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Author Topic: Merina coil  (Read 3531 times)


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Merina coil
« on: November 29, 2014, 06:26:51 PM »

Has anyone had any problems with the Merina coil, I think I may have a bad infection, my symptoms
Little pain in the pelvis area
Brown blood/ red blood
And this is a wired one my body keeps going into spasms, especially when I get hot, it locks up for a couple of seconds then releases,
Went to A & E took lots of bloods, nothing showed up, sent home with diazipam for muscle spasms.
I didn't think to mention the coil, I also have thrush in mouth, all the symptoms seem to be down left hand side, I have not eaten for nearly 2 weeks, nothing staying in even the smell of food, can't even eat chocolate, now I must be ill.
Any ideas anyone.  C


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Re: Merina coil
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2014, 06:51:33 PM »

How long ago did you go to A&E Scampi?

Taz x


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Re: Merina coil
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2014, 11:03:14 AM »

Sounds like a nasty virus - I felt sick for 2 weeks recently, lost my appetite, I had stomach cramps as well and felt really rotten - there are some horrid little viruses going round.  If you've had bloods etc checked then there probably isn't any infection. A bit of breakthrough bleeding/spotting/ brown discharge is very usual with the Mirena.
I had a Mirena for over 4 years and did blame it for stomach cramps etc. but when I had it removed I realised I got theses symptoms anyway - I think I have a bit of IBS which flares up easily. We are very quick to blame HRT for all sorts of things.
You need to make yourself eat but eat plain foods that will settle the digestive system - try fennel tea with honey. I also find Pepto Bismol great for calming things down with nausea and diarrhoea. Some live plain yogurt could help the thrush and get your digestive system back to normal.   DG x


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Re: Merina coil
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2014, 04:15:58 PM »

Have been to A & E twice now since fri, they gave me diazipam for the whole body spasms, and said I could have an infection somewhere, but did not bother to look for it and told me to go back to gp for investigation. I was in such distress because I was frightened, took the diazipam all weekend no better in fact worse husband took me to walk in centre as I was booking in I collasped at the desk and was rushed around to A & E again, put on a drip more bloods, nothing to show said it was neurological and to visit gp on monday, I asked if it could be infection in the coil and they said gp would have to investigate, never known anything like it, thought hospital was there to help. I have a really good friend who took me to see gp and in between the spasms and dizzy spells the gp removed the coil that was the easy part, antibiotic injection in bum 2x lot o oral antibiotics still getting spasms whole body locking up, no pain as such just fizzing in hands, and pulsing in joints light headed and dizzy sleeping all day, it's not fair.


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Re: Merina coil
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2014, 06:29:01 PM »

You poor thing. I hope you get some answers soon xx


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Re: Merina coil
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2014, 07:03:09 PM »

Did they check your urine Scampi? Whole body spasms sounds like rigors which are typical of an upper tract infection.

Taz  x  :hug:


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Re: Merina coil
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2014, 07:42:06 AM »

Thank you all for replies, feeling a little better today, spasms or rigors have nearly all gone, still can't eat yet, still feeling sick still got pelvic pain, headache, still bleeding quite heavy, never had a bleed for 4 years.
Can't wait for my gp to call to tell me it is an infection, I will be putting a complaint in.  😡


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Re: Merina coil
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2014, 08:04:10 AM »

Hi Scampi - heavy bleeding can happen after the removal of a mirena coil. Hope you feel better soon.

Taz x


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Re: Merina coil
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2014, 08:33:28 PM »

Hi Scampi,

I tried the Mirena last year, on my GP's suggestion, to help with the heavy periods I was having.Unfortunately it didn't agree with me, as my body won't tolerate any artificial hormones (haven't been able to take any for years).It didn't help with any of my symptoms and I ended up having it taken out while having a scan for fibroids at the hospital ( what a palaver that was).The bloating and cramps didn't improve either.Give your body time to heal and settle.
The sickness sounds like a bug, not enough cold snaps to kill the germs.
Hope you feel better soon. Flat lemonade and coke are good for getting your sugar levels back up and rich tea digestives.
 :hug: :hug:
Kas xx