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Author Topic: Coming off HRT what now??  (Read 7804 times)


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Coming off HRT what now??
« on: November 30, 2014, 06:41:00 PM »

Hi Ive now taken off my patch and stopped hrt cold! been okayish though its only been days, I made myself exercise today swim, was great but felt dizzy when I got home, I don't think it was the swim maybe just effects of coming off hrt, anybody come off and found a great alternative? Starflower has been mentioned and Ive got some, don't know if I can take it now or have to wait a bit, a seeing dr tomorrow so will mention it, my main symptoms are anxiety, pre hrt, terrible night sweats, day flushes and feeling faint, any thoughts, experiences appreciated yet again ladies, its a journey! :bang:


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Re: Coming off HRT what now??
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2014, 06:46:48 PM »

How long have you been trying the HRT for?  My GP told me to stick with it for at least 3 months.


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Re: Coming off HRT what now??
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2014, 06:49:48 PM »

That's the usual time frame Liz - it takes at least that long before you can tell whether it suits you or not. I remember having stomach cramps, sore boobs and dizziness for the first few weeks when I first started it but by the second month I was feeling much better.

I hope you find something to help karen

Taz x


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Re: Coming off HRT what now??
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2014, 07:14:42 PM »

I've been on four types one for nearly three months just short by two days I don't think it's for me - though I can't say there were not any benefits it definately stopped flushes and night sweats and helped anxiety sometimes x


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Re: Coming off HRT what now??
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2014, 07:51:03 PM »

I thought you had just stopped the Femseven earlier in the week and were starting the new HRT shortly karenja after being prescribed the combination you desperately wanted?   ???  I am confused as to where you are with it all?

Hurdity x


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Re: Coming off HRT what now??
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2014, 07:57:09 PM »

It's sometimes very difficult to stick with something that makes you feel worse initially. It's the long term effects you have to work towards no matter how bad it is to start.
I didn't think that you had been on your new regime for long and that you had to battle hard to get it.
Maybe it was too soon to stop.

Anyway. Whatever you decide I hope you feel better soon.



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Re: Coming off HRT what now??
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2014, 08:04:33 PM »

Hi hurdity and honeyb two dayson estadot and took two Utrogestan pills they made me feel awful v groggy and numbness down my arm
I had to come off them I know it was v early days but I don't think
Hrt is the answer for me thougn I don't know where gto go from here x


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Re: Coming off HRT what now??
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2014, 08:08:28 PM »

I'm not great with pills but if you had used utrogestan vaginally then you would not have any of the side effects. It worked well for me. I always react badly to meds but that way was just fine.

I think you have stopped too quickly before trying another delivery method. If you use vaginally then that should really help and perhaps you would finally start to benefit from the correct HRT.



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Re: Coming off HRT what now??
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2014, 08:23:49 PM »

Hi karenja

I agree you have definitely stopped too quickly!

The oestrogen dose is the same as you were on I think although the patch is a different size. I also agree with honeybun - using Utrogestan vaginally minimises the systemic effects  - I wouldn't have thought numbness down your arm was a side effect though. Did you wake like this? It could well be that you slept more deeply due to the sedative effects of the Utrogestan and lay in one position for too long - did it go away once you were up and about?

You really have to expect a few minor side effects just as with periods you probably felt dizzy, headachey, anxious etc for sometime each month, and experienced period pains. I suggest that you are better off giving it a chance - and tell yourself each day that you will feel better and better as time goes on!

One thing that occurred to me - why did you take two Utrogestan?  I thought you were going to attempt the conti method which involves taking one 100 mg capsule per day? You would take 2 capsules if you were on a cycle ie 12 days per month.

If you do end up having side effects from the utrogestan taking it every day then you could take it cyclically - and have a regular withdrawal bleed. It would be a pity to forgo the benefits of oestrogen because you did not stick with the progesterone for long enough.

The other thing is some women under the advice of their doctor are able to shorter course of progesterone or a lower dose (on a cycle) if they are progesterone intolerant. This is an option you could explore with the help of your doc who might be able to refer you to a menopause clinic eventually.

I would give this regime a proper try though first!

Even using it vaginally I always feel a bit groggy when I wake up in the mornings when I am on the utrogestan part of the cycle - but I know what to expect, recognise the symptoms and just get on with what I have to do.  It is not a magic cure as we have been discussing on another thread, but eventually it should make you feel better overall, and in your case I am sure it will.

If you are post-menopausal or nearly so then no other natural alternative will eliminate your flushes and sweats - only drugs such as some anti-depressants and these are not recommended as first line of treatment for hormone related meonpausal symptoms.

I know it's hard all this experimenting and you are desperate to feel normal but it might just take a little while for you to experience all the benefits and to overcome the side effects.

Hurdity x



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Re: Coming off HRT what now??
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2014, 08:57:30 PM »

Hi Karenja, I tried Ultrogestan for first time last night and used it vaginally. Despite having side effects on the POP years ago, I can honestly say that tiredness was the only thing I experienced. It wasn't the crushing fatigue I sometimes get, but more of a 'need an early night' feeling if that makes sense? Certainly it didn't affect my anxiety which was my greatest fear.  Could it be worth giving it a go vaginally? At least you can't then wonder 'what if'?
On a different note, numbness and tingling are an on going peri symptom for me , especially in my arm and hand. I think I get it most when hormones are in major fluctuation mode, rather than when they are low. Don't get it every month,  Good luck xxxx


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Re: Coming off HRT what now??
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2014, 09:46:28 PM »

Hi thanks for your replies doctor tomorrow so will ask about Utrogestan. Vaginally as well as a few or hrt concerns thank you all so much I really do only want to feel ok again x


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Re: Coming off HRT what now??
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2014, 09:53:08 PM »

Hurdity I took one tablet on two consecutive nights what does cynically mean x


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Re: Coming off HRT what now??
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2014, 10:13:22 PM »

If you are going to try it vaginally I wouldn't mention it to your GP. It's not licensed for that can of use. I think it's private practitioners that prescribe for use this way.
Of course your GP may be very clued up and happy for you to use it this way.....or maybe not.

I think what Hurdity means using utrogestan as a sequi regime and have a bleed. It means using progesterone for less days if you are not great on it.

One of my many symptoms was a numbness in my arm and tingling fingers. It went away when I settled on my HRT.

Let us know how it goes.



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Re: Coming off HRT what now??
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2014, 07:32:13 AM »

I'm on my second month of Utrogestan (taking orally days 15-26).  My only side effect is the tiredness, but I can cope with this.  It actually gives me a good, deep night's sleep.  Feel a bit groggy when I wake up, but it wears off.  I don't think anything will be "perfect" to be honest.  I'm currently getting spotting/bleeding during my cycle, but I'm going to stick with it and see if it settles.  I've decided to give it six months at least and see how I feel then.  As you've managed to get the HRT prescribed that you wanted, I think I'd be inclined to stick with it and then you will know youve given things a good go, before ruling them out.


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Re: Coming off HRT what now??
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2014, 08:40:56 AM »

Thank you for all your replies I think I'm so anxious about practically everything even the slightest side effect seems worst/more scary to me - got tight chest this morning and trying to think it's just hormones or the fact I'm off the hrt at the moment - may start starflower oil see if it helps at although I don't know fully what it can do only that it has helped some ladies - dr later it's one I haven't seen before but he is meant to
Be quite through is better go with a list :(