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Author Topic: Does HRT help with insomnia?  (Read 14797 times)


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Does HRT help with insomnia?
« on: November 24, 2014, 12:00:55 PM »

Am perimenopausal, but my symptoms seem to be mainly psychological rather than physical. Although my periods are much lighter nowadays.

I have been on amitriptyline since the start of the year which helped, but I decided to stop taking it about 9 weeks ago and haven't suffered any set backs since. My gynaecologist offered me HRT a few weeks ago but I said I would wait and see as I was feeling really well again.

Except twice in the last 7 days I have had insomnia and it has utterly wiped me out for the next day. I feel shakey, drained, very low mood and anxious. It happened last week and luckily I got a decent night's sleep the next night and felt right as rain after that. But it happened again last night and I have had to take the day off work today as I just couldn't face going in.

I had thought the insomnia was caused by my period starting last week. But obviously that isn't the case this time as I am on Day 9 of my cycle. I start to faal asleep normally, then get these mini jolts of adrenaline that jerk me awake. No sweating or hot flushes though.

Will taking HRT stop the insomnia, does anyone know? I can't afford to take days off work like this and I am worried that too many of these episodes will tip me back into feeling constantly anxious and stressed like I was before taking ADs.


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Re: Does HRT help with insomnia?
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2014, 01:01:20 PM »

I was given amitriptyline years ago for insomnia, so maybe your body has got used to it.  I'm still on HRT, albeit a low dose and still get insomnia.


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Re: Does HRT help with insomnia?
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2014, 03:15:23 PM »

Thank you Cubagirl. I actually stopped taking amitriptyline about 9 weeks ago. The quality of my sleep has been different since I stopped taking it because it really zonks you out. but my sleep has been okay. Then I've had these two episodes of insomnia this last week and they have been awful.


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Re: Does HRT help with insomnia?
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2014, 06:01:06 PM »

Hi GypsyRoseLee

Most women find that HRT helps with insomnia because it relieves hot flushes and the associated disturbances which affect normal sleep patterns.

Do you have plenty of exercise? - Physical activity during the day can really help with proper sleep (but not just before bedtime). Do you fall asleep easily and then waken later or do you have difficulty falling asleep? There are lots of things you can do ( which I'm sure you know) about helping to prepare the body and mind for sleeping.

There's heaps of info on the web but here is what NHS says (apologies if you've been through all this and it's not new!):

Some women also find that the sedative effect of the progestogen part of HRT does the trick although this is probably more likely with the "natural" micronised progesterone (Utrogestan).

If your periods are regular and you aren't having any other menopausal symptoms then maybe it's too early for HRT. If you've started missing periods then I would definitely try HRT but you may have to persevere until you find the right one.

Hurdity x


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Re: Does HRT help with insomnia?
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2014, 10:16:54 PM »

GypsyRoseLee, as Hurdity says is the case for many women is the case for me. I find that when I'm on the Utrogestan (progesterone) phase of my HRT I sleep much better than when I'm not on it. Insomnia is a bugger, I do sympathise with you. The only way to see if HRT is appropriate for you is to see your GP. Often, insomnia is just a temporary phase that will go away on its own.


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Re: Does HRT help with insomnia?
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2014, 10:36:34 AM »

Hi Gypsy
I don't think HRT particularly helps with insomnia (it never has for me) except to stop having to wake up with heat and sweating. As others have said above, the progesterone may help some women to sleep.

It's horrible not getting enough sleep, made worse if you are not fit enough to get enough exercise.

I would hesitate to suggest restarting the amitryptilline after you have managed to stop it, but would it be worth taking it occasionally, say, once or twice a week, or at weekends, to have a break from sleeplessness? Or would it be better to try other methods first?

The trouble with not sleeping properly is that it becomes a focus to worry about, specially if you have to go to work every day. I don't think HRT is the answer, unless flushes are waking you up.

Ju Ju

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Re: Does HRT help with insomnia?
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2014, 02:00:01 PM »

HRT has helped me to sleep better. Before starting HRT, most nights were disturbed, but not because of night sweats or hot flushes, as these were not too bad, though I'm pleased not to have any at all. I still get the odd disturbed night though.


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Re: Does HRT help with insomnia?
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2014, 10:19:43 AM »

I've been thinking along these lines in the last couple of weeks.

Given that most of my symptoms are psychological - I get off to sleep ok but am awake with racing thoughts by 4.30-5am, anxiety out of nowhere, loss of self-confidence, I was wondering whether to try HRT again. I tried 6 months of Prempak-C and three months of 1mg Climagest before chucking it in the bin... I felt better off than on.

My periods used to be regular as clockwork but are now anything from once every 6-8 weeks to every 20 days. Even my cycle App on my phone has given up trying to predict my cycle.

The rest of me gets joint aches, tight tendons, twitchy muscles and the occasional tremors in my gut.

So far I've managed with Menopace Plus, 1000mg Starflower Oil, and 5-HTP. I don't know if the increased anxiety and generally feeling uncomfortable is down to shorter days, swinging hormone levels or both.

Is it time to give HRT another go - maybe gel or patch this time?

Any thoughts ladies  :)

Galadrilel x



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Re: Does HRT help with insomnia?
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2014, 10:41:36 AM »

The only way is to have a trial on HRT again Galadriel, my main symptom with menopause was sleeping problems, and adrenal surges from sudden noise when in in bed. not had sweats or hot flushes.

Estrogen excites and progesterone calms the nervous system, I can't say for sure if being on my estrogen patch helped all that much , I have had periods of not sleeping well on and off the patch.

An over anxious brain (brain chatter) seems to be at the crux of it for me anyway.

I did go through the achy popping joints and muscles, they did subside eventually only to crop up again a few years ago (have posted about in on MM) but a few months ago it all stopped suddenly, no aches no joint pains, wrist pain gone, I am completely pain and ache free and I have not a clue why, I have thought is it that supplement or that one I am taking? or the cooler weather, just don't know. The only thing different is that I am not on my estrogen patch.

Still have sleeping problems though sometimes, who knows what the answer is.



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Re: Does HRT help with insomnia?
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2014, 07:33:50 PM »

Galadriel, a member recently posted that she had allsorts of joint pains that went away when she stopped the menopace...


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Re: Does HRT help with insomnia?
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2014, 06:30:49 PM »

Hi Galadriel

If you want to try HRT again I would suggest transdermal oestrogen ( patch or gel - there are devotees of each - I'm a patch gal myself) along with micronised progesterone (Utrogestan). That way you will at least be replacing hormones that are bio-identical with your own and any side effects should be as expected for your cycle.

I would say that it would regulate your cycle but this doesn't necessarily happen in early peri-menopause due to your own hormonal fluctuations, although you would not go a month without a bleed in the early stages.

Hurdity x


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Re: Does HRT help with insomnia?
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2014, 09:42:13 PM »

Hi ladies,

Thank you for your advice. It really is tricky trying to work out what your body needs when the levels are jumping around so much.

I'm going to see how things go through winter. If things get worse, I will give the gel and uterogestan a go.

I was achy before I started taking menopace... it's no worse but no better either Freda  :)

Galadriel x


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Re: Does HRT help with insomnia?
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2014, 10:54:09 PM »

My insomnia tends to go in waves. I might have several weeks where I don't sleep well or lie awake for hours (or get up and do some housework!) and then I get several weeks where things seem fine. I always have to get up to the loo which doesn't help. My doctor gave ma Atarax (more to do with my interstitial cystitis than anything though) but it helps sleep as it is a bit of a sedative but not like other medication where you feel a zombie in the morning.  I have noticed it gives me a headache though and I tend to only take it when I'm desperate.