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Author Topic: We'll that was some Xmas day  (Read 9189 times)


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We'll that was some Xmas day
« on: December 25, 2014, 09:39:54 PM »

Oh heck
What a day

Hubby got up this morning with an upset tummy....... Wondered what it was as the rest of us were fine. We had sea food for dinner last night and I did think that some of it,was a bit of a strange texture. We had got it from a fish farm which is usually great. I was fine all day until tea time then all of a sudden needed the loo......holy heavens not good. Spent fifteen minutes in the loo, and then ok.
Okish  now but not great. Really worn out now, what was that all about. Iffy seafood. It could only happen to me.
So glad it's all over and done with and looking forward to getting into my bed.



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Re: We'll that was some Xmas day
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2014, 10:03:40 PM »

 :-X ……… I keep well away from sea food ……….

Hubby better now?  Lots of bottled water or flat Coke is supposedly good for upset tums?


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Re: We'll that was some Xmas day
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2014, 10:10:44 PM »

Of all days for it to happen. Hope your tums stay settled. Worth mentioning to fish farm maybe?

My 4 bird roast was OK, though useless to carve, fell to pieces.

I was a grumpy so in so all day. Got out of bed wrong side. Hubby was given a remote control helicopter from son for Christmas. I went mental at him as I have very expensive light fitting in living room which could easily get wrecked by rotars. Did hubby care? Not a jot!  However daughter gave me beautiful charms with initials of grandkids engraved in them. So now have to buy bracelet to put them on. 😀


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Re: We'll that was some Xmas day
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2014, 10:12:20 PM »

We had remote helis last year and forgot about them  ::) - had planned to fly them on the patio when the weather improved ……….  ;D

If your birds fell apart it means they were cooked  ;)


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Re: We'll that was some Xmas day
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2014, 10:13:51 PM »

That was what hubby said too. Not much duck though & still trying to work out which bit was goose.


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Re: We'll that was some Xmas day
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2014, 10:29:59 PM »

Dinner was good I think although I ate a tablespoonful of the lot. Quite hungry now though. Tummy ok, really don't know what happened. Obviously it was yesterday's dinner. Was really worried about hubby this morning as I thought it might be a bug. Oh heck what a day  :o


Ju Ju

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Re: We'll that was some Xmas day
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2014, 11:18:52 PM »

Well Christmas went on all around me today! I sat in my best PJs looking decorative and enjoying watching my grandson unwrapping presents and becoming absorbed in each one. He'd been instructed not to climb on me, but he snuggled up close to me. He's such a lovely child. We only opened a few presents and will finish opening the rest tomorrow. I was relieved when they went off to my daughter's partners family for the afternoon, as I felt rough and was in pain, but after a sleep, I felt a lot better. They come back tomorrow. My parents were supposed to come, but they are both recovering from a virus. I'm rather relieved, as mum is wearing. even though I wouldn't have to do anything. They'll come when we've all better. I'd have had to put on a show, but with my daughter and family, I can just be.


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Re: We'll that was some Xmas day
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2014, 11:54:01 PM »

Glad you survived the day Ju Ju. I'm sure you will be even better tomorrow.
I'm really unsure what has been wrong with us.
Hubby unwell for about half an hour, and then fine although I did give him an Imodium. I was fine all day until just after 5pm them felt horrible for a little while. Took an Imodium and scrubbed my hands and swallowed hard as I was dishing up and then it just went. I'm glad it did but....what the heck was that all about.
Not sure I will buy my seafood from that place again.

Really hungry now but have had nothing to eat. Think I will wait till tomorrow now.

Hey ho, tomorrow is another and hopefully healthier day.



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Re: We'll that was some Xmas day
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2014, 12:07:24 AM »

Hi all - dinner went well - beef was actually lovely.  It's all so manic though and I feel exhausted now - hubby has totally over indulged on everything and is still drinking wine.  I feel flat.  It's been such a busy day and we all spent lots.  My sister has a virus and just moaned all day - the chikdren has lots of toys and were very good.  Few simmering family frictions bubbled.  My mother was fine but very quiet.  I have drank different bits all day - glAss port here,  bubbly there and feel ugh!
I just feel flat - hey ho - tomorrow another day. 
Goodnight ladies xxx
( hope you fell better tomorrow HB - what a nightmare to be ill on Xmas day)


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Re: We'll that was some Xmas day
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2014, 09:29:13 AM »

we spread present opening until 8.30 because DH and Mother had a sleep - Mum was gone before the Queen had finished her Speech and said when she woke "She didn't say much this year"  ;D

DH and I watched Puss in Boots cartoon  :-*   :-*  onwards and upwards!


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Re: We'll that was some Xmas day
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2014, 10:10:01 AM »

Christmas day was going well, though OH always insists on cooking the Turkey meal and I get a little frustrated as I would quite like to do, but I don't want to upset him.

I felt well until a little while after the meal ( which was good) until I started to feel a bloated ache in my upper left side under my ribs and then spread, very uncomfortable and nothing I took seemed to shift it, didn't feel too good at all.

Ended up going to bed about eight in the evening (OH was fine) had to record "Call the Midwife" and " Downton Abbey  Christmas special" which I was looking forward too :(

Can only think maybe it was the brussel sprouts and chestnuts I had a reaction too, as it seemed to ease after taking some liquid Piriton.

Feel fine this morning and have much more of an appetite then yesterday.


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Re: We'll that was some Xmas day
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2014, 10:27:16 AM »

Hello ladies.

I thought I'd also relate my Xmas experience.

I felt jittery and on edge all day which is so frustrating and makes me want to cry. All day I kept retreating upstairs to lay on the bed to try and calm down. Hubby cooked lunch for us all as usual although he struggled as last week he injured his back and has a trapped nerve. My job is clearing up which suits me and I quite enjoy. The quivers were so bad that I resorted to sherry and wine and while I was a bit squiffy I felt much better! As the alcohol wore off I noticed the horrible feelings return. At about 10 pm, after another lie down I began to feel much calmer and almost normal so I sat with the others and watched some television.

As usual this morning I'm quivery and on edge and we are out visiting at lunch time. Talking this through with my 25 year old daughter this morning I realised that the only times I felt calm yesterday were when I'd had a drink and when the jitters had finally given up at 10 pm.

This hormonal stuff is such a pain and I am heartily sick of it.

Wishing you all well, ladies and here's to a better time next year.

Take care.



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Re: We'll that was some Xmas day
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2014, 11:42:08 AM »

Today, I'm a bit jittery, not sure why. Bed made up for son & GF as they are coming for Boxing Day meal later. Sauce made for prawn & smoked salmon starter, chocolate mousse made & setting in fridge.

Apparently our grandkids managed to stay in bed until 7.30 yesterday morning. DD got home at about 8.15 from night shift, so kids got to open Santa gifts before DD retired to bed. They started opening rest at about 4pm.

First & last drink I had was with meal, couldn't face any more.


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Re: We'll that was some Xmas day
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2014, 12:40:44 PM »

Well, I've decided that I don't really enjoy Christmas Day at all, it seems to be all hassle and stress  :(

I much prefer Christmas Eve and Boxing Day, more festive and relaxing  ;)



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Re: We'll that was some Xmas day
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2014, 01:21:46 PM »

Me too Libby :)
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