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Author Topic: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic  (Read 28710 times)


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adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:48:32 PM »

I am new on this forum and had an early menopause, diagnosed formally, after a lot of messing around, at age 41.  It had been going on since age 32.   I went through infertility, donor egg ivf, miscarriage ... complete meltdown really and then we adopted a lovely little boy and haven't ever looked back.  We love him to pieces and are now happy with our choices, although it has been a long path to reach this point.

I have been on HRT patches, Evorel conti and Sequi, and I thought they were OK.  But after two years I get some panic, adrenaline surges, strong beating heart etc and this causes me increasing general panic as it sometimes wakes me at night.  This doesn't seem like me at all.  I am scared I have a thyroid problem, but my doctor says I would have other constant symptoms if I did.   But unfortunately I don't trust him very much, esp since it took me 8 years to get a diagnosis of premature ovarian failure in the first place, and no-one, absolutely no-one, would listen to me when I told them I sensed something was 'wrong with my hormones' -which turned out to be completely right in the end!  I was completely infertile during that time as well, and all people kept telling me was 'try harder to get pregnant'!

So sick of all this and just want to get on with life but sorry for having a moan. 
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 11:01:33 PM by PoF »


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Re: adrenalin surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2014, 02:57:10 PM »

 :welcomemm: ………… you may require a hike in dosage as your hormone levels alter?  Do you have a Practice Nurse for a chat with.  Or a meno clinic within travelling distance?  Have a read of the menus, left of screen to get ideas.  Browse round, ask away - we have a 'humorous' room too  ;)


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Re: adrenalin surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2014, 07:09:01 PM »

Hello PoF and welcome to the forum.

I think a lot of women will recognise the symptoms that you describe, I am certainly familiar with the panic and adrenalin surges side of things. At 58 I am a lot older than you but I still bitterly resent the whole menopause journey and struggle to believe that our hormones can be quite so troublesome.

I'm afraid I can't comment on thyroid issues and I'm no HRT expert but I'm sure that other ladies will be along to help you.

I hope that you can find the right balance so that you can enjoy family life without having to give the menopause another thought !

Take care.



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Re: adrenalin surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2014, 09:54:26 PM »

I know how you feel. It took me 3 years to get diagnosed after signing myself into a psychiatric ward because of anxiety getting out of control. The symptoms you describe is exactly as I felt. The adrenaline and panic I thought was hormonal but because 1 st hrt didn't work was told it was not hormonal. Four years later a lot of trials with hrt but learning on how to help control the hormonal ups and downs. I have been trying mindfulness and relaxation courses. I have also been doing an anxiety course online. This does bit take the feeling away but I can deal with it a bit better. I really hope someone can come along soon with sine help with the hrt as I don't know enough to help good luck x


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Re: adrenalin surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2014, 11:33:26 AM »

thanks - this is reassuring. I'm still scared though - can't help it! :-\    NO matter what I tell myself, the surges are scary and I worry i'm going to collapse or something. And everything takes so long to sort out via the GP etc etc and it seems I always have to fight to be listened to.


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Re: adrenalin surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2014, 02:06:40 PM »

It's horrible feeling like this, you have had it rough , I'm 44 started perimeno at 42 and it was the anxiety and palpitations that got me I ended up at AE 3 times GP sending me but all clear, but it's in back of mind cause they send you. It will get easier can't say when but I can relate to the thinking there is something more wrong, hope you feel better soon


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Re: adrenalin surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2014, 03:35:58 PM »

I find it reassuring I'm not the only one that feels like this spent a long time thinking it was just me x


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Re: adrenalin surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2014, 05:29:30 PM »

I am 48 and think I have been in peri for about 5 years as this is when I first experienced the fast heartbeat.  I have been to A & E a couple of times since my first attack and have been told I have SVT.  My heartbeat raises to about 160 during an attack which can last for anything up to about 6 hours I think was the longest.

My main problems are the adrenalin surges, palpitations and anxiety.  I think they are definitely hormonal and have been keeping a symptom diary to show my gp who doesn't believe they are related to the menopause.

I thought I was the only going through this, it is so reassuring coming on here and realizing we are normal.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 05:31:37 PM by toffeecushion »


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Re: adrenalin surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2014, 07:28:47 PM »

I recognise exactly what you're describing. The panic and  anxiety surges suddenly started this time last year. Just at the time I noticed my periods were getting much lighter.

GPs know little about hormones or menopause. I have sent a gynaecologist who explained that oestrogens create our 'feel good and sense of wellbeing' emotions.

As our oestrogen gets less we are more vulnerable to anxiety and panic.

I keep a mood diary and this has proved that my mood swings and anxiety are closed linked to my menstrual cycle.

You are not going mad. Very sadly few people, even GPs know how much your hormones can affect your emotions.

Please read Professor John Studd's website about hormone related anxiety and depression. You will recognise yourself so much.


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Re: adrenalin surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2014, 10:41:35 PM »

when the adrenaline surges start, I feel a bit 'weird', slightly dizzy and slightly sick, and the heart thumps, but they pass.  But because they are weird, and because I get wound up by them, I think I make them worse and it feeds on itself and I get more frightened.  THey also tend to come in mini waves as well.   I will try to get to a GP and menopause clinic to  get the HRT sorted and changed, maybe to a higher dose type.   I see that this thread has been read many many times, so maybe this suggests this is relatively common.  It's so scary though for me and I hate to admit to it.
It's easy for people around me at home to say 'take deep breaths' etc and 'mind over matter', but to some extent I feel that is like standing before the giant waves in the sea, which are clearly the result of strong physical forces, and saying to someone 'use your mental powers to turn back the tide'!! It's very _ real_ inside of me.   I have tried looking at various websites on the web, and it's difficult to find info on this symptom - although one can find a few things.   Menopause sites tend to focus on flushes and sweats, dryness etc and less on panic, although a few do if you search hard.  this one talks about unprovoked panic attacks and palpitations


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #10 on: December 25, 2014, 11:20:31 PM »

My GP was very good she told me it's not in my head it is real these things are happening to you but you have to learn to control it yourself, it won't harm you, it did make me feel better but trying to get others to understand is hard. I think she had been through a difficult time herself.


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2014, 12:36:30 AM »

Millykin, are you taking HRT then?  I have been on the patches which I quite liked, but I think I will have to go on something different / stronger now.  I had premature ovarian failure technically, but it was an enormous hassle over so many long and turbulent years, including infertility, that brought me to the diagnosis.  I've ben 'perimenopausal' for about 13 years already it seems like!!!!  It is a relief to talk menopause with women - I've felt so ashamed for so long because I've assumed all my peers were hyperfertile with fabulous oestrogen stores and so I've always felt different from them.

THankyou so much everyone posting to my messages.


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2014, 01:33:44 AM »

Hi ye I'm on HRT, I first noticed I was taking a period every 3 months for couple of years but didn't bother me , then 2 years ago I noticed I hadn't had a bleed for over 7 months and s few night sweats so I mentioned to GP and she checked hormones and thyroid as i was only 41 thyroid ok hormones not so repeated test and said symptoms and bloods suggested peri meno so I took HRT elleste duet for 4 months and that's when palpitations and anxiety started I was sent to AE few times to check heart and referred for stress test but heart rate to high to do it and had 24 hr monitor that just made me think the worst  it showed palpitations and extra beats now and again but quite common seemingly was given a beta blocker to calm me down so I left HRT and lasted 7 months off it then thought I need to protect heart and bones so on here read up on things and asked for Femoston which I got, first 3 months had a bleed and stopped beta blocker as felt ok, next 4 months no bleed then just had a bleed there which brought on bit of anxiety and tight chest. Away now. I know it is all ups and downs with hormones but when it happens I think bad things then feel stupid. Was offered higher dose but I'm happy to stick with low dose for now and move up later when really needed. I hate the surges too, feel ok one minute the next a surge runs through me and I imagine all sorts and have to distract myself, brushing my teeth constantly is a habit I've got into when I feel this, don't know why. This site has been great reading that others go through the same and more importantly some with exact symptoms as yourself. When I don't feel good I read through all the posts relating to whatever symptom I'm having and it really helps, you have had a bad time for so long and it's so unfair when young and should be enjoying yourself, keep reading and posting


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2014, 09:50:36 AM »

Hi, just to say that I completely empathise/ sympathise: my worst perimeno symptoms by far are the palpitations and anxiety - the two go together. I have had two 24 hour monitors showing lots of extra beats, deemed benign.  GPs did not relate the palpitations to my hormones and high FSH and LH but the cardiologist I was referred to did, fairly immediately. They are much better currently but I still get them before and during my period, whenever it turns up. The cardio said HRT will probably help should they get bad again. At the moment I take low dose daily beta blocker and the occasional xanax when needed, and work on controlling my stress with exercise etc. Luckily red clover seems to be helping me a lot at the moment too which also indicates a hormonal cause.

The anxiety and palpitations are quite horrible but if they are checked out and deemed to be benign they will not harm you physically. But they are so scary. It helps me to remember that many of us perimeno ladies have them.

Starfish x


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Re: adrenaline surges, palpitations, general panic
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2014, 12:04:24 PM »

one of the reasons I feel so silly and worried, is that suddenly I feel like a complete gibbering wreck, and completely like a 7 year or old something .... and yet I am 46, and supposed to be the 'most competent' I can be at this ripe old age!!  They make me into something that is not myself, and this feels weird. And this then makes me extra panicky, as if I am dissolving into a helpless person. And of course one then continues to dread the next attack, and all that does is make you uptight, and prone to feeling panicky, so that that then brings ON the panic so it's a vicious circle.

it makes me wonder, how do all these powerful high profile ladies around age 50-55 manage in their jobs if they are going through all of this stuff?

it's also quite interesting that often when you google Menopause you hear endless stuff about flashes and sweats, but the anxiety and palpitations don't get the same coverage.   That is why I was also getting worried.   TAlking here is helping a lot.   I had a few more last night, but whilst I felt uncomfortable, I just dismissed them as an uncomfortable feeling, and it did not get out of hand at all.

I too do a fair amount of regular exercise, and one thing that I keep trying to tell myself is, the palpitations and adrenaline surges never seem to bother me when doing high level aerobic exercise.   I assume that if my heart was suffering, and was in a bad or weakened state, when I was in a state of exertion then it would feel bad at that point.   But my surges invariably come on from out of the blue, when I feel fine.
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