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Author Topic: weight  (Read 6816 times)


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« on: October 31, 2014, 04:14:33 PM »

Hi since having my hysterectomy at the end of Dec 2012 I have suffered from increased weight gain, started off on 2mg of estrogen (pills) then changed to Estradot 100mg but last week had to increase again as my levels were still very low by adding 2mg of oral so in total  estradot 100mg   and 2mg Zumenon, been to see the liver consultant today as my ALT was still high and he believes its down to being overweight which I am and he said I must lose a over a stone by Feb next yr, but what I said is I dont eat crappy food or too much, dont eat chocolate makes me sick, I thought I eat quite good but have not had any energy or wanting to exercise in this last few years , may point to this is as my estrogen levels have been very low can that have an affect on the weight, I feel after a week not so dopey and have spent time in the garden so I think the increase is slowly helping but can anyone comment on the weight gain please :)


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Re: weight
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2014, 04:54:47 PM »

Weight lose/gain is a mystery to me.  After steadily putting on weight over the past 5 years I've lost about half a stone over the last six months, without really trying.  I have a fatty liver due to being overweight, (found when I had a scan for gallstones).  Liver function is fine but I am concerned.  Do my best to eat less starchy carbs and sugar as they go straight to the liver.  This may be why I've lost the pounds.  You could try this or ask your doc if you can see a nutritionist (or see one private), so you can plan a diet your for your own specific needs.  How much overweight are you, by the way?  There is a habit of some docs blaming everything on weight, instead of looking at other things.


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Re: weight
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2014, 07:14:10 PM »

Rosebud57, I think thats whats the matter with me a fatty liver due to being overweight, I have been checking my diet today , weighing thing, going to have to try real hard with my diet, I have IBS to have been carefulish with what I eat, as I said dont eat chocolate but do like a bowl of ice cream and also like butter on my crackers, I dont eat biscuits but exercise is the one thing I dont do and I should do, being battle with my hormone levels for the last few years and am hoping  once they get to a good level things will get better xx


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Re: weight
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2014, 07:35:37 PM »

Try the 5:2 but modify it so you can make it work for you.  Any of us who put on weight will have to fight it now for the rest of our lives .  Exercise helps in that it puts you in a better frame of mind and more muscle burns calories but overall its the food input that counts. I will have to do 5;2 for rest of my life or my variation of it. 


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Re: weight
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2014, 10:40:44 AM »

Just ordered some lecithin supplements (from Healthspan) as it is supposed to help fatty liver.  Its nothing dramatic, mainly soy and sunflower but they both contain choline.  Choline deficiency is a major cause of fatty liver and menopausal women are particularly prone due to low estrogen.  Could be worth a try.

Also try to only eat starchy carbs one meal a day.  I found this was just about do-able.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 12:11:19 PM by rosebud57 »


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Re: weight
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2014, 03:34:33 PM »

When did you last have a thyroid function test which can cause weight gain, listlessness etc.!

We had a large chicken culled recently - she had 1" yellow fat all round her internal organs as well as a layer over her flesh - not a Girl who said 'no' to 2nds!  ::) and it reminded me that we can't see what happens inside ……… we don't only put on weight outside  :o

I ought to eat more fruit but can't be bothered, DH puts as much veg. variation in our food plus ginger and garlic in everything.  Of course if I really was up to it I would chop veg. into strips to nibble on rather than reaching for the pots of chocolate mousse etc. ::) ……...

Apparnetly coffee is an appetite depressive ?


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Re: weight
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2014, 04:00:33 PM »

Hi moonbeam

Sorry to say but your metabolic needs change with age and if I ate the same as I did when in my 40's I would be huge!

As Winterose says you need to increase muscle mass which burns more calories at rest than fat. Like Winterose I have also altered my diet - I don't do the 5:2 but I am probably on a permanent diet just to keep my weight steady ( and still enjoy a few glasses of wine per week!).

I eat no butter on bread, toast etc and very little fat. Hardly ever eat cakes, biscuits or anything processed or anything with added sugar. Eat loads of fruit and vegetables. I have skimmed milk, museli for breakfast, lots of plain yougrt which is very low fat etc etc.

You will need to permanently change your diet but still enjoy your (small) bowl of ice-cream - now and again eg once a week, and cut down the butter. I am sure there are other small changes you can make. Fill yourself up with things like soups at lunchtime. make sure your bread and grains are whole-wheat if you can as they are more filling. Have some low calorie snacks at hand. I satisfy my sweet cravings usually with a couple of dates or something now and again.

Try to work out some resistance exercises you can do at home until you feel you have more energy to go out. eg sit-ups, pedalling (legs while lying down), lifting some fairly light weight  (tins?) to strengthen your arms etc. There will be lots on the web!

Good luck!

Hurdity x



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Re: weight
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2014, 06:15:43 PM »

I've put on 5kgs since the meno/HRT despite taking more regular moderate exercise and not eating any more than I used to. Fat tum. Awful.
Didn't fit into last year's winter jeans over the weekend so am mortified.


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Re: weight
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2014, 06:55:07 PM »

When I was perimeno but didn't know I was (was totally ignorant back then) I went from 9 st 4 to 11 st 2 in 18 months. I stayed there for 2 years and then lost a stone for no reason over 9 months and settled at 10 st 2 for 4 years whilst I started the menopause symptoms of flushes and sweats and bad moods and VA.  this year my symptoms have started to ease, sometimes they go away and when they come back they are milder and I have dropped another half stone since April without adjusting my diet or lifestyle. I am now 9st 9lbs, just 5lbs more than before I entered perimeno.  I feel as though my body is coming full circle so don't get despondent, you can come through it all eventually although it is such a hard and long road to travel.


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Re: weight
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2014, 10:31:55 PM »

My weight really gets me down.  I have always struggled with my weight.  I am tall at 5ft 10' but in the last few years I have put on a further 2 stone and hate it.  I have the horrid muffin top which is gross.  I don't think I eat loads but I'm obviously doing something wrong.  I know I need to exercise but life is so mental ATM I just don't get time ( ok when I do get time I'm lazy and rather have a cuppa and watch tv or come on here ).  I will never give up as I would love to be lighter and lose this weight - infact it's quite important as I'm having surgery in January .  I just don't feel motivated enough to make enough changes but I have cut out cakes etc and cut down on wine and treats.
Depressing :(


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Re: weight
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2014, 09:23:32 AM »

Its very true what babyjane says, your weight does even out eventually, if you don't take too much hormones or none for that matter, since I lowered my estrogen to almost nothing (feeling fine and well) the weight has steadily dropped off.

One thing that has pleased me along with diminishing tummy is skinny ankles again, no more water retention caused by estrogen and higher levels then I needed now I am post menopause. I don't have that chunky carb look any more.

Also hormones give you an appetite especially for sweet things. I don't have those cravings any more. Wish my OH would ease up on the sweet stuff though, he is the only person I know who can have coffee and cake in Costa, we then go to the Waitrose and he looks at the cakes there with relish ::)

Give your body half a chance and it will eventually balance itself out in its wisdom.

Just to add I still have something sweet each day, just cut down.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 09:43:19 AM by silverlady »


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Re: weight
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2014, 10:45:56 AM »

that is interesting silverlady as I used to crave sugars and carbs but now I don't. My appetite is more controlled too and I can't eat a lot at a time, preferring 5 small meals a day and a bowl of cornflakes in the evening.


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Re: weight
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2014, 07:27:27 PM »

I feel fat  >:( ………. haven't exercise properly for ages apart from gardening and a bit of housework.  Must Try Harder …...


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Re: weight
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2014, 09:29:06 PM »

I've mentioned my OH in another thread, how weightloss has reversed type 2 diabetes. He's now on a permanent 2:5 diet to maintain - 2 days normal eating/ 5 days just crispbread for breakfast and an average evening meal.

I thought the 2:5 diet was 2 days of "fasting" i.e. 500  - 600 calories a day with 5 days of "normal / sensible" eating.
But then I'me often confused........


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Re: weight
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2014, 09:34:08 PM »

Hi just checked and its 5 normalish days and 2 days of fasting
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