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Author Topic: Nearly crashed this morning  (Read 9725 times)

Ju Ju

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Re: Nearly crashed this morning
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2014, 09:04:35 AM »

When I've had near misses and gone home upset and shocked my husband asks me what I have learnt. (He was a traffic sergeant in the police for a few years). For eg., a lorry pulled out in front of me with no warning on the motorway. No where to go, just good brakes. He said if lorries are close together, be prepared for the one behind to pull out. This has helped my overall awareness of what is going on around me, planning ahead and not just reacting. You have to be prepared for other people's stupidity and when it's your own mistake, think about what you did, how you can avoid the same mistake in the future, then move on.


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Re: Nearly crashed this morning
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2014, 09:17:21 AM »

Ju Ju my hubby was in police too. Their training served them well. Lorries on motorways are terrible for that, especially the ones that seem to deliberately drive side by side & nobody can overtake.

Scary when it happens, but you're right, learn from experience & move on. Told hubby on phone last night & he says I'm just not aggressive enough when I drive. Fair point.

Ju Ju

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Re: Nearly crashed this morning
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2014, 12:18:00 PM »

I don't like driving my husband! The trouble is he does know better! I get very sensitive. But going home and off loading helps. I think the word assertive is a better description rather than aggressive.of how to be. Apparently it's your road positioning.... I'm coming through, make way. All very well in a larger car, but try that in a Smart car! Yesterday, I was followed by an aggressive driver, right up to my bumper. It spoiled what should have been a pleasant drive, as I had to anticipate hazards early, so I could give him plenty of warning. I tend to slow down under the circumstances and not speed up. Safety and I won't be bullied. The driver sped off very fast round me at the traffic lights through the red light. best a speeding ticket, at worst an accident waiting to happen. The majority of drivers like this seem to be young males. I was quietly delighted when my son failed his first driving test. He was a good driver, but cocky at the time. He went on to take advanced driving lessons.


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Re: Nearly crashed this morning
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2014, 12:33:50 PM »

I know it's daft because dual carriageways and motorways are supposed to be much safer but I detest them, both as a driver and a passenger. I much prefer country roads.
Young men are in general arrogant drivers. My son rolled his car in a field two weeks after he got it. He walked away bruised but unhurt. His passenger was not so lucky. A fence post came through the window missing his head by inches but badly fracturing his collarbone. He was so lucky and I felt so guilty that my son's driving had caused this. His mother to this day is very cool with me and I don't really blame her.
We refused to help my son replace the car and it was a good few years before he could afford another one. Even now I think he drives too fast but he is taking advanced driving lessons.
I too slow down if I have someone who is trying to bully me into going faster. It's usually a man in a big car.
I console myself with the thought that men like this usually lack in some other way.....a small willy perhaps  ;D



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Re: Nearly crashed this morning
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2014, 12:39:10 PM »

What annoyed me most yesterday was the fact he knew I wanted in the left lane but positioned himself in such a way making it well nigh impossible, bumper level in left lane.

My son failed first time too. He is a very careful driver though. I feel very safe when in a car with him. Now my daughter, well....  ::)

Ju Ju

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Re: Nearly crashed this morning
« Reply #20 on: November 08, 2014, 02:08:05 PM »

I feel safe with both my children. They both had lessons with an ex-colleague of my husband. My son eventually passed his HGV driving test so he could drive fire engines when he was a retained fire fighter. He now drives ambulances. But he did go through that stage where they think they are immortal and had an argument with a traffic sign on the way to a fire call. We didn't help towards a new car either.

I'm sorry the mum of the girl is still cool with you, HB, but I don't agree that that is understandable, unless you colluded with your son's choice of behaviour. Which you clearly haven't. You are not responsible for your son's behaviour. You do the best as a parent and that has to be good enough. Your children grow away from you as they get older, which is healthy. They make their own choices. All you can do is love them unconditionally, but that doesn't mean you collude or tolerate bad choices. Sorry, getting off my soap box now.....and yes, small willy syndrome can be blamed for many ills in the world!  ;D


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Re: Nearly crashed this morning
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2014, 02:27:30 PM »

Defiantly juju, HB I have friends who once were inseparable but few years ago their sons were in a bad accident, one of them let the other drive his car along main road crashed it head on 70mph, now the one driving walked away the other the owner was flung out car, seat belt chair the lot years of rehab, now the 2 mothers don't talk drivers mother feels it's her fault cause owners mother has turned angry and bitter saying it would never have happened if her son had just drove horrible situation, we tried to explain it may have happened whoever was driving it was definatly no fault of the parent we can only be thankful they are still here. but one still blames the other I understand it's her boy who suffered but please don't blame his mother, 2 boys speak but one mother would prefer if they didn't


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Re: Nearly crashed this morning
« Reply #22 on: November 08, 2014, 03:05:54 PM »

Years ago when single my son wanted a sports car so he got an MG soft top. Long story short he went off road, through a fence into a field rolled over twice and ended up back on the road unhurt apart from a headache! The car was a write off. He has never speeded or driven recklessly since and now he has a daughter he is one of the most careful drivers I have known.

My daughter is still the only driver I ever feel relaxed enough with to take my eyes off the road and enjoy the drive.  My husband has never had an accident but that does not mean he is a good driver, he is rather erratic and I don't relax with him very well.

I choose not to drive unless it is unavoidable as I don't trust my reactions lately, too slow and tend to lose concentration so I choose not to drive.


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Re: Nearly crashed this morning
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2014, 03:16:31 PM »

I really don't blame the other boys mother. I think she thought my son was showing off which he probably was. The police said the skid marks on the road did not indicate excessive speed but my son was not experienced enough to cope with a skid.
I did not visit the other boy until he came out of hospital although my son did. The day it happened was the day of my BILs brothers funeral. My mother was just out of hospital having broken her hip and I had only been in this house for a month and still had builders in. It was the most awful time. Excuses I know but valid ones.

We were never terribly close and perhaps I imagine the coolness but I don't think so.



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Re: Nearly crashed this morning
« Reply #24 on: November 08, 2014, 04:48:03 PM »

Oh HB I just read through my post "don't blame other boy's mother " I hope you didn't think I was meaning you? What I meant was I said to this women "don't blame other boy's mother " should have wrote it better, sorry if I worded it wrong but never meant it me saying to you if you understand, rambling feel bad must preview.
Still everyone here safe and must have been terrible time.
Sorry again x


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Re: Nearly crashed this morning
« Reply #25 on: November 08, 2014, 08:33:17 PM »

No not at all, I knew what you meant  ;D

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