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Author Topic: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare  (Read 35839 times)


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #60 on: January 14, 2015, 03:22:45 PM »

It really does amaze me that we all get most of the same symptons yet we think we are the only ones going mad! Lol GPs should really learn when women like us walk through the door saying this and that


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #61 on: January 14, 2015, 03:37:37 PM »

It's good to come here and realise we're not alone with it all. Makes me wonder though, how do other women my age cope with all this and hold down demanding jobs? I had problems just working part-time, because of how I was feeling. And then I was forced to give up work over a year ago because of other health issues, but think I'd probably have ended up giving my notice in anyway, due to meno and family issues.

Perhaps it's only some of us who suffer with so many symptoms? One of my friends admits that she sailed through menopause, no hormone treatment or anything!


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #62 on: January 14, 2015, 03:39:44 PM »

As for GPs, the trouble is (I think) that they are very used to treating particular symptoms and forget to treat the person as a whole. Probably because they are under so much time pressure. It would be great to sit down for a full 30 minutes with a sympathetic GP and get all the issues out at once...  ;)


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #63 on: January 14, 2015, 03:43:29 PM »

It would really help if women were made aware earlier of the symptoms.  I'm sure I cant be the only one who previously thought it was all about hot flushes.   I've had so many odd things recently and been telling myself I'm imagining things or being a fusspot or need to pull myself together and now I've read some of the symptoms I'm thinking 'oh, THAT'S why I'm like this'.  It's such a relief and I am so glad this forum is here!   I've had little things driving me round the bend for months, like itching, dry skin, tingly hands and feet, trouble sleeping, teary for no reason, not able to concentrate like usual and I've been getting really cross with myself. Now I know I'm normal (Hmm...maybe :) )


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #64 on: January 14, 2015, 03:48:07 PM »

Sparkle, I had to laugh today... I received a message from a recruiter through Linked In, wondering if I'd be interested in a financial analyst position at a big pharmaceutical company? Considering I was finding it hard to count dinner money in a Primary School, I don't think I should apply, do you?!!!!

Dorothy, the variety of symptoms caught me out, too. I don't think menopause is discussed openly enough... how many times do you hear it mentioned on TV, for instance? More education is needed :)


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #65 on: January 14, 2015, 04:02:35 PM »

I couldn't even remember my postcode today  :-\  And yesterday I totally lost the thread of what I was saying, while leaving an answerphone message. Very embarrassing. I had to put the phone down and try again! Ho hum!

As you say, Sparkle, it doesn't bode well for the future  ???


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #66 on: January 14, 2015, 04:08:45 PM »

I done that last week, dentist called leaving a message asking if I could come in morning instead of afternoon, I called back it was answer machine so left half jibberish message then hung up and she called back when I was trying to leave another message to correct myself, she just left "whatever ....... See you then" with laughing in background. Just as well she knows me


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #67 on: January 14, 2015, 04:12:04 PM »

 ;D ;D ;D You've got to keep a sense of humour through all this, haven't you Millykin?!


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #68 on: January 14, 2015, 04:24:15 PM »

Dorothy, the variety of symptoms caught me out, too. I don't think menopause is discussed openly enough... how many times do you hear it mentioned on TV, for instance? More education is needed :)

Definitely.  Last time I went to my Doctor's there were 2 posters and 1 leaflet in the waiting room offering advice and help to women who had had a hysterectomy but NOTHING about the menopause.  Seems crazy, especially as doctors will know who has a hysterectomy so could post them leaflets but doesn't know who has menopausal symptoms unless they complain about them.


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #69 on: January 15, 2015, 11:20:37 AM »

Last time I went to my Doctor's there were 2 posters and 1 leaflet in the waiting room offering advice and help to women who had had a hysterectomy but NOTHING about the menopause.

I agree - and the leaflets might helped the partners to understand too. Considering we all go through menopause in one form or another it amazes me that it isn't spoken about more. I wonder if there actually ARE any posters / leaflets about it? I haven't noticed any.


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #70 on: January 15, 2015, 05:04:20 PM »

What a relief that along with the hot flushes, conviction that something awful is going to happen, aching everything and new muffin top someone mentioned that they can't add up. Not blowing my own trumpet here but I've always been able to add up in my head and worked for years handling cash - could spot an error at a distance !!  Recently was asked (or should I say someone else volunteered me and how do you say that you don't think you can add up anymore!!) into counting collections for a local charity. This week it took me 4 goes to add up only £400 in notes and small change. Kept seeing the 10p as 20p and completely lost it on the £2 coins.  I could have done this in minutes a few years ago . Thought it was just me  so kind of glad to see it's just another symptom. Think I may have to be honest next time and say I'm a menopausal woman - keep away  :)


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #71 on: January 15, 2015, 10:23:44 PM »

Dry and itchy skin, extreme tiredness, insomnia, anxiety, low mood, vaginal dryness, mood swings, bouts of IBS, bouts of thrush, bloating, low libido and these symptoms are on HRT!!

Just changed to Femoston 3 weeks ago and I really hope it helps me as Im struggling!!!! X


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #72 on: January 16, 2015, 01:51:31 PM »

Brilliant idea Sparkle! Like the idea of the badge. On a more serious note it does seem to me as though Menopause is a taboo subject (or even a bit of a joke) for some folks. If you mention that you are sweating like you're in a VERY hot sauna to anyone and explain why they look uncomfortable with the topic. Maybe I should l be more open about how I'm feeling. Or just wear the badge - MENO LADY - BEWARE!!
Thinking straight is a real problem and making decisions even worth - even simple questions like do you want tea or coffee?  I've started saying SURPRISE ME!! so I don't have to decide ;D


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #73 on: January 16, 2015, 04:17:04 PM »

I love it!

Sounds like the nurse should maybe join this forum  ;)


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Re: Menopause Symptoms Lets Compare
« Reply #74 on: January 17, 2015, 10:00:37 PM »

Hi I'm new and my symptoms have been as follows
Cold night shivers
Numbness n tingling in arms n legs
Sore joints in Kness
Worms crawling feeling over eyes n nose
neck n shoulders pain
Sore breast
Jelly legs
Itchy skin
Feeling my heart was coming out my chest
Feeling of being ****ed with needle
Feeling of doom
Health anxietys
Whooshing in ears
Burning scalp
Fuzzy vision
Soaking wet under breast
Bowel problems

I've been perimenopause for about 2 years but only found out about 2 months ago what was wrong with me I see about 18 different doctors I thought I was dying it's been hell but I'm thankful for finding this site  :)
« Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 10:54:22 PM by Amandajane46 »
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