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Author Topic: My Story  (Read 3913 times)

meno lesley

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My Story
« on: January 01, 2015, 06:35:44 PM »


I found this wonderful site 4 years ago when the menopause madness hit. I thought I would tell my story in order that it may help someone as I know that reading other women stories was so beneficial for me. When I look back at the last 4 years I hate to think what I have cost the nhs in appointments, tests, etc. and do wonder if it could all have been avoided.

I was 48 when I had my last period and for the next four years I had hot sweats to varying degrees but managed it ok and naively thought that I was sailing through menopause!!! The next four years I will try and put in chronological order:

1. Stabbing pains in left side of head - blood tests showing nothing.

2. Pins and needles in hands and feet - after some while saw neurologist who found nothing.

3. Joint and bone pain all over which was so bad I couldn't sit, lay or stand - various X-rays showing nothing apart from wear and tear.

4. Crying all the time, was truly like the niagra falls all  the time - prescribed various antidepressants.

5. Diarhoae - various medication to try and stop it. Then had a camera up and down which showed nothing.

6. Anxiety where I couldn't eat or breathe properly - stronger antidepressantx.

7. Tinnitus - told had to live with it.

8. Mouth ulcers - prescribed ointment.

9. Cramp - prescribed quinine which didn't help.

10. Insomnia, went from sleeping really well to getting through work on no sleep at all.

11. Constantly burping and full of wind - more medication!!

12. Foot pain which was/is so bad that unsure whether I could continue working - various trips to specialists etc and decided that being flat footed was causing all the pain.

13. Muscle pain all over - blank look from doctor!!

14. Numb feeling mostly in fingertips and feet - more puzzled looks.

15. Some spotting whilst using various hrts and had 2 stays in hospital for investigations.

16. Dry eyes - eye clinic and nothing found.

17. Fuzzy head with a feeling that I was wearing a metal hat.

I may have left some things out but during these years I was initially up against a brick wall with my gp who wouldn't prescribe hrt as said I would only get all the symptoms back again when I stopped. I managed to get hrt off of another doctor in the practice when my own gp took early retirement (probably because I drove him to it). So started a rocky road with 5 different types of hrt resulting in now taking 2 pumps of Estrogel and utrogestan all the time. A few months ago I paid to see Nick Panay in London who a few ladies had seen on this site and have to say that he is the only one that has actually sat and listened. I spoke of my concerns of being 56 and not being able to stay on hrt for ever as gps have such a different view. He said that he had women in their 80s on it.

I cannot say that the above list has all disappeared and I do have days that my head is all over the show, I feel weepy and I hurt but feel that hrt has helped me cope as a whole and do realise that these days pass. 

I was told by one gp that they had one lecture in their training on menopause, not sure if more money was invested at this point that there would be a better understanding.

I'm not sure where I would be now without the knowledge and help I gained on this site.

Thank you.

Lesley xxx


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Re: My Story
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2015, 07:36:57 PM »

Hi there, Happy New Year to you. Just have to say that I can identify with more or less all your symptoms which I put up with for 12 years because I was so frightened of HRT making my migraine worse and because my mum died of breast cancer. However, two months ago I decided I couldn't carry on and I saw a private Gynae. At almost 65 I am now on HRT and very much better already. The lady Gynae was not bothered about my age and I know of a lady in her 80s still on HRT. I can only suggest that if you want to stay on it and your GP won't prescribe it when you are over 60 (as I believe some won't) then if you can possible afford it, go private. This is a wonderful site which offers much needed comfort to those who would otherwise suffer in silence. The misery the menopause inflicts on some women is very underrated. I'm sure that years ago it was the cause of many women being incarcerated in lunatic asylums; I'm sure that's where I would have been if I lived during those times!  ;D :o

meno lesley

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Re: My Story
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2015, 07:44:57 PM »

You and me together in the asylum! Have read a bit about women during those times and it must have been awful for them.

As you say I may have to go down the private route in a few years.

Happy new year xx

Ju Ju

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Re: My Story
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2015, 10:38:15 PM »

I too went the private route last year, though supported by a young female doctor. She had worked this gynaecologist a few years before. I'm 60 and had gone through the menopause a few years ago. It has been amazing how much difference a low dose of oestrogen has made, though I struggled with progesterone but have found it bearable if I just have a progesterone cycle every 3 months. I too was wary of HRT as my sister died of breast cancer.


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Re: My Story
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2015, 10:43:44 PM »

Really helpful post. Thanks so much. Reassuring that I am not the only one with burping as a symptom!! X