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Author Topic: Daughter with really low mood and prob periods  (Read 8207 times)

Chi chi

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Daughter with really low mood and prob periods
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:10:20 PM »

Hi everyone,
I'm just after a little advice really regarding my 14 yr old daughter.
She started her periods at 12 and for the last year or so she's lost all her confidence, has really low self esteem and just hates the way she looks  :( she's always really snappy and moody and it only takes the slightest thing to set her off. We've had problems with getting her to go to school as she is so sensitive to all the stupid comments that fly around, she takes everything to heart and dwells on it. She used to be the complete opposite before she started secondary school.
Recently she felt so low she took quite a few paracetamols and ended up in hospital, she says she never intended to end her life but just wanted the pain and thoughts to go away  :(
She's been seeing a councillor at school (when she's there) and also she's starting regular apps with camhs.
For the last few months she says her periods are lasting for approx 3 weeks  :o she's very heavy and quite often there are clots. We're wondering if this could maybe be the cause of her low moods etc? We mentioned this in hospital and asked for her hormones to be checked but we're told we need to see our GP but the mini pill would probably be prescribed. I'm hoping to get her in to see the GP this week but wondering which pill I.e. Mini or combined??
I'm still learning myself but confused as we take prog to induce a bleed yet they advise the mini pill to stop her heavy prolonged bleeding??
The last few months have been awful and we just want our happy go lucky, confident girl back  :(


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Re: Daughter with really low mood and prob periods
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2014, 11:01:31 PM »

Awww Estelle, your poor girl. Difficult age at the best of times but struggling with period problems on top has surely got her down. Its good shes seeing a counsellor - I hope it helps her. I can't offer any advice on the hormone/mini pill side of things as I have no experience.

Does she have a good friend at school she could see more often - maybe that would lift her mood. Secondary school can be very hard to fit into - some girls can be very cliquey and she may feel like she doesn't fit in.

It must be awful for you seeing her so unhappy - I hope things get better for her soon bless her.

Ariadne xx



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Re: Daughter with really low mood and prob periods
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2014, 11:05:19 PM »

Oh dear Estelle I'm sorry to hear this.  It's so difficult to watch our children suffer any type of pain whether physical or psychological.  My daughter is now 30 but I do recall a bad time when she was 14 - wrong crowd of friends, drinking etc but she soon grew out of it.   She was also acutely sensitive and hated her periods to the point she would sit in the bath for hours as she hated the feel of a pad etc.  It was heartbreaking.   I can't really answer your questions re the pill etc for your daughter - hopefully someone will be along soon.
I really sympathise - it's so hard to go through for her as a individual and for you all as a family.  It will pass but a very testing time xx
Best wishes to you xxx


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Re: Daughter with really low mood and prob periods
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2014, 11:13:09 PM »

Hi Estelle
I am sorry to say I do not have a daughter so feel unable to offer any advice.  But I did just want to send a big hug :bighug:. It is a horrible time for you all

I did go on the pill at 16 for heavy periods, but this was a very long time ago. It definately did help though.

The good ladies will come along soon with their help and I do hope your daughter is prescribed something from your gp that eases things for her and makes her feel much better

Purplenanny x x


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Re: Daughter with really low mood and prob periods
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2014, 11:26:28 PM »

Really sorry to hear about your daughter. It's such a difficult age and hormone problems just top it all off.

My daughter is now 20 (just) and has been on the mini pill since about 15. She missed days of school with pain and heavy bleeding and her moods were terrible.
The pill has been a wonderful thing for her. She did try the combined one but the oestrogen made her sick. Only thing is they have to be very disciplined about taking it. More or less the same time every day with no break otherwise there is break through bleeding. It did take about four months to settle initially but even then she was so much better especially her mood.
I would suggest Cerazette (sp) because it's a low dose progesterone.

My daughter says it makes her a tiny bit anxious but nothing more.

Speak to your GP and see what he says.


Chi chi

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Re: Daughter with really low mood and prob periods
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2014, 08:37:38 AM »

Thanks for all the replies, it is definitely a trying time for all of us  :(
I'm just unsure which pill would be better for her, combined or mini? :-\


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Re: Daughter with really low mood and prob periods
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2014, 08:50:12 AM »

I would say mini. It stops the bleeding completely and levels out the hormones so there are no peaks and troughs therefore no mood swings.


Chi chi

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Re: Daughter with really low mood and prob periods
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2014, 08:52:43 AM »

Thanks honeybun  ;) we've got an apt today with the nurse as no dr's are available as usual  ::)


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Re: Daughter with really low mood and prob periods
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2014, 08:59:00 AM »

Hi Estelle

Very sorry to hear about your daughter and her period and other problems - it is such a big thing at that age isn't it, and getting used to huge and painful things happening to your body and coping with the hormonal upheavals and the teenage years.

You asked about progesterone. Yes progesterone is given to induce a bleed but it is not progesterone itself which cuases the bleed but the reduction of it.

Normally oestrogen stimulates the uterus lining to thicken and grow to prepare for conception and when ovulation takes place progesterone is produced which changes the structure of the lining ready for implantation. If this does not take place the progesterone levels fall trieggering the bleed and the cycle starts again.

When given  contininously progesterone causes changes in the structure of the lining all the time so that it does not thicken -- if given at the right amount compared to oestrogen.

I expect you will have come acorss women on here talking about the Mirena coil (I don;t think this is given to young girls) - but this provides continuous progestogen in the same way - often to control heavy bleeding during peri-menopause.

I am not familiar with the mini-pill except as the others have said it gives continuous progestogen (I don't think there is a break like with the combined pill) with the purpose of keeping the lining thin. It can is also used as a contraceptive.

I wouldn't take the combined pill as this has large amounts of synthetic oestrogens as well and this is given normally just for contraceptive purposes.

Hurdity  x


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Re: Daughter with really low mood and prob periods
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2014, 09:03:07 AM »

I would say mini pill like HB said try asking for cerrazette, you have to take it precisely everyday say before bed, most mini pills give you a 3 hr window cerrazzete gives you 12 hr window, if you miss you will bleed, I was on it for years and maybe had bleed every 3 months light hardly knew they were there, good luck


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Re: Daughter with really low mood and prob periods
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2014, 09:04:22 AM »

Ye it is a continuous so no need to remember your 7 day break becomes routine.


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Re: Daughter with really low mood and prob periods
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2014, 09:08:33 AM »

Just another thought when my youngest was 15 she got the rod put in she was moody and bad periods but once this was in she never took a period and moods changed, she is now 20 onto second rod and still no bleed and very happy, it last for 3 years

Chi chi

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Re: Daughter with really low mood and prob periods
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2014, 09:19:18 AM »

Sorry millykin what's the rod?  ???


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Re: Daughter with really low mood and prob periods
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2014, 09:38:02 AM »

Hi sorry should have explained, it's called implanon, it's a small matchstick type thing that goes into the inside of upper arm, small incision, family planning clinics and some GPs put them in, I think it's a bit tender for day or so but lasts 3 years, I got my daughter that because of heavy periods and also because 2 of her friends fell pregnant although she swore to me she wasn't up to anything I wasn't taking a chance! I did believe her but turned out her moods got better and she felt good as well, it's saves having to remember taking pill. You could ask your daughter what she prefers, don't know what nurse would say but it's your daughters choice in the end, she has to go through this emotional roller coaster, my sister got it in and feels good no bleeds or moods swings

Chi chi

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Re: Daughter with really low mood and prob periods
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2014, 09:43:40 AM »

Ah ok! Will have a chat to her about it, I suspect she'll not like the thought of having something inserted into her arm though  ???
Teenage girls eh  ::)
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