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Author Topic: Timing HRT with period - advice needed!  (Read 5703 times)


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Timing HRT with period - advice needed!
« on: November 17, 2014, 06:27:29 PM »

I've recently been prescribed Evorel 50 and Ultrogestan by my new GP who was following a recommendation from the endocrinologist I saw. My periods are more regular than they have ever been (strangely) and I have no flushes, but do have v low estrogen and intermittent severe fatigue, nausea and leg and back pains (I'm 42).

I just started taking the patches without thinking about how it fitted in with my cycle (stupid, in hindsight, but I was desperate for relief!). After two weeks of taking patches, I now have  less fatigue and nausea than I have had in ages and this weekend had moments of 'old me'.

Today is day 15 when I am about to start adding Ultrogestan ... and I have just come on. Help! Firstly it means I now can't take the progesterone vaginally (wanted to do this as I suffer from nausea and fatigue already). I also don't know what will happen when I stop the progesterone. Will I end up having another bleed in two weeks? Aghh!

I guess I had assumed the two cycles would synch, but now I realise this is unlikely (?).  Would it be OK to delay taking the progesterone for two weeks (as a one off) so that next time the HRT and my own cycle both want to bleed at the same time?

All my symptoms get much worse before I come on (plus acne which I have developed over the last year too) so I desperately don't want it twice a month. :(

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, B x



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Re: Timing HRT with period - advice needed!
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2014, 08:55:53 PM »

Not sure about this Briony. If you are bleeding on Day 15 does this mean your period has come on 2 weeks after the last one or are you counting Day 1 from when you started the patches? if so no wonder you are up the creek so to speak. Day 1 is supposed to be Day 1 of your bleed.....

You could phone your doctor to get their advice but otherwise you could delay it and count Day 1 from today. After all in peri-menopause many women do miss periods and have cycles when they don't ovulate and then a heavy period the next time.  What you could do also is next time to take the Utrogestan for 14 days say, say from Day 14 - 28 inclusive which would give you that bit extra to cover the extra oestrogen. When you are peri it is bound to get out of sync sometimes depending on what your own hormones are doing - but hopefully will coincide sometimes!

Hurdity x


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Re: Timing HRT with period - advice needed!
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2014, 09:13:47 PM »

Thanks so much. You're right - I did count day one as first day of patches, so yes, I am a bit up the creek  ??? I think I will do as you suggest and count today as day one, but take the prog for 14 days to cover myself. No point calling GP - it's the one who said I could start taking the patches at any time who's working tomorrow ! Thanks again you have been wonderfully helpful. Appreciated  :) B x


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Re: Timing HRT with period - advice needed!
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2014, 06:45:37 PM »

Hi Briony,
I had the same dilemma and obsessed about it for days and days..eventually i got so sick of thinking  about it and worrying about "when" i just stuck a patch on on the last day of my i dont know whether thats right or wrong or what , but figure that since my hormones are completely all over the place as it is probably wont even matter when ...and that if im going to have side effects they will likely happen anyway untill my body "hopefully" starts to balance out ..
Hope all works out well for ya x


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Re: Timing HRT with period - advice needed!
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2014, 07:12:18 PM »

Thanks - I so know that 'hopefully it will balance out' feeling (when I can get my life back again!! ) x


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Re: Timing HRT with period - advice needed!
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2014, 08:22:17 PM »

It would be pretty wonderful wouldnt it!good luck !:-) x


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Re: Timing HRT with period - advice needed!
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2014, 08:40:25 PM »

Was going to start new topic but this is similar, I started HRT in April. Had a bleed every 4 weeks after progesterone tablets first 3 months then nothing month 4 then a bleed halfway through pack 5 after oestrogen only tablets, didn't bother me. Then no bleed for 12 weeks. Have started bleeding today again halfway through pack oestrogen only tablets. Does anyone think I need higher dose although I feel good on 1/10 or is this ok in peri? Or do you think I'm not absorbing the tablets properly and my own hormones are taking over?
Any answer appreciated


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Re: Timing HRT with period - advice needed!
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2014, 04:26:32 PM »

Hi Millykin

if you are peri-menopausal then it could well be that your own hormonal cycle is taking over from time to time. Also some women eventually do not get a bleed on cyclical HRT especially towards and beyond menopause itself - because the lining may just not build up enough during the two weeks of oestrogen only. You didn't say what type you are taking?

I presume when you say half-way through the pack - you mean at the end of the oestrogen only tablets or do you mean half-way through the oestrogen only tablets?

The absorption of tablet HRT is obviously more affected by digestive issues than transdermal HRT so it could be possible I suppose that the progestogen is not being well absorbed. However if you are feeling good then I would say you must be absorbing the tablets if they are working! Personally I would not worry at all - but perhaps mention to your doc when you have your next review?

Hurdity x


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Re: Timing HRT with period - advice needed!
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2014, 05:27:47 PM »

Hi Hurdity and thanks, I'm in Femoston 1/10 and find it good, just the odd day anxiety. Yes I meant halfway through pack when finished oestrogen only tablets and about to start progestrone I have taken a small bleed, I will mention at next appointment thanks again


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Re: Timing HRT with period - advice needed!
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2014, 08:59:41 PM »

Briony, I worried about synchronising the HRT with my own cycle too but came to realise that my own cycle was becoming more and more erratic and that even if I did manage to synchronise the HRT with my cycle they probably wouldn't stay synchronised. You'll probably drive yourself nuts if you try to keep things together to this degree in the longer term! Enjoy the fact that you feel so much better so quickly.


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Re: Timing HRT with period - advice needed!
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2014, 10:56:10 PM »

Thanks Freda. That makes sense  :) x