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Author Topic: Any tips on where to stick a patch to stop it constantly coming off!  (Read 35704 times)


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hello me again :-)
Any good  ideas on this? gone through awhole pack of phaze 1 in less than two weeks  :-\


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Re: Any tips on where to stick a patch to stop it constantly coming off!
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2014, 12:34:00 PM »

Is it FemSeven? Where have you tried so far? I tended to put mine at towards the top of the buttock and hold it in place for at least two minutes making sure that my palm was really warm before doing that. If it is FemSeven then it is common to have this problem although this fact is disputed by the manufacturers.

Taz x


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Re: Any tips on where to stick a patch to stop it constantly coming off!
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2014, 01:14:30 PM »

Hey Taz yes it is fem 7 and they come off during and after a bath..ive stuck em on the fronts of my thighs above my knees so that i can try and keep them out the water but the heat and steam makes them crinkle up anyway!
I thought about maybe buying some gigantic water proof plasters to stick over the top of them lol.its it right that they have to be stuck on below the waist?be so much easier somewhere on upper body. ..x


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Re: Any tips on where to stick a patch to stop it constantly coming off!
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2014, 01:16:39 PM »

This is the very same trouble I had..... first of all with Femseven and then even with Estradot, which are supposed to be very good for sticking.  I had to change to Oestrogel in the end, which personally I find much easier.  I didn't have baths with the patches at all - had to stick to showers (which I do now anyway as I suffer from the dreaded thrush!)


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Re: Any tips on where to stick a patch to stop it constantly coming off!
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2014, 01:29:27 PM »

Thanks liz :-),yeah its so annoying as have to havea whole gp appointment to get some more..if you use the gel does that mean you need to take progesterone in tablet form?
That is something i want to avoid.The other thing thats slightly annoying is the almost constant awareness of it as it tingles a little bit and always having to check it to make sure its still on..x


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Re: Any tips on where to stick a patch to stop it constantly coming off!
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2014, 01:54:22 PM »

Yes, I use the gel with Utrogestan on days 15-26.


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Re: Any tips on where to stick a patch to stop it constantly coming off!
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2014, 02:58:44 PM »

ive stuck em on the fronts of my thighs above my knees

is it right that they have to be stuck on below the waist?be so much easier somewhere on upper body.

If thighs - think they need to be on upper thighs, nearer to buttocks or groin.

You are correct, they do need to be below the waist, near the breasts is a no no.



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Re: Any tips on where to stick a patch to stop it constantly coming off!
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2014, 03:08:22 PM »

right thankyou guys...i think im going to try my idea of massive plasters and also stick the patch higher up on my thigh somewhere..its difficult to find a spot where there isnt too much movement of the skin due to walking bending etc..will see how i go!x


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Re: Any tips on where to stick a patch to stop it constantly coming off!
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2014, 06:20:53 PM »

Tabbycat - Sorry to be a pain but I think using extra tape or plasters to stick patches down is frowned upon as well.

I think the reasoning is, the hormone is contained in the glue of the patch, if that's not used (or bypassed by using plasters or tape) then the hormone won't get through.

Hopefully somebody who knows more will be along soon.
Could you try a different type of patch?
I use Evorel and they stick like ----
Well they do stick very well, though I believe some ladies don't get on the progesterone that's used
« Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 08:37:15 PM by Limpy »


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Re: Any tips on where to stick a patch to stop it constantly coming off!
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2014, 08:22:33 PM »

Sorry to hear about the patch problems tabbycat....

I use Estradot which are very small and stick very well (on most women!) but I remember when I first went onto HRT I had Evorel for 3 months and the patches are massive in comparison and I can imagine harder to make sure the whole area is stuck down - especially for a week!

Like Taz I use buttocks for mine - for me the roundest middle part away from knicker line and low-waisted jeans - and yes having a quick feel to check is something you have to get used to!

The main thing about using sticking plasters etc over is that you wouldn't be able to tell if the middle of the patch had come unstuck underneath if there was something else over it, which would defeat the object. Also I believe there might be an issue with diffusion of the hormone out of the adhesive into the plaster but I can't quite see that myself as it's only round the edge.

Hurdity x


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Re: Any tips on where to stick a patch to stop it constantly coming off!
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2014, 08:27:18 PM »

Limpy is right tabbycat. The hormones are in the adhesive so if the adhesive is not activated properly i.e. you use plasters to hold them in place then the hormones wont get into your bloodstream.  I'm not sure that the thigh will be the best place. Instructions are "One FemSeven patch should be applied to a clean, dry, unbroken, non-irritated area of skin below the waist, eg the buttocks, hips or abdomen."

How long do you hold it in place for?

Taz x



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Re: Any tips on where to stick a patch to stop it constantly coming off!
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2014, 07:53:13 AM »

Hi Tabbycat,

I would ask for a different patch as I struggled on with Femseven's useless adhesive but like you, I ended up having to keep checking it was still there and getting through boxes too quickly.
The dr wasn't happy to prescribe them anymore either, once she saw how quickly i was getting through them.

I also contacted the company but they do not recognise that there is a problem!

I then moved on to Oestrodot patches which are SO much smaller and stick like a dream! I guarantee that you will look back at the size and problems with Femseven and laugh!

The only trouble is they are oestrogen only so you will have to add in progesterone (if you still use it).  That's not a problem though as there are several options - cyclogest/utrogestan for example.

Good luck  :)



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Re: Any tips on where to stick a patch to stop it constantly coming off!
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2014, 11:38:18 AM »

Wow thanks everyone!my gp seems funny about prescribing anything that is gel or cream?..i guess its that whole unregulated or uneducated thing? annoying... 2 cats, the fem 7 has the lowest dose of progesteron out of the others apparantly?im a bit scared of the phaze 2 progesteron part from bad experiences with progesterone only not quite sure what to do at this point?its been quite hard making the decision to try hrt anyway so feel like ide quite like to try and forget im even on it.. which is hard to do with these cumbersom things reminding me (im sure you can all relate!)!haha..
thanks so much!


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Re: Any tips on where to stick a patch to stop it constantly coming off!
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2014, 02:22:42 PM »

Thanks liz :-),yeah its so annoying as have to havea whole gp appointment to get some more..if you use the gel does that mean you need to take progesterone in tablet form?
That is something i want to avoid.The other thing thats slightly annoying is the almost constant awareness of it as it tingles a little bit and always having to check it to make sure its still on..x

Can you not just book a phonecall with a GP rather than have an appt and then go and fetch the prescription?

I have read on here loads of times that femseven is a poor sticker. That would do my head in. I find evorel really good at sticking, so good that you have to get the glue off yourself after taking the patch off. :)


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Re: Any tips on where to stick a patch to stop it constantly coming off!
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2014, 04:51:58 PM »

hi dandilion ,yeah i asked for a phone consultation but was told ide have to come in to have my blood pressure checked and stuff..ive only been on it two weeks ..and doubt my blood pressure has gone from low to high in that space of time but still..i probly shouldnt moan about it as i guess they are being vigilant which makes a change.
yeah these patches are doing my head in ,ive stuck my last one on today and its already crinkling and coming off....grrrr