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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Why Vaginal Atrophy?  (Read 25475 times)


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2014, 09:06:25 AM »

Whilst I am relieved it isn't just me that suffers with this burning, I am also really worried that none of us seem to be able to get continuous relief from any of the strategies that are supposed to help. It must be something to do with Atrophy - so in other words something physically happening to our urethra.  I think we all find it's worse when we sit down so clearly this brings a pressure on the area - perhaps a loss of circulation?
This may be 'to much information' but do you find you can't pee straight these days? When I pee the flow is quite strong to start with but it then becomes a trickle that travels across my vaginal area and sometimes around the inside of the top of my thighs - I feel I need to wash around the whole area afterwards in case I start to smell (I usually moisten a piece of toilet paper with water and wipe over the area) . I also tilt my hips forward and back in an attempt to really empty my bladder as I feel it isn't fully emptying because the urethra doesn't allow it.
The urologist stretched my urethra when I had the cystoscopy and for a couple of weeks I did pee more freely but it quickly went back to the way it was before.
All you 'Burning Club' ladies, any thoughts on this 'peeing issue'  ?   DG x


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2014, 09:52:40 AM »

I haven't peed straight for years. To begin with it sprayed all over the place instead of straight down. I now realise it could have been from the inner labia disappearing.  Nowadays the flow is not as strong and trickles and dribbles and stops and starts.  To be honest the only way I can fully empty my bladder is standing up and leaning forward a little  :-X!!


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2014, 10:01:06 AM »

I have said on your other post BJ, perhaps a slight prolapse.

Again this is something I have too.



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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2014, 10:07:48 AM »

  Or sitting naked on the loo

 ???   I guess you don't mean completely - just bottom half !   ;D

Hi, yes i think sitting down does make it worse, but i have also found, that if i do nothing and put up with the pain, sometimes it sorts itself out, now i find that really odd. but it never goes away, just worse or bearable..

I find it can all go numbish some days - which gives a more bearable day

  then by others doctors not to use moisturizers just vagifem, so in the end, i guess there guess is as good as mine.

I've come to that conclusion too - there are only so many tools in the tool box.

I also find if I sit on my vaginal area like now on the computer it gets worse and ache in lowwer abdo
Got a bad back as well perm one so it all connects and just goes SPASAM


I've now got muscles in tight spasm around the vulva - trouble with the nerve medication is that it makes you constipated which is what you need to avoid as well. All these nerves go into your abdomen and back from the vagina area.

I find it all becomes viscious circles - I'm 60 now and have a  :'(  at times - for a small area of the body this affects you mentally.

 :hug:  to all

Hattie X


Suzi Q

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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2014, 11:16:38 AM »

Oh its not just me then when I pee it flows at an angle then my inner thighs get wet
I lean forward to empty myself
And yes I checked it is cos the inner labia which used to funnel the wee wees not there well mines not
AND being even more personal someties when u PUMP it doesnt just go out of the bottom
It sort of travels to the vaginal area like a ripple as the inner labias arent there to keep it away I know its gross
I dont think we ever thought as kids teens adult of this we just heard of the change saw Mums upset and moods
Saw her hot flushes then no periods. We didnt know really what they went through with sod all
Know wonder middle aged peoples sex life used to be jokes on TV Im not surprised with no help its like sandpaper
The depression (not clinical) maybe extreme sadness is a better word when u look at your vagina and its a childs
Your opening is sore you look limp and flacid I mean its UGLY coupled with the grey hair (I shave it bare)
Its no help ur well being coupled with bad days when u could just cry@think why its 2014 and theres nothing
Then on really BAD DAYS you tnink will I be like this for the rest of my life and know the answer is YES
Who knows why some get AV@some dont same going over same no HRT or HRT some just draw the short straw


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2014, 01:12:33 PM »



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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2014, 03:23:54 PM »


I bought one to try to avoid urine on the vulva - found it very difficult to use - i wouldn't recommend it but that is just my opinion.

There are similar ones on market with a larger 'funnel' area which may be easier.

Not sure how hygenic it is for regular use either.

Hattie X

Midnight Shadow

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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2014, 06:52:42 PM »

Wow wonderful replies since I last looked on the site. Sorry we are all suffering. Interesting about the wee not going straight, because mine is like that. Some days worse than others. Today has been agony we could name the song (Burn Baby Burn) after us. Went to see our lovely practice Nurse today who said there is nothing else available to try. She advised me to use Vagifem 3 times a week and to keep up the salt baths, but to use nothing else. No urine infection so that was good. Hoping the Vagifem works very quickly. Will keep praying for a miracle cure for us all.


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2014, 06:57:18 PM »

I loved the description Midnight Shadow used of toasted hedgehog. That is just what it is like, I have just come in from work and feel as if I am sitting on a hornets nest, everything burning and ****ling. I am fastidious about cleaning myself after a pee too Dancing Girl, in fact going for a pee has become like an SAS mission, I take a paper cup filled with water into the loo at work to pour over myself when I have finished, nobody has noticed me doing it yet, thank goodness! I am still hoping against hope that my body tires of tormenting me soon because the thought of being like this for the rest of my life is just awful!


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2014, 07:07:18 PM »

Hi Midnight........the act gel burnt me to which is why I use the other one I recommeded, can't remember it's name it doesn't burn just soothes, as it has peanut oil in it. There is also gynest cream you can put on the outer bits which is a local oestrogen cream, you can use it along with the vagifem.

You just need a barrier cream to stop the urine burning the vulva etc. that also doesn't cause more irritation. Just a nightmare our derrières.


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2014, 07:21:31 PM »

Vaseline?  Sudocreme?  Gently on our skin.

Sheewee can be used as often as you want.  Cleaning in-between at work could be a problem though.

I don't have any sensation when I pee, I have to listen to when the water stops hitting the water  ::) then wait a while before wiping.  I use Andrex wipes often.


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #26 on: November 25, 2014, 07:38:02 PM »

I use purple Whiz Freedom (different make) not Shewee at festivals - it's better than Shewee. It doesn't need cleaning all the time - it's made of special stuff so the liquid just runs off it and there's nothing left there. If necessary just wipe with a tissue. I reckon just once a day would be enough.

....however on normal loos I prefer not to use it - also have the pee-ing problem - I always lean forward to empty properly - I have retroverted uterus and forward leaning is normal. Sometimes very slow random flow as several of you have described even though I feel the need to go ( presumably slight prolapse?) but great proper rushing if I've had lots of fluids and it's full! I presumed it didn't come out properly (ie straight) because of the slow flow rather than atrophy...

As for looking at it - I'm amazed you can describe your parts SuziQ - I've barely if ever looked at mine and have no idea what I ever had and what I've lost  :-\, so nothing to mourn really.  I must admit the labia do feel a bit reduced in size now you mention it!

I hope this is in Private Lives - the things we talk about  ::)

Hurdity x


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #27 on: November 25, 2014, 07:52:19 PM »

 ;D  ……..  Big Brother  ;)  ……..

sometimes I was naked on the loo ……. if the urine prlobmes cropped up in the Summer  ::)


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #28 on: November 25, 2014, 08:20:47 PM »


I used Vaseline continuously for 3 months on the advise of my GP at one point - i found that it mixed with the white fillers that come out of the vagifem and after a while the vulva skin went quite matt and grey in appearance so i stopped using it.
Vaseline is very cloggy too.

Also tried using Waitrose baby bottom butter for a while which has Olive oil and Chamomile oil in it no parabens or petrochemicals.

For those able to use a Sheewee or similar

Hattie X



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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #29 on: November 25, 2014, 08:26:19 PM »


I'd like to see/use some of these at Glastonbury  :)

I wonder where they're from and how on earth do you upload a picture on here?!

Hurdity x
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