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Author Topic: Hiya Everyone  (Read 2204 times)


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Hiya Everyone
« on: October 30, 2014, 09:04:48 AM »

Hiya ladies,please bear with me this is my first post on this brilliant website ,I'm 47 ,married ,I'm a mother to a 22year old son and a nana to an adorable 2 year old granddaughter ,I work full time and my job is quite stressful by I try and not let it get to me ,this is becoming increasingly difficult as the months go on ,I started with menopause symptoms last year hot flushes,weight gain etc,but now the anxiety has started with a vengeance ,I take beta blockers which don't seem to help much really, does anyone have any advice to help stop the anxiety or at least calm it down ,I would be soooo grateful if any of you ladies do :) I'll just be glad when this menopause is over :) thank youxxx


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Re: Hiya Everyone
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2014, 09:53:04 AM »

Hi samlevy1 and welcome to MM
Your story is very typical for many women. Sadly no one can predict how long menopause symptoms will last - for some it will just be 2- 5 years but for others it can be fro the rest of their lives. Anxiety is very common and doctors are very keen to offer beta blockers and antidepressant drugs - which certainly have their place - but if it is meno related HRT is well worth trying. At 47, if your oestrogen levels have fallen significantly then HRT would be advisable to protect your heart and bones.  I'd go to your GP and ask them to check your oestrogen and FHS levels and to discuss HRT.
Do read up all the info under the headings to the left of this screen - it will really help you to get clued up. You can also print stuff off the show the GP if they are not clued up about meno.
Also read this article recently featured on the Daily Mail website as I think it is really relevant to you:

Keep posting   DG x


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Re: Hiya Everyone
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2014, 01:00:08 PM »

Hiya,thanks for your reply I'm sure it'll be really helpful,unfortunately I'm trying to steer clear of HRT as I've heard too many horror stories about it ,I also have an aunt who was taking HRT ,she developed breast cancer,I know this May be pure coincidence but I didn't want to take the risk,if I can get the anxiety symptoms under control then I think I can cope with the rest lol.i had a blood test taken last year which showed by my hormone levels that the menopause was starting.,thank you so much for you're advice .
Sam xx


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Re: Hiya Everyone
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2014, 01:43:52 PM »

Hi samlevy1
It's a shame you are frightened of HRT  - you are not alone with this fear - many of us view HRT as a compromise and feel a failure that we can't cope without it.  The press has had a field day with all the horror stories.  Sadly they don't report all the positive things about HRT e.g. the benefits to the heart and bones - not to mention that for many women it gives them their life back! The normal age range for menopause is around 53 so if you are oestrogen deficient at 47 your GP should really be prescribing HRT to prevent early osteoporosis and heart disease!
What age was your aunt? Up to the age of 60 the additional risk of breast cancer for HRT users is very small and they are now even questioning whether HRT actually causes extra cases of cancer.
Did you read the article?
Do read up all the info under the 'Alternative Therapies'  - even herbs etc. can have side effects that you need to be aware of.  Many women find antidepressants are helpful for anxiety so maybe this could be something you need to consider with the help of your GP. Do read up about 'Prescribable Non HRT' to the left in the green section.  Some women need both HRt and ADs.
My advice would be to stop listening to the horror stories, do some research on this site, perhaps talk to your GP about your possible risks for bone and heart health and then make an informed decision.  Using HRT is a very personal choice and only you can decide whether your meno symptoms are impeding your life or not.
Keep posting and good luck   Dg x



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Re: Hiya Everyone
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2014, 03:07:00 PM »

Well said DancingGirl :clapping:

The main thing I've been seeing of late is the our environment and lifestyle factors have much more of an effect on breast health than HRT.

Even our intake of fats and the silly overbearing avoidance of them is being questioned, for good reason.

Things like smoking and drinking alcohol put far more of a demand on our breast health than HRT.
My own docs never warn me or tries to stop me having my wine (don't smoke yet) :)

One recent post had someones friend warning on false dangers of HRT whilst sparking up a cigarette.
I found that so funny but also sad that people are avoiding HRT in almost the same way people avoided MMR, all due to scare stories and misinformation.

Everything we drink or eat or breath can have a knock on effect to our health.
I heard recently that taking milk in your coffee at the same time is harder on your liver!  :-\
We could avoid a lot of things but overall our quality of life will suffer.

Its your life and the quality will matter the most.
If you feel that the quality is leaving your life then HRT might be there to help you get back to normal or better.
I wish I had started HRT earlier in my peri as I've said already.

In No other chronic or long term issue/illness would we avoid such an obvious fix or assistance.
I don't relish the thought of having to go thru all the hoops and roller coasters meno provides for over 10 years plus!

As mentioned on another post recently, the sooner you start the quicker you avoid the more embarrassing symptoms that can come along with peri onwards.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 03:13:21 PM by peegeetip »


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Re: Hiya Everyone
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2014, 03:52:47 PM »

Yes, that was my work colleague...... warned me all about HRT and told me to come off it immediately and then proceeded to light up "another fag" and said she was going out for a drinking session that night! ::) 

I have never smoked, am teetotal and keep my weight down and exercise, so am therefore prepared to use HRT if it gives me a better quality of life for the next few years.