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Author Topic: Newbie riding the hormone roller coaster  (Read 6843 times)


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Newbie riding the hormone roller coaster
« on: May 05, 2014, 04:53:27 PM »

Hi there ladies,
I am 42 and have been doin this Meno thing now for at least 5 years. It all started with and episode of Unexplained Ovarian Failure,UOF just after my 37 birthday. I had a 1 and a half year old son, my third in fact, and found myself unable to book in for my smear test as I couldnt work out my cycle. Cancer was the worry and I was sent for tests. I was informed that I was displaying hormone levels of a Post Menopausal woman and with the hot flushes, sleeplessness and generally feeling like a basket case I didn't cope well with the diagnosis. being told that my vagina was atrophied was an exceptionally high point for me, please read with sarcastic tone, and when noone was interested in explaining to me why I was in this situation, just have some HRT and go away, I elected to go away and educate myself. I embarked on a course of good living, cut out the booze and caffeine and researched herbal remedies. A year later I seemed to be menstruating again and wondered if it was just a blip, stress maybe, but when I stopped my red clover and didnt take my nightly sage tea everything crumbled again. (Thank goodness for my Dyson Fan in the bedroom and Debra Waterhouses' "Menopause without weight gain" a beautiful book that I return to frequently for its common sense and great vibe.) Periodically my herbs have failed me and I have had to change them around for similar alternatives, I have also found that St Johns Wort has helped my mood issues which have at times been very debilitating :'(. I am now considering Star flower for mood modulation, this latest cycle has been very draining emotionally, crying almost all day until I began menstruating.
There are some persistent issues that are becoming increasingly unbearable and I am now wondering of I need to seek further guidance on my situation or whether I do in fact need to take some HRT.
I menstruate every 4 weeks but the third cycle I miss. The whole month leading up to the next go is pretty awful. Pains all over my body but especially my neck and the base of my head, my old symphasis pubis injury becomes painful as well, I bloat and feel nausea in the mornings, I am tearful and become insular just about able to continue with daily tasks of child care and the house, incredible tiredness and increased appetite.
As I type I am just midway through being on and although relieved to be finally on I am still racked with aches and pains and feel like getting into bed and staying there indefinitely.
I am a relatively healthy lady, 30 mins of exercise most days, and I am normally a social creature, but this process just lately is leaving me fearful that no matter how hard I try to maintain myself or go with the flow I'm running a loosing race with my body.
The last time I saw a consultant Gynee I was left feeling extremely upset by his hideous attitude, I would prefer a woman but there isn't one locally. There is no specific nurse at my GP practice to discuss such matters with and the GP who is identified as having a specialism I don't have any faith in. Should i go to the GPs and simply ask for a referral to a Gynecologist. How is a woman expected to look after herself at such times. I'm an ex nurse so have some understanding of the system but I cant see how womens' needs are met during the Meno.
Wow what a long post. Any advise greatly appreciated.


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Re: Newbie riding the hormone roller coaster
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2014, 06:09:23 PM »

Hi pixiegirl and welcome to MM
I started to be peri meno in my mid 30s - periods all over the place etc.  They did a D&C and then my periods stopped completely !!! Blood tests were done and they told me I was peri meno and needed HRT!!! I tried chinese herbal medicine which did seem to get my periods back but this proved very expensive and constantly boiling up strange stuff to drink was very tiresome. I was also worried about what exactly was in this chinese medicine and the possible toxic effects. So - I went back to my lovely GP  (an older experienced lady) who simply said that if I was her daughter she would insist I use HRT - I gave in and went on HRT.  I had to try a variety of different HRTs before I found the best option for me (Oestogel and progesterone pills) but I'm pleased I did as I now know I've been protecting my heart and bones. I'm now 58 and came off HRT 6 months ago.
You must realise that if you experience oestrogen deficiency before the age of 50 you may have long term issues with your heart and bones so, unless you have health reasons for not taking HRT, you should be prescribed it.  Your GPs are actually being negligent if they do not advice  you to take HRT if you are in meno and under 50!! 
An assessment of where you are at in your menopause would be advisable.  Though blood tests are notoriously unreliable it could be worth having your FSH level checked - if it's high then you are in peri and a low dose of HRT could help reduce symptoms.
BTW if you are experiencing some vaginal atrophy do get some local oestrogen like Vagifem - this will help reduce problems with the bladder and vaginal dryness. VA can cause all kinds of problems  - and I know  :-X - one often needs local oestrogen plus systemic HRT.
A referral to a gynae could be a good idea.
Read up all the info under the headings to the left of his screen.
Keep posting .  DG x


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Re: Newbie riding the hormone roller coaster
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2014, 07:37:53 PM »

Hi Pixiegirl

Just to say  :welcomemm: from me too and I agree with what Dancinggirl has advised. You don't want to be suffering and don't need to be. Not sure how you got to see a gynae before, but if there is no-one in your practice that understands menopause nor is a specialist that is able to help, you should be able to ask for a referral to a menopause clinic on NHS - if there is one near you ( or maybe even if there isn't).

You should be able to find one here:

If you click on where you live they are all listed and the details will tell you whether they are NHS or private.

You should also have other blood tests at this point especially if you are experiencing tiredness and aches and pains eg thyroid function. The doctors should do a full blood count as well as the FSH one (for menopause) if you complain of these symptoms.

Hurdity x


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Re: Newbie riding the hormone roller coaster
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2014, 01:11:26 PM »

Hi there ladies,
                thanks for the swift replies. Boosted by the response I sat with my partner and made a summary of my symptoms to date, a 'one pager' as he calls it. Quite mind blowing to see all of the symptoms and methods of coping I've tried. This morning I've booked myself in for an NHS health check and also to see the Dr and get some control of my hormone situation. If I'm not happy with the consultation I'll ask for a referral at the same time.
I've been taking sea kelp for thyroid type symptoms for a little while now, my energy levels were so low that I needed to help myself out somehow.
Do you guys have a visit to the doctors check list? I want to get all of my questions answered and I'm sure there are things I haven't considered.


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Re: Newbie riding the hormone roller coaster
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2014, 01:22:33 PM »

If you have a look at the green menu on the left then that covers most of the symptoms.
Your list sounds like a good idea as its really easy to forget what to ask.

Let us know how you get on.



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Re: Newbie riding the hormone roller coaster
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2014, 04:09:10 PM »

Some interesting developments! Used the menu on the left as indicated and found myself looking at a Clinic run at Northwick Park Hospital. Even better I then found an email contact for the clinic, pinged of a potted history and the very next day had a reply. Looks like I fit into their early Meno category and they have have suggested that I should ask for a referral from my GP. This is all most positive :)  I am now feeling cautiously optimistic. GP booked for the 14th of May, so I shall update after that. Fingers crossed that I don't encounter too much resistance from the Doc.
Even though I'm siting in bed feeling thoroughly tired and nauseous having a bit of a plan is allowing me to cut myself some slack.


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Re: Newbie riding the hormone roller coaster
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2014, 09:15:11 PM »

Bit of an update. :) Attended my appointment at Northwick Park Hospital last week. Despite quite a long drive from Hertfordshire to Harrow I had a very comprehensive and re assuring meeting with the Doctor at the early menopause clinic. I am to submit a blood test in September and then to return to discuss taking some HRT in October. All of the ladies at the clinic were very welcoming and the advise was considered and compassionate. Yesterday I received an appointment for some counselling and today I managed to rearrange it for a more suitable time in two weeks time!! Such speed and sensitivity is very welcome. I was also offered assistance with urine issues which I have had since giving birth the first time some 14 years ago. Although still ambivalent about HRT I am confident that the process is collaborative.


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Re: Newbie riding the hormone roller coaster
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2014, 09:42:30 PM »

Great news Pixiegirl.  Keep us posted. DG x


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Re: Newbie riding the hormone roller coaster
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2014, 04:10:46 AM »

Well done! Keep the momentum going! I used to live in harrow and also hertfordshire - northwick park is great. I have been on hrt for just over 8 months and am much better - not fab or perfect but well enough to live and enjoy life. Hope it all works out for you. Keep pushing until you get to where you need to be


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Re: Newbie riding the hormone roller coaster
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2014, 05:26:44 PM »

Hi there,
this is more of an update on my last post. I returned to Northwick Park with my partner and did not leave with any HRT but a script for Qlaira!!!! This is a combined pill with extremely low doses of all the relevant hormones for throughout the cycle. I am onto my second packet and have to say that I feel like a new woman. Instead of leaving feeling like I had given in to the meno situation and that all my best attempts to cope had come to naught I left with a spring in my step sneakily wondering about all the ways our sex life could be reinvigorated with some oral contraception added to the mix. This option was proposed by a GP who was only in the room to learn and who had been totally silent for most of the consultation. Thank goodness she spoke up.


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Re: Newbie riding the hormone roller coaster
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2014, 06:04:54 PM »

Thanks so much for your update. If you read through some of my previous posts, you will see we are the same age and in a very similar situation - to the extent that my doctor has also recently suggested Qlaira. (I have been on HRT for two months but my own cycle is till overriding it on occasions; this leads to bursts of nausea and fatigue). I am (was) slightly reticent to swap from the patches as I knew so little about Qlaira and was worried about potential  side effects (especially weight gain and acne) so it's great to hear of your positive experience with it. Thank you! x


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Re: Newbie riding the hormone roller coaster
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2014, 05:37:24 PM »

Hi there Briony,
              nice to hear from another lady in a similar boat.
I was also quite worried about Qlaira and side effects, fearing that I would be trading one set of symptoms for another, but so far so good. The staff at Northwick Park seemed to think that using HRT at this point was not going to be that successful as it couldn't be as sophisticated as the situation required, as you mentioned the erratic nature of the cycle being impossible to counter.
I am not experiencing weight gain on Qlaire, in fact I'm experiencing a total reduction in bloating and my stomach no longer feels anxious and distended. I have had a few spots but in a menstrual cycle way, eg cos I'm coming on. The flushes at night have gone so I am sleeping better, which means I look less like a crazy bag lady and I'm nicer to hang around with. I'm not having the aches and pains in my body any more and the headaches have gone as well.
I know its not a long term answer but as long as my BP is within normal range and everything else is as it should be I'm happy with the Qlaira for now. I'll be having a check up in April.


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Re: Newbie riding the hormone roller coaster
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2014, 07:56:24 PM »

Hi again, thanks so much for your reply. So often people only mention the negative effects of pills when reviewing on websites,  so it's great to have the balance redressed. Do keep us updated with your progress as I know there are a number of us on here who are peri-menopausal and considering Qlaira . It doesn't seem to be well known (probably because it's so expensive!) so your feedback is really appreciated   B x