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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Why Vaginal Atrophy?  (Read 25476 times)


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #30 on: November 25, 2014, 09:54:42 PM »

I've seen these before online - a company called Clarkmade I think.. or maybe Clarkmaid?

Taz x

Suzi Q

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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2014, 12:58:30 AM »

I use purple Whiz Freedom (different make) not Shewee at festivals - it's better than Shewee. It doesn't need cleaning all the time - it's made of special stuff so the liquid just runs off it and there's nothing left there. If necessary just wipe with a tissue. I reckon just once a day would be enough.

....however on normal loos I prefer not to use it - also have the pee-ing problem - I always lean forward to empty properly - I have retroverted uterus and forward leaning is normal. Sometimes very slow random flow as several of you have described even though I feel the need to go ( presumably slight prolapse?) but great proper rushing if I've had lots of fluids and it's full! I presumed it didn't come out properly (ie straight) because of the slow flow rather than atrophy...

As for looking at it - I'm amazed you can describe your parts SuziQ - I've barely if ever looked at mine and have no idea what I ever had and what I've lost  :-\, so nothing to mourn really.  I must admit the labia do feel

Yes it is PRIVATE and u shouold always check your vaginal area and mons for Lumops
You shoud get to kow your fanny hehehehehehea bit reduced in size now you mention it!

I hope this is in Private Lives - the things we talk about  ::)

Hurdity x


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #32 on: November 26, 2014, 10:08:01 AM »

I hope this is in Private Lives - the things we talk about  ::)

Hurdity x

just noticed that it isn't so I think I will  :-X.  Interesting reading though (so I presume anyone can read it who is lurking!)


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #33 on: November 26, 2014, 03:23:58 PM »

Yep - perhaps Emma could move topic?


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #34 on: November 27, 2014, 03:15:04 AM »

Just finished reading that regular sexual activity helps to prevent and treat vaginal atrophy

Suzi Q

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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #35 on: November 27, 2014, 03:50:26 AM »

UUUUUUUU me and Bobbles had a VERY good rumpety life 2/3 times a week at 50 odd
Didnt bloody stop Atrophy hehehehe


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #36 on: November 30, 2014, 09:25:00 AM »

Morning ladies! I have vaginal atrophy so bad, I actually bled, and thought it was a period, hysteroscopy proved it couldn't possibly have been, but there was always another odd feeling further forward, which I have now been told is Vulvodynia, but, to be crude, my clitoris feels aroused, although I'm not! Has anyone else had this? Almost like I am biting on silver paper, really weird, goes right up inside me, like a wave, (bit like an orgasm, I suppose, tmi?) Is this the nerve endings firing off desperately do you think, like a bad tooth?!!

Feel rude saying all this!!



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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #37 on: November 30, 2014, 09:32:42 AM »


I will just reply as i am on here at the mo but i'm sure Maryjane and Judith57 will be able to reply to you on this more - the arousal feeling could possibly be beginning of PGAD.

Beam us all up Scottie.

Take care Wanderer.

Hattie X

« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 09:39:41 AM by Hattie »


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #38 on: November 30, 2014, 11:18:52 AM »

Morning Wanderer.........vulvodynia I am afraid is another word for Pudendal Nueralga.......and what you are experiencing is PGAD, which is what I have the two very often go together.......although I have been PGAD for two weeks, I am not counting my chickens before they hatch as this has happened before.

Vulvodynia, vaginism, vulvabestalydnia and IC all the the Pudendal Nerve as the main culprit, however most IC cases will be a bladder wall infection that is not picked up by normal NHS testing.

My clitoris can feel permanently erect and aroused and very sensitive. If you find a picture of the Pudendal Nerve you will see its many many branches, which go amongst many into the vulva, and right next to the clitoris so when the PN is aggravated the clitoris nerve which is almost touching becomes aroused. A lot of ladies with this also get piriformis/sciatica as well, the sciatic nerve runs straight past the Pudendal nerve.

Avoid orgasms at all costs as it only aggravates the nerve, and they will believe me feel like the earth has not only moved but exploded not at all pleasant. It's probably years of IBS that has caused this, which has now tightened your pelvic floor so it becomes a vicious circle.

Regards IC symptons if you have them, I am now seeing a Professor in London who has been studying lower tract UTIs for forty years, and since 1992 he has seen 5000 patients with so called IC all of those patients had UTIs and many of them more than one layered in the blader or urethra.

I am not going to sing to loudly from the rooftops, I am having almost pain free days, as I have always felt my bladder was the start of the whole vicious circle, for me the PGAD is the worse of it all, but I have been burning free in my vagina, rectum. My priformis/sciatica has gone six weeks of sports physio sorted that and I have mastered the art of relaxing and breathing correctly without giving it a second thought into the pelvic floor.

Also three weeks ago I went to see a homeapath , this appointment was made in April,that's how long her waiting list is so I thought she must have something about her, she is a qualified microbiologist same as the Professor I am seeing and she changes many years ago to homeopathy, and my daughter personally has a friend and her family who have been,add better where western medicine did not. So I have an open mind, but she diagnosed things I had even forgotten I had had, and she knew more about PN, PGAD and bladder wall infection than most specialists I have seen. my husband saw her as well, and she said about his German Measles he had as a child, he hadn't even told me that. She used a form of electronic accupucture points on the feet, which correspond to the relevant parts of the body, the nerves for that point, well when she did my pelvic area and bladder the meter reading went off the scale. So watch this space I have nothing to loose.

Sorry my posts are so long, but I like to share what I have learnt on this horrid journey as it might just help someone else suffering.


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #39 on: November 30, 2014, 11:59:10 AM »

Morning Maryjane. Once again, many thanks, you have been so helpful during the last few months. I am seeing my GP next week with a view to referring me to the London based vulvar consultant that you and Hattie were referring to, but you are so knowledgeable now, are you sure that you don't want to set up your own clinic! I actually hadn't thought about the Pudendal Neuralgia connection! My IBSc was better for a while, but a bit off at the moment, stress levels for Christmas probably heading skyward already! My aroused clitoris made me feel like an "old cougar", sad old bat!

Watch this space!



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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #40 on: November 30, 2014, 12:01:20 PM »

Maryjane, where is the homeopath that you refer to, did you tell me before?



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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #41 on: November 30, 2014, 12:11:50 PM »

She used a form of electronic accupucture points on the feet, which correspond to the relevant parts of the body, the nerves for that point, well when she did my pelvic area and bladder the meter reading went off the scale. So watch this space I have nothing to loose.

Sorry my posts are so long, but I like to share what I have learnt on this horrid journey as it might just help someone else suffering.

For my part don't apologise Maryjane - you have helped me such a lot with information etc   :)

When i had acupuncture at the pain clinic done by a GP there she used an electronic meter thing that had wires coming out that clipped to the acupuncture needles she had inserted in me - is this the same thing that you are having done do you think ?

She said that the electric current boosted the acupuncture.

She did acupuncture on me all down from my inner thigh to my ankle where there were trigger points in muscle, she went up through my abdomen with needles , under ribs, under my arm and top of chest where collar bone meets under neck.She said it was mainly the Spleen channel.

She also went right into the vulva area with needles and some with her electric meter thing attached - i trusted her by that point  8)  (ish !) as i had been seeing her for weeks - i couldn't see but she seemed to put needles alongside the perineum and one by the anus and for me needles all along the outer edge of the vulva.

On her advise i bought a E-Acu-plus electric acupuncture pen to use on trigger points in my leg etc.

You can't use this on the vulva/vaginal area as it is too moist in those regions.

She couldn't solve the 'main vulva' issue for me though.

Hope it goes well for you - as you say you have nothing to loose giving it a go.

Hattie X



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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #42 on: November 30, 2014, 12:18:07 PM »

The London based Vulva lady does not do NHS at all only private, but myself and Judith 57 referred ourselves, but good to tell your GP your plans mi e just lets me get on with it, as she says I know more than her about, she has been lovely and very supportive. I sacked my original GP as when the PGAD started I was having mini orgasm every few seconds and with every step I took, and he sniggered, I wasn't far off jumping off a bridge at that point no exaggeration.

I will send you a private message re homeapath. Don't expect your GP to know about PGAD or the PN very few do. Only a few gynaes also as unless they choose to extend there course very few of them no about the nerves in the pelvic floor, crazy, and the amount of ladies who get PN from badly done episiotomies is scary.


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #43 on: November 30, 2014, 12:22:32 PM »

Hi Hattie.......Electro accupunctureist she only goes to point on the feet nowhere else. She was so accurate with my husband it was quite scary so we shall see, western medicine isn't doing much either and the pills they through at us for nerve pain aren't great either.  All the bottles of potions are listed as to what they are and where they have come from (Germany) and they all read as well that makes sense to have that, I am not starting it until hubby is back from Killamanjara in case I have a reaction, a we shall start together.


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #44 on: November 30, 2014, 12:35:37 PM »

Sounds promising - think i might look/see if there is and Homeo/Electro acupunturist around here - that sounds very different to what i had done if it is just the feet.

IMHO Western medicine isn't all it is cracked up to be.

Take care  :)

Hattie X

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