experienced a similar scenario, and also should I really be feeling this ill or could it all be something else?

Thanks for reading this, I hope someone can help me,




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Re: New member reassurance needed please
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2015, 10:11:04 PM »

 :welcomemm:  HRT has improved over those years since you stopped.  Do not dis-miss it as a treatment!

Have a browse of menus, left of screen.  Make notes.  Keep a mood/food diary and chart your anxiety - is it worse at any particular time of day or when you are hungry for example.  If the body is hunger, anxiety can spike which can cause awful feelings  :-\

In peri-menopause the bodies hormone levels dip and rise 'normally', I had intermittent periods for 2/half years before they finally stopped.  Some months I would go without any symptoms at all [and I had BAD PMT for years], others I would bleed lightly or 'normally' for me.  Then it all stopped  :)

Your GP sent you for tests because after a gap of 12 months any bleeding should be investigated.  As expected you are OK and your body appears to be acting 'within normal limits'. Hwever, GPs don't always have a handle on what to expect when ladies present in Surgery with Menopaussal symptoms [pity I can't spell  ::)>:(

You may need a thyroid function test as not all our symptoms should be blamed on menopause  ;) but usually it is the reason  ::)



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Re: New member reassurance needed please
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2015, 10:20:25 PM »

I can't really help except tell you that when I was diagnosed peri meno 2 yrs ago age 42 that's exactly how I felt, palpitations are horrible!
Maybe it has something to do with your coeliac diesease it can be a horrible thing taking all your nutrients. My daughter was severely anemic due to this and had practically no nutrients in her body she 21. Hormones were all over the place and caused her blood to form clots for no reason resulting in high BP and the lose of a kidney. She had no other symptons like stomach or bowel quite unusual but has stuck to gluten free diet and 1 year later hormones and bloods are perfect, worth a thought. Maybe someone can relate to your situation and be along soon


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Re: New member reassurance needed please
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2015, 08:18:01 AM »


Thanks you so much for replies.

I have struggled with quite a lot of health issues over the past five years with the pernicous anaemia diagnosis and then the coeliac disease; and it was therefore a bit of a shock to discover that I hadn't in fact finished the menopause at all!! :-\

I do have a fantastic nutritionalist who is currently advising me with regard to the coeliac and I sent him my last blood test/ hormone results yesterday so hopefully he can suggest something.

The palpitations were dreadful when I went to bed, however I noticed that When I woke
during the night (after eventually getting to sleep!) I noticed that the palps were much reduced which makes me think that I may be making them I 'worse' by concentrating on them?

I was honestly quite shocked that periods can restart after 3-years, but it would appear from information given here that this is quite normal? Could job I can no longer have children; that would have been a bit of a shock!!!!

Thanks again



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Re: New member reassurance needed please
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2015, 09:13:37 AM »

Hi and welcome to MM Carolineanne
What a tough time you've had one way and another.
You mentioned you suffered malnutrition as a result of the coeliac problem - did you become seriously underweight for some time?  Many dancers and sportswomen find their periods stop because they are on such a restricted diet and so underweight. One of the indicators for anorexia is the lack of a menstrual cycle. Also the fact you have only half an ovary left wouldn't help as this would have to work very had to give you the hormones you need. We are part of nature and like nature how our bodies do strange things so if your half an ovary decides to give another gasp of breath and give off some hormones then it will. Perhaps your diet has been better and this has triggered your cycle.  However, you will be peri menopausal so this is why you are getting these typical symptoms.

Do read up all the info under the headings to the left of this screen to get really clued up.

I'm sure your dietician is addressing the issue of anaemia - you must be feeling rotten with this.
If you were given HRT when you were 28 to help maintain your hormone levels I am baffled as to why you are not still on them.  Why did they only prescribe them for 10 years?  Did they test your hormone levels when you were 38 and they were then OK?
The guidelines only recommend women consider stopping HRT 5 years after the natural age of the menopause - the average age when most women go into post meno is considered 53-55 so any risk factors don't kick in till 60.
If your hormone levels have been so low for some time then it would be advisable to get your bone density checked especially as you have had nutritional issues. It's called a DEXA scan so ask your GP for this test as treatment to prevent bone loss can be given -  a diet rich in calcium, Vitamin D and magnesium and possibly HRT alongside. HRT prevents bone loss.
It may well be worth going back on HRT - the newer bio identical HRT regimes are kinder and could help your general health.
I had a premature meno in my 30s and have been on HRT on and off since then.  I am now 58 and after a one year break from HRT(to see how I coped) I am now back on HRT and the palpations have stopped, the flushes and night sweats have stopped, the headaches and nausea have stopped - such bliss.
Ask if there is a menopause clinic in your area to perhaps ask for a referral to a gynae to get some advice about HRT.
Keep positing.   DG x


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Re: New member reassurance needed please
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2015, 09:53:48 AM »

Hi, and thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

They started me on HRT originally as they thought my one remaining 1/2 overly wouldn't work and they didn't want me to go into such an early menopause with particular regard to brittle bones. They then took me off it at ten years as they thought the increased risk with regard to Breast Cancer was too high.

I was very malnourished prior to coeliac diagnosis and eventually did drop quite a lot of weight in a short period; and I had the same thoughts re anoxeria and ceasation of periods as you. My nutritionalist is currently investigating this.

Incidentally I have had a Dexa scan which thankfully was fine.

I really trying not stress too much about this situation, but it has come as a bit of a shock!!! My GP (who is lovely) says that I should look at it as a bit of a period holiday for three years ::)

It is so great to talk to people here that know what they are talking about, and reassuring, I was starting to feel that I was going bit bonkers!

Thanks again


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Re: New member reassurance needed please
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2015, 07:24:22 PM »

Let us know how you get on and if your Nutritionalist comes back with good info!  You are no longer alone >wave<


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Re: New member reassurance needed please
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2015, 10:16:48 PM »

Hi carolineanne
It sounds to me as though you are being really sensible and seeking good advice.
Do keep us posted about your progress. DG x