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Author Topic: perimenopause?Dr said not!  (Read 4274 times)

debbie dj

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perimenopause?Dr said not!
« on: November 16, 2014, 05:51:18 PM »

Hi,i'm Debbie and i'm new to the forum, can't seem to get any support from anyone,but i think i'm now in the right place!
Going back to 2009 my periods were few and far between,prior to this i was as regular as clockwork.I never thought anything,i just thought well i'm getting older.In 2010 i went to the drs because i couldn't sleep.Nothing was achieved so i plodded on.My next visit to the dr was because i was having headaches.It was put down to stress which was pheasable with my job being hectic(cook in very busy pub)and i was prescribed Amitriptyline which did help.My next visit to dr in 2012 was because i was constantly itching all over like something was crawling on me.I was prescribed Piriton but it didn't work and eventually it just disappeared.Next visit was in 2013 with what turned out to be costochondritis which has eased a lot but is always slightly present if that makes sense?Same year i went back complaining with bad pain in my foot and it turned out to be Plantar Faciitus,this disappeared after a while but makes an appearance every now and then.Early this year my job got a lot more stressful and things that were once a breeze turned out to be very difficult to cope with.I went to the drs to ask if i could take Fluoxetine, otherwise i would have to quit my job.I had been on these years ago and they had suited me fine.This time they didn't!I was on the lowest dose of 20 mg a day but they were knocking me out and making me feel like i was in a permanent trance.I was only on them for 27 days but i had to work away from home and i felt i couldn't do it because of the effect the Fluoxetine were having on me.So very wrongly i abruptly stopped taking them.After 3 days i felt very very ill.The whole of my body ached and my insides felt sore.I had to lie on my back in bed i was so uncomfortable.I had internal tremors and my stomach was very noisey. I blamed all of this on withdrawal sympoms from discontinuation of the Fluoxetine.I went to drs and he said to go back in a weeks time and i should feel better.I didn't and he said i had IBS so i was taking Apercap,but they didn't work.Two weeks later i went back because i still felt extremely ill.I was still blaming Fluoxetine but he said it couldn't be.I had test after test after test and everything came back normal.At this time my hubby suggested i get an hormone imbalance test as he had been listening to a gynaecologist on the radio.I asked for the test,i was told the normal range was between 1-15 and mine came back 29("menopausal changes").When i rang for the results i asked what my options were i was told "herbal or HRT" and that was it.I have listened to people over the years and a lot of people seem to be anti-HRT so i decided to try the herbal remedies but after 6 mths they have had no effect whatsoever.SO i finally decided after waiting a week to see a female dr i would try HRT as i had nothing to lose ,they couldn't make me feel any worse.The dr asked about my periods i told her i have 2 a year.She said it wasn't the menopause,my aches and pains are osteoperosis and i can't sleep because i have Insomnia.She said because i am 50 i am too old to take HRT, the risks are higher of getting cancer or having a stroke and because i am a little overweight.I totally accept the higher risks, but the average age for the menopause is 51,so how am i too old?(I'm 50)I was very disappointed in her diagnosis, she never read my notes apart from my visit a few days before regarding viral infection.She dismissed everything i said and so after telling me the Hrt wouldn't help me (because i don't have hot flushes)i said ok i'll leave it.She said if i changed my mind i could go back and ask her for it.But i am in a dilemma and don't know what to do.Looking back at my visits to the drs going back as far as 2010,after extensive research i have found all of my problems are related to perimenopause/menopause.No one will listen to me and no one can appreciate how i feel.During one of my visits afer stopping Fluoxetine it was suggested to me to start taking them again as it may help my symptoms because the more stress i get the worse i feel, but because of how ill i felt previously i was too scared, so i declined.I still have the tablets left over fom the last time,but i really don't know what to do.Herbal remedies are out of the question and it seems so is HRT..Sorry for giving you my life story but i don't know what to do for the best.Some days i feel better some days i feel like total crap!!!So am i in the Peri menopause or not?


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Re: perimenopause?Dr said not!
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2014, 06:30:47 PM »

Hi debbie dj
I'm new here too - but welcome, there seems to be lots of friendly people here who are really supportive.
I would go back (is there another lady Dr in your practice?) with all your symptoms written down against all the symptoms of peri-menopause. not heard of 50 being too old for HRT - especially as you already seem to have osteoporosis and HRT is quite often prescribed for this alone! I have seen two lady Dr's at my local practice - one was particularly dismissive and had me in tears with her attitude towards my prolapse a few months ago - so much so that my lovely husband immediately told me to book an appointment with a private consultant and paid for it :-). The second one I saw was lovely - she listened and empathized and gave good advice for when I next saw the consultant at the hospital (under the NHS as he transferred my to his NHS list). Strangely enough the male SHO at the Dr's was far more empathetic than the female one I saw on one of my previous visits (I've been a few time now while they decided what to do with me  :o)
there is loads of great info on this site which you can use to arm you for another trip...
Good luck. I hope some of the other lovely ladies help you out, they have far more experience and information than me. But I do feel for you and hope you can get it sorted.

debbie dj

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Re: perimenopause?Dr said not!
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2014, 06:39:45 PM »

Hi,thanks for your response.There is only one female doctor at my practice and she is only there 2 days a week.I waited a week to see her because i thought she could relate to my problem better than a man.How wrong could i have been?!I have felt depressed since i have seen her and feel old and over the hill and no further forward.I'm sure i will get lots of advice on here and i'm feeling more hopeful after finding this fantastic forum.Thanks again for yor response and good luck with your private consultation xx


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Re: perimenopause?Dr said not!
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2014, 06:48:29 PM »

Thanks debbie dj - saw the private consultant within three days, that was five months ago now - still tearful when I saw him. He was helpful and more than happy to put me on his NHS list. They have now decided to do an oophorectomy to take out my remaining ovary but leaving the uterus intact. I then need to go into battle about the type of HRT I want. Try a male Dr - is there anyone you have seen before at the practice you like.
There is also a good article on here about the symptoms of the peri-menopause which may be helpful...
Good luck...


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Re: perimenopause?Dr said not!
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2014, 07:34:52 PM »

Hello debbie dj and welcome to the forum.

When I read stories like yours I loose all faith in some members of the medical profession! Surely when  a  forty-something women presents with symptoms like yours the menopause should be the first thing to suspect.                               

There are many knowledgeable ladies on this site who can advise you on what to do next but you are certainly not too old for HRT and if your problems are not caused by the menopause I'll eat my hat!

Take care and keep posting.



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Re: perimenopause?Dr said not!
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2014, 08:14:11 PM »

Welcome to the forum, I have suffered from costocondritus for years, I am also 50 and having no joy with my doctors surgery. I reacted badly to one make of HRT called Prempak, I went back to my GP who put me on the mini pill as periods were really heavy and I was flooding, the mini pill hasn't worked as I was on all the time, so I went back last week and now they want me to go on the combined pill - I seem to be getting no where with My GP - I hope you manage to sort something out and begin to feel better, there are a lot of knowledgeable people on this forum, don't forget to check out all the info down the side of the website. Good Luck, hope you get sorted soon ;)


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Re: perimenopause?Dr said not!
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2014, 08:45:08 PM »

hello Debbie dj and welcome to the forum.  Your introductory post shows how much you are crying out for support so you have come to the right place.

I haven't used HRT so I can't advise you about that but there are many here who can, and will.  However I do know that at 50 you could most certainly be menopausal and you are also certainly not too old for HRT.  That I have learned from reading posts and replies here on the forum.

I think you could be advised to see a different doctor as I do not think yours is correct in what she told you.

I do think you will get advise and help but it will take time.  Wouldn't it be lovely if it was like taking a pill for a headache but unfortunately it is not.  Menopause is a long journey but is doesn't have to be faced alone.

It is 5 years now since my first hot flush and it is only in the last few months they have started to get milder and less frequent and my moods have started to stabilise.  It is a long process but it is much easier when you can share things here on this forum, and no one ever tells you that your questions don't matter.  It always makes me feel better.


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Re: perimenopause?Dr said not!
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2014, 09:17:41 AM »

Hi debbie dj and welcome to MM
We get very angry on MM when we hear stories like yours about women being fobbed off or given poor inactuate advice from their GP.
Do read up all the info under the headings to the left of this screen - next time you go to see the doc you can print stuff off from here and show them.
Also to watch this clip from YouTube - it's really fab:



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Re: perimenopause?Dr said not!
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2014, 02:04:26 PM »

50 is not too old to take HRT, what a load of nonsense.
I can't believe there is no recourse to bad treatment like this.

In my own case my doctor told me to take a look at this site.
Then moaned and rolled her eyes when I came back with contradictory information.
Doc also gave me false info regarding tridestra as I've mentioned.

The bottomline is to choose a line that your not going to move from.
You "want to try HRT and this is the type I want to try".
Some say the low dose Elleste or Femoston are good places to start.

Later you can adjust to patches/gels and other options if need be.

I'd also avoid this female doctor next time as she clearly does not have a clue.

Keep us posted on how things go.

« Last Edit: November 17, 2014, 02:19:26 PM by peegeetip »


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Re: perimenopause?Dr said not!
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2014, 04:47:08 PM »

Hi debbie dj

 :welcomemm: from me too.

I agree with the others. It is a good age to start HRT! Your doc is ignorant and is talking absolute rubbish. I am sorry that I have to say this! She should read this site like the rest of us and then she would be better informed.

Here is the risk/benefit balance explained. Hover the mouse over the bottom left - and you will see benefits exceed risks. It's not just about hot flushes - although that seems to be the driver for docs to prescribe HRT.

Did you say you are still on some medication eg Anti-depressants? Some of these do treat hot flushes and maybe some anxiety - so then other symptoms would come to prominence, without the flushes. If this is the case the doc should know this too.

If it were me I would start with Femoston if you want a tablet HRT and not Elleste, since the progestogen in Femoston is closest to our own progesterone and seems to be less associated with negative side effects according to women on here.

As peegeetip says - it is your right and you need to find someone in your practice who is sympathetic and up to date about menopause and HRT and make an appointmkent to see this doctor, armed with as much information as you can find - printing off anything relevant that you can!

Good luck - you do not need to "feel like total crap" a lot of the time!!

Hurdity x