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Author Topic: So sudden it's scary  (Read 4395 times)


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So sudden it's scary
« on: November 24, 2014, 02:45:38 PM »

Hi I'm 41 and have just been diagnosed with early menopause. My periods were regular as clockwork until the birth of my second child 18 months ago. I breastfed for 3 months and then didn't have a period for 6 months. I then started having really bad night sweats and extreme vag dryness. A week of oestrogen pessary and all the symptoms disappeared and periods came back regular as normal. :) Then a few months later I went through a really stressful time (long story), a month later I had a bleed for a day and then nothing. Its been 5 months now and I am having hot flushes, no sex drive, irritable, tired and all the tests show that my left overy has shrunk and my FSH level is 85 and the LH (?) level is the lowest my doc has ever seen. So menopause it is and I am now on HRT tabs. I've been worrying about it a lot because it just seems so unlike other people's experiences. I am disturbed by the suddenness of it all and I feel that there are so many questions unanswered. The docs say it's just me, there is no answer, and that perhaps my body/brain went through a lot in a relatively short space of time and that it could be stress-related. I eat well, am slim, excercise regularly, but am quite highly strung so wonder if I need a blimmin' lobotomy to help protect myself from anything else happening - I already have high blood pressure. So these are my thoughts....

Was this caused by my pregnancy?
Was this caused by a cesarean
Is this linked to the cyst that has just been detected?
Was this caused by the patch up job that had to be done on my uterus to repair scar tissue from a previous cesarean? (My womb was barely viable on the screen).
Was this brought on by breastfeeding?
Did the fact that I had almost daily foot massages affect my brain to cause menopause?
When did the menopause actually start? Before birth, after, or after stressful time?
Why did everything go back to normal after the pessary?
Could reflexology bring my ovary back to life?
Why have I got such a low LH level and is this dangerous?

I welcome anyone's thoughts on the above and would also love to hear from you if you've had a similar experience.


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Re: So sudden it's scary
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2014, 03:25:03 PM »

you poor woman, you are so full of racing thoughts and questions, but welcome and you will find a lot of support here, friendship and ladies who are more knowledgeable than I am.

However I do know that the stress of pregnancy and a cesarean section can play havoc with your hormones. My third child was delivered very quickly in an emergency section to save both our lives after 9 hours of labour. My hormones went haywire afterwards and my thyroid stopped working. Within a few years I had a hysterectomy because things went so peculiar. Of course I am not saying that will happen to you but just to illustrate what a toll pregnancy and especially the trauma of a section can have on your body and hormones. Was your cesarean planned or unexpected?

Breastfeeding I wouldn't think would have caused anything and would only have done your baby and you good. I also breastfed for 7 months and my difficulties did not start until after she was weaned.


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Re: So sudden it's scary
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2014, 03:27:34 PM »


Menopause is the end of menses.  Completely natural, as is the beginning of periods and pregnancy.  If you read the menus, left of screen you will get plenty of info.!  Don't know how relative 'stress' can be, I know it can affect period patterns and IBS!  Unlikley to be related to breast feeding, well done if you did! again BF is natural and can help shrink the womb back to 'normal'.

Vaginal atrophy is due to oestrogen withdrawal, natural but can cause problems - i.e. repeated urine-infection like symptoms, dryness; I felt as if I had razor blades up there  >:(, fortunately medication helped!  I had pessaries initially which replaces oestrogen at 'local' level, 12 nights then every 3/4 night - a low uptake but plumps up the whole vaginal area.  You may find without treatment VA will return!

Where is the cyst located?  Does your GP suggest any treatment?  I had a vaginal polyp which bled on contact, it 'shrunk' at peri-menopause. 

Any type of massage, if done sympathetically, can be relaxing.  I have had all-over massage as well as foot treatment and it didn't affect my hormone levels.  [DH treated me to a foot massage with nail dying for my 60th 12 months ago  ;)  :-* ].  and no, reflexology doesn't alter our physicality.  If your ovary has gone to sleep, that's it!  It is hormone related via the pituitary gland …… natural age progression.

There is a supportive web-site for 'early' menopause.  I'm sure that someone else will be along!



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Re: So sudden it's scary
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2014, 03:58:16 PM »


An early meno is a rotten thing to happen but your GP is on the ball getting you on HRT which is important at your age. It might take a few tries to get your HRT just right but when it is you should feel much more normal.

I think it's an old wives tale but I have heard on more than person that a late difficult birth can trigger an early meno. I know it happened to my mother.

Browse around join in. It makes such a difference when you know you are not alone.



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Re: So sudden it's scary
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2014, 04:36:52 PM »

Hi and welcome cookie :)

Sorry you're going thru this - hopefully the hrt will bring u relief pronto. I too suddenly went 6 months w/out periods after a lifetime of clockwork cycles. I was 36 when that happened - I've had very intermittent periods since but now at 38 have had none again since April. It's interesting that u mention c section as my only child was born via planned c section and I'd never heard of any connection between the two. I'm not sure about the stress theory - I've often read of the impact stress can have on chances of getting pregnant yet my only pregnancy happened just after a v stressful time...but we're all different I spose.

Would be great to keep us updated on your hrt journey as I'm still toying with the idea as my only real symptom at the mo is anxiety so am treating that with antidepressants.

Wishing u strength xx


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Re: So sudden it's scary
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2014, 05:34:10 PM »

Hi cookie7209 and welcome to MM
I went through virtually same experience as you but I was in my mid 30s.  My mother and grandmother had early ovarian failure and premature meno is more common than you would think.  As the others have said, do read up all the stuff under the headings to the left of this screen.  There is also a good website with support for premature menopause:

You sound as though you are wanting to find something to blame but the truth is I doubt any one will be able to tell you. There are women who experience this in their 20s - so pleased you managed to have your children before this happened. Do take the HRt till at least 50 - you need it to protect your heart and bones.
BTW the vaginal pessary wouldn't have started everything up again - you were simply in peri menopause and your hormones kicked in again for a while -  periods often come and go throughout this time.
It's a shame that when they give us sex/contraception classes etc. when we're teenagers they don't also tell us a bit about what to expect at the end of our hormonal life - a bit of preparation would alleviate the fear that many of us feel during this time.
 We're here to support you through this.  Keep posting.   Dg x


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Re: So sudden it's scary
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2014, 05:48:57 PM »

Hi cookie

Welcome to the forum from me too!

Sorry to hear about your problems and sudden menopause.

Most of the things you say will have nothing to do with it. Many women ( such as myself) have late pregnancies (my 4th was at 40) which have no bearing on age on menopause eg I was still having periods at age 53, My mother had menopause in late 50's.

You might find this useful - it's an American site but the info just as relevant to UK women:

Maybe the fact that you have a cyst (on your ovaries?) might be a factor?

It was probably a coincidence that your periods came back after you started using the pessary if it was vagifem? This happens for many women - periods stop and start irregularly so it is impossible to say what would happen anyway. For some women the irregular bleeding and periods goes on for years but in others it's quite quick as in your case.

I do hope the HRT tabs work for you. I presume you have been given the cyclical type that will bring about a withdrawal bleed every month?

Hurdity x


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Re: So sudden it's scary
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2014, 06:39:55 PM »

Hi cookie

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: So sudden it's scary
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2014, 07:13:52 PM »

It can be scrarey too - but being told at age 11 when I had my first period wouldn't have helped …… it was way too far into the distance!  I had enough to deal with being the 1st girl in our year group to menstruate.



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Re: So sudden it's scary
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2014, 03:07:09 PM »

Thank you all for your messages of support and your experiences. So strange how everyone is different. Guess it's a bit like childbirth in that sense. Well, I thought you'd be interested to know that I've been on HRT for a week now and the flushes have massively reduced, and im even getting a bit more normal downstairs if you know what I mean. I'm still having flushes but less regularly and less intensely. I've also been told that I look better which can never be a bad thing. I will be careful not to take then into my 60s though as my mum did - she got breast cancer which was specifically linked to HRT they said. A lumpectomy sorted that out and she's fine now. I am still having therapy for anxiety which I started a few weeks ago (forgot to mention that before) but I'm hoping that a lot of the anxiety was linked to the menopause and the HRT will help reduce it going forward. Onwards and upwards x


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Re: So sudden it's scary
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2014, 03:11:19 PM »

Please do not hinge your Mum's experiences with BC with your own.  Make informed choices as to your personal history, I had BC with lumpectomy, radiation treatment but would have HRT if required.  Quality is important to me, why spend the rest of my Life feeling ill if there is treatment available?

You may find your HRT needs a hike as your body becomes used to the dosage.  Anxiety is a common 'problem' too at 'this age'  ::)

Keep posting!

Suzi Q

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Re: So sudden it's scary
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2014, 04:05:18 AM »

NO NO NO NO AND NO love its just your TIME
YOu were very very lucky I went over at 37 good job I had a child or thered be no Grandson
Ask questions but the stuff you said sweetie its like me saying did flying every 6mnths 48 hr long haul flights
there and back cause early meno of course not sadly it was just my time its normal and natural
Doesnt mean its nice or fair seek help if your worried dont be scared to write struff down and stop overthinking x


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Re: So sudden it's scary
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2014, 12:40:22 PM »

'stop over-thinking' - good expression, wish I could  ::)