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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Why Vaginal Atrophy?  (Read 25474 times)

Midnight Shadow

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Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« on: November 23, 2014, 07:48:53 PM »

Isn't it great when the burning Atrophy Urethra subsides. Had six weeks of pure bliss. Why oh why does it have to return? Had severe burning for the past week, very bad this weekend. Can never get my head round it all as I am sure we all can't. Thought Timodine prescribed my Doctor was my saving grace along with Vagifem but the cream no longer seems to have any effect. Now having a boost of Vagifem with my Doctors blessing. Hope it gets into my system quickly. Hate the thought of going to the toilet as it burns like mad. It's rather like sitting on a toasted hedgehog. Have got a draw full of lotions and potions, don't know which to use next. Might try Aloe Vera gel again, Replens, Coconut oil, Yes, Smoky Mountain natural or Vitamin E suppositories. Well, I did say I had a draw full of ointments. Will keep trawling the internet for a magic cure. Will let you all know if I find one. Sorry to rant and rave, but just felt the need. Thinking and sympathising with all you sufferers.
Midnight Shadow.


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2014, 08:13:52 PM »

i know exactly how you feel, if you find something that gives temporary relief, let me know, and why does vagifem, seem to have highs and lows, you just seem to think yes its fine and then bang, uncomfy again,... how long didnt any of those others things you tried last, i find it i try to  many moisturisers or creams, which i have been told to use inbetween vagifem it just seems to unbalance it all, and ends up making it worse ..


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2014, 08:23:00 PM »

What I have found that is very soothing along with the twice weekly vagifem is Balance activ menoapause moisture pessaries from Boots. Pop it in at bedtime and the stuff costs the vulvadynia and Latvia by morning and lasts all day, I use it three timesish a week I find it more soothing than the vagifem to be honest. Not cheap.

Midnight Shadow

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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2014, 08:37:55 PM »

Thanks for quick responses. Will definitely let you know if I find anything works. Quite agree two many ointments in that area can make things worse. Could do with ice there to cool things down, not possible at work though. Does anyone find that the hot flushes also coincide with the burning? When my urethral burning subsided so did my hot flushes. Both came back at same time with a vengeance. Anyway only 4 weeks left at work before Christmas holidays,  hopefully not 4 weeks of burning.  Great website. Keep up the good work.


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2014, 08:58:12 PM »

The burning urethra is a real mystery meno complaint.  It seems to be far more common than we thought!!!! I'm using the Estring at the moment which gives a consistent dose over 3 months and I'm comfortable most of the time - I still get episodes of burning and I can't work out what triggers it.  I was told by the urologist it was probably interstitial cystitis but that would normally mean a painful bladder as well - which I don't get!!  It doesn't seem to matter what I drink or eat either - I've tried leaving out all sorts of things in my diet.
I do use Multi gyn actigel every day and I increase the amount I used when I'm burning and it seems to help. I think this is similar to the pessaries Maryjane is describing but I find it the cheaper option. I still think it's about keeping the right flora balance in the vaginal area and also making sure you empty your bladder properly so there is no urine retention. 
Oh boy! it's horrible when it burns.   DG x

Midnight Shadow

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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2014, 09:32:02 PM »

Will try the biofem actigel tonight. Can this be used on the outer skin near urethra. That is where it stings most. Always frightened of things burning me even more.  Sorry for all questions.

Midnight Shadow

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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2014, 09:36:50 PM »

Sorry meant multi gyn actigel.


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2014, 11:08:08 AM »

I'm afraid the Actigel can sting a bit around the urethra when it's sore. Also, make sure you haven't got a bit of thrush - I've been getting the occasional bout of thrush -I get so hot these days and expect this creates the perfect environment for thrush to thrive - I've noticed this makes me sore.  Again I find using the Actigel right up inside helps to treat and prevent this.
I do sympathise - this is such a horrid thing to have - it's make me feel really ratty.
Another thing - I've found if I can lie down for half an hour midday this seems to relieve some of the pressure - consciously relax the pelvic floor (I know this is contrary to the advice we are given to flex those pelvic muscles) I find I am clenching because of the pain and I'm sure this doesn't help. I think sitting puts such a pressure on the urethra it's getting squashed and possibly this makes it become inflamed, especially if we are hot.
DG x


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2014, 12:37:48 PM »

Not much comfort i know but i found my burning vulva started very gradually and got worse - i find most products now just irritate it more.

I bought some flexible packs on the internet that you freeze or warm that wrap around the area when you use them. I find ice numbs but is very temporary.

I've got to a point where i can't fight/solve it anymore - it is what the nerves in the toasted hedgehog ( like your description Midnight Shadow ) are doing and my body is doing at my age and somehow i have to go with the flow.

Hattie X



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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2014, 12:56:50 PM »

In the past I have found that vagifem can differ between batch numbers and I can be coasting along quite happily, start a new box from a different batch number and discomfort again. I even contacted Novo Nordisk about it and they had me send the offending box back for testing but nothing came of it.

Since my doctor gave me Gynest cream to use externally I have had a lot less bother but still an occasional blip when starting a new box with a different batch number.

Midnight Shadow

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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2014, 07:21:25 PM »

Thanks for the replies, you are all so kind. Have tried the Multigyn Actigel today and it has really been burning. Yes I think my problem is aggravated by sitting. It's rather like sitting on a cactus. Can't avoid sitting at school hearing my lovely readers. Try to stand when I can. Thought about seeing my GP again, but don't think there are many treatments out there. Keep thinking well it's not life threatening. Still a pain in the bottom though! Hope the Vagifem starts to kick in very soon. Will try and purchase some of the ice packs. Might even try a thrush tablet. Hey ho nothing to lose. Find Epsom salt baths very soothing. You can buy big tubs from Amazon. Will keep you posted as to anything that works.


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2014, 07:37:05 PM »

I wrap the ice packs in a cotton pillowcase and only leave on for 15 mins or so at a time - i think you can overdo it otherwise.

I quite often do a warm hot water bottle and lie with that between my legs - not sure what good it is doing - maybe increasing blood flow ? - but it is comforting.

Hattie X


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2014, 07:44:33 PM »

If it helps, use it!

As suggested, I think that laying down to ease pressure 'down there' might help too.  Or sitting naked on the loo for a while, allowing all the muscles to relax which allows the urine to flow naturally - I have to do so when I get a urine infection otherwise the irritation, pressure, discomfort makes me feel nauseous.

VA can be kept at bay with regular application of prescribed medication but occasionally needs a hike, i.e. 2/3 nights of continual use. 


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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2014, 11:10:46 PM »

Hi, yes i think sitting down does make it worse, but i have also found, that if i do nothing and put up with the pain, sometimes it sorts itself out, now i find that really odd. but it never goes away, just worse or bearable..  i have been advised by the doc, twice a week vagifem with moisturizers in between,  this has worked for a period of time, then it irritates. then by others doctors not to use moisturizers just vagifem, so in the end, i guess there guess is as good as mine. i suppose as the flora changes up there, we can experience, dryness, thrush, and then inflammation, its an area we cant actually see, so we are really guessing at how to continually treat the soreness, and guess what will ease it, and then the skin gets so sensitive if we try to many things, that we get scared to try anything .. so we really do struggle. i have also experienced the problems with starting a new box of vagifem, as if its not the same as the last box. i have found that boots own brand moisturiser helps sometimes.

Suzi Q

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Re: Why Vaginal Atrophy?
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2014, 04:16:15 AM »

I have had it since 2008 cos I went over at 37 and no HRT my area down there looks like a childs its shrivelled in to the skin Ive almost NO inner labias which means if Im dry Im OPEN down there all the time hardly any hood
Ive been on Vagifen since Feb 2010 I did a reload Dec 2012 and it worked great just the odd few days here@there
This time did the reload 14 days finished a week today and it hardly worked helped 50% thats all
My uretha looks red raw with a white line around it right uo to the hood area
I also find if I sit on my vaginal area like now on the computer it gets worse and ache in lowwer abdo
Got a bad back as well perm one so it all connects and just goes SPASAM
When I wee 5 times out of 10 I burn cos of the uretha area I never thought about diff batches?
Im in Ozz we still use 25m /2 a week its depressing  u think YAYY Vagifem works but does that too have a life
Does that too fail? Im wet inside but outside rubbish and the soreness at the opening even with the reload
Didnt help that much maybe its something that we just have to put up with? Im 61 now never had HRT
Wouldnt be given it now fed up of GP etc  good days then crappy ones they are the days I cry@think is this it
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