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Author Topic: So fed Up, Advice Needed.  (Read 4538 times)


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So fed Up, Advice Needed.
« on: November 16, 2014, 10:08:44 AM »

Hello Ladies I am so fed up with my situation and I need your wise words to guide me.

I am 58 and haven't had a period for 4 years. I am one of those women whose periods were heavy and regular and then just stopped never to return. Since then I have had several of the menopause symptoms but for some reason I have escaped things like joint problems. However something that has always dogged me is anxiety which has taken the form of shaky, jittery sensations in my body. I also feel on edge and ill at ease so much of the time. Things were so bad about eighteen months ago that I started HRT and after two weeks the jittering reduced.

For the last three months I have been cutting a 75 patch in half and so getting 37.5 mcg of oestrogen and using Utrogestan vaginally. My problem is that no matter what I do these jittery feelings are always there, I just can't seem to get rid of them. In all honesty they are not as intense as they were and I would describe them more as a constant quivering but it is really beginning to get me down. I am sick of waking up every morning knowing I'm going to feel on edge and tense all day.

My question to you ladies is what would you do to try and feel better? Is it worth taking painkillers perhaps or changing my HRT dose or hell with it and turn to drink lol. Seriously ladies any opinions would be gratefully received, I just want to find a way to feel normal!

Wishing you all well on this meno journey. Take care.


Mrs January

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Re: So fed Up, Advice Needed.
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2014, 11:02:33 AM »

Hey Kathleen

Honey I don't have all the answers but couldn't pass you by.

I too have the jitters most mornings and it is horrid. I avoid all caffeine and all alcohol as I can see they make me at least i get the best opportunity to be ok. I make sure I can sleeps well as I can , use lavender etc to help and accept this jitters as something that won't hurt me but is an annoying symptom

Today I give u hugs Mrs January xx


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Re: So fed Up, Advice Needed.
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2014, 11:14:34 AM »

I too had regular periods up to age 53 which just stopped with no warning. I can't say I have what you call the jitters on a regular basis, but I do get anxious occasionally for no apparent reason. The anxiety is usually accompanied by a dull headache for which I take 2 Nurofen +, this kills the headache and also seems to lift the anxiety for some reason.....whatever it works!! Good luck to you!


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Re: So fed Up, Advice Needed.
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2014, 04:20:58 PM »

Hello Mrs January and Lynjane and thank you for taking the time to reply.

I do try and accept the jitters but it has been going on so long that I get a bit despondent at times. I will do my best to relax and I'll try using some good painkillers to see it that helps.

Thanks once again ladies for your time. Take care.



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Re: So fed Up, Advice Needed.
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2014, 05:40:32 PM »

Hi Kathleen I know how you feel waking up each day not knowing how you are going to be its horrible, I use bachs rescue remedy and lavender roll on its quite a calming smell and I also take a stress relief tablet if its bad and starting drinking camomile tea again relaxing, im going back to the gp tomorrow to see if I should stop or yet again change hrt and also mention my anxiety again, Im down on their list for councelling (at least three months wait).

Sorry I cant offer any more help as such, but I find it a comfort knowing Im not alone with these feelings,

I intended going for a walk today but backed out too scared incase I got any anxiety symptoms its really awful x


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Re: So fed Up, Advice Needed.
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2014, 06:18:40 PM »

I know exactly how you feel.  I am 59 and stopped having periods at 51.  Currently, I am going through by far the worst of my menopause.  Anxiety every morning with hot flashes.  This past summer I had 8 weeks of night sweats non-stop.  What am I doing to alleviate all this:  I am taking Estroven for night sweats which helps but they are still there. Even though I exercise everyday it does nothing for the anxiety.  My Dr. told me to eat lots of green vegetable to feed my brain which should help the adrenaline surges. I eat very healthy anyway.  I am using some progesterone cream (which he formulated) to help anxiety.  It has helped a little but anxiety still there.  Tried HRT a few years ago and did not do very well on it.  My Dr. finally gave me Beta Blockers a couple of days ago.  I do not like to take medication but I am at the point that I need some relief so will take them as needed.  I try to focus more on my attitude and acceptance of all this.  I wish you relief and wish I had the answers to help you.


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Re: So fed Up, Advice Needed.
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2014, 10:00:47 AM »

Hello karenja and karenlouise and thank you so much for your replies.

I will take on board what you say, especially things like using rescue remedy and beta blockers.

karenja - let us know how you get on with your GP.

karenlouise - I am 58 and although my periods stopped at 54 I'd been having symptoms since my early fifties so our time spans are similar. I am using a lowish dose patch and Utrogestan atm with limited success. I know what you mean about just wanting some relief, some days this menopause feels like a life sentence !

Once more thank you for your comments and wishing you both a good day.



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Re: So fed Up, Advice Needed.
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2014, 10:08:52 AM »

Hi kathleen, the menopause can be a long sentence certainly but not necessarily a life sentence.  We are all individual and it is different for each one of us but I am finding light at the end of the tunnel only in the last few months.  I get days of respite from symptoms which I didn't get this time last year.

I believe there is a way through and parole, or release, is possible.  I try to remember the days of respite on trickier days.

Don't give up and I hope you get some help.  Good luck. 


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Re: So fed Up, Advice Needed.
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2014, 05:03:15 PM »

Hi...try vits b6 and b 12...magnesium is also good for soothing nerves...I take these along with multivitamin, primrose oil, fish oil, and vit D....think it maybe has helped....hope you find help, good luck, Von X


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Re: So fed Up, Advice Needed.
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2014, 06:29:44 PM »

Hi Kathleen how you doing?, I didn't get round to discussing my anxiety with the gp, which is not good as Ive got a tight chest now, I just feel Im bothering them and went in to try and get them to change my hrt to Ultorgeston, (spelt wrong probably) but they couldn't find it not familiar with it at all, Ive been prescribed a different one now, don't think I want to go on it though, got to wait a few weeks wean off current one then a few days break see if I get a bleed, saga continues ....x


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Re: So fed Up, Advice Needed.
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2014, 04:32:50 PM »

Hello babyjane, TropicalVon69 and karenja and thank you all for responding.

Amazingly my anxiety has lessened over the last few days to be replaced by tiredness and irritability. Do you think mother nature reads the forum, notes our complaints and then decides to have some fun by shuffling things around a bit?

I'll take on board your suggestions and I'm grateful for your comments, so thanks again.

Wishing you well.
