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Author Topic: Anyone actually feel good on Utrogestan?  (Read 47279 times)

Chi chi

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Anyone actually feel good on Utrogestan?
« on: October 29, 2014, 11:46:43 AM »

Hi ladies, I'm just wondering if any of you actually feel good or better when you take Utrogestan/progesterone? I know lots hate it and dread having to take it  :-\ but it is "supposed" to be calming and a natural antidepressant?? As opposed to estrogen which is "supposed" to be the opposite?? I've read about it being aggressive and very active sometimes causing anxiety etc.

Any thoughts?
Estelle  :)


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Re: Anyone actually feel good on Utrogestan?
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2014, 01:09:13 PM »

Hi Estelle, I've been reading about progesterone too. As I understand it it's not as straight forward as "take this and you'll feel better" like it is with, for example, a painkiller or an antihistamine, it's much more to do with getting a balance between the 3 main sex hormones (progesterone, oestrogen and testosterone). It seems to be the case that we feel better if they are "in balance". Getting the balance right, as it has been naturally since puberty, is complicated and a one-dose-fits-all approach works for the lucky few who happen to need the dose of progesterone and oestrogen that's in the tablet/patch, but for the rest of us it's a case of try it and see. If the dose of one of the 3 sex hormones is wrong (and testosterone is often left out of the treatment altogether anyway) it can make us feel worse by knocking the level of the other 2 out of balance. The 3 sex hormones don't work in isolation from the other hormones in our bodies either so altering the level of one or two can have effects on all sorts of systems - often quite slowly so we don't always link the treatment with the effect. HRT seems to be marvellous when the dose/balance is right for an individual but getting that dose/balance is a process of trial and error which is very much worth it for some women and not for others. From what I've gathered, it's the level of progesterone (Utrogestan for example) that dictates how we feel far more that the level of oestrogen. This seems to need sorting out first. I'm not pretending to be well read on all of this but this is what I've learnt that makes sense to me. I hope it helps... 

Chi chi

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Re: Anyone actually feel good on Utrogestan?
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2014, 02:16:33 PM »

Thanks Freda, I've also read quite a bit on it all especially estrogen dominance and low progesterone, I've been told I'm progesterone intolorant ( not 100% sure on this )? But trying to work out why I initially felt so much better when I started oestrogel and testim then had my first month with Utrogestan (took it for 7 days) and felt awful or thought I felt awful, low mood back, loss of libido etc so haven't taken it since then, this was back in September and my mood etc is still low  :-\
I've continued with the oestrogel and testim but wondered if I could be estrogen dominant now? I have lots of symptoms for this and also low progesterone symptoms.
I'm still wary of taking Utrogestan but I'm trying again on 1st November this time I was going to try it vaginally.
I'm also wondering if because I was told I'm prog intolorant and that I will probably feel bad on it that I felt bad because I "expected" to? If that makes sense?  ???
I started treatment for low ish estrogen and very low testosterone back in June but have only had 1 round of Utrogestan, so 7 days worth since then!
Could this be why I feel so down in the dumps, very anxious, nervous, bloated, headaches, dizzy, bit spaced out etc etc and if it is should I try it orally again or vaginally? Does it have the same calming effect when used vaginally?
I did ask prof Studd who's treating me about trying prog cream but he said it doesn't work?  ???
I suppose what I'm thinking is that maybe I'm not prog intolorant (just imagined feeling worse while taking it) and that I feel bad now because I actually need some?
« Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 02:20:59 PM by Estelle »


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Re: Anyone actually feel good on Utrogestan?
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2014, 02:40:07 PM »

Hi Estelle
There are ladies who love the progesterone part - I responded to a lady, who posted this morning, who was complaining that she felt dreadful on the oestrogen but great on the progesterone!!!!

I do think you are over thinkng everything which we are all prone to do.  It's great to get clued up but then it throws up all sorts of questions the theories.

I certainly think that if you are told to expect to feel a certain way when taking drug or treatment this will enhance these feelings.  If you only tried it once that is not proper trial.
You had only been of the oestrogen for a relatively short time as well and all hormone treatment will take at least 3 months to settle and for your body to adjust.  Many of us felt rotten for a few days around our period each month - that crankiness for a week or so before, then headaches just before the bleed and then period pains - for me it was a nightmare till I went on the Pill.  I still got side effects on the Pill but it was the lesser of the evils.  My view is, expecting to feel good all the time is unrealistic.

Try to start the Utrogestan with more positivity this time - perhaps expect to feel 'not so great' but plan things to divert yourself away from these feelings e.g. brisk walks, make sure you eat small meals often, read funny books etc.
Are you generally feeling better on the oestrogen?
Dg x


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Re: Anyone actually feel good on Utrogestan?
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2014, 02:53:22 PM »

Hi - I've been having some emotional issues on the Oestrogen, but have felt calm and relaxed on the Utrogestan.  I've now just tried reducing my Oestrogen dose down a bit to see how I go.  I'm wondering if, as I'm peri, I just need a bit of a "top up" with the Oestrogen.  Anyway, feeling less emotional today on 1 dose, so hoping this continues.

So, in answer to your original question, I'd say, yes, I do feel good on Utrogestan.  It helped me sleep and I felt very calm on it. 

Chi chi

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Re: Anyone actually feel good on Utrogestan?
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2014, 03:04:41 PM »

Dancing girl, I did feel great about 2 months into treatment, I couldn't believe the difference and hubby couldn't either! But then it was time to take my Utrogestan and 2 days into that my mood dropped ( or seemed to)? And hasnt improved since  :-\
Liz, that's really interesting to read your experience, I take 4 pumps per day of oestrogel and a tube of testim a week

Estelle  :)


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Re: Anyone actually feel good on Utrogestan?
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2014, 09:15:43 PM »

Hi Estelle

First of all as Freda says when we start taking these hormones externally it is quite difficult to get the right effect and especially as they often behave differently from our own endogenous hormones - especially for example when our bodies have to deal with and metabolise any excess - eg with tablet HRT, and all progestogens, not to mention the interaction of some of these with our sex hormones.

However progesterone is not a natural anti-depressant at all! In small doses yes it has a sedative and calming effect - but for some women in small doses and others in large doses it is a depressive - causing fatigue, lethargy, low mood and depression. Oestrogen in our bodies has the reverse effect - it is stimulating and uplifting. Any website that tries to tell you otherwise is wrong.  In our natural state oestrogen is present in very large quantities around the time of ovulation and in the middle of our menstural cycle when most women feel at their best. Stimulating does not mean causing aggression. Low oestrogen is thought to be a trigger for panic attacks and anxiety.

Having said that, as I said above replacing it exogenously (ie from outside) may not necessarily replicate this effect completely although this is what HRT is trying to achieve!

So it is complicated and it is also trial and error. I would agree with Dancinggirl - try not to worry and go into it (the utrogestan) with a positive frame of mind if you can!  :)

Hurdity x

Chi chi

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Re: Anyone actually feel good on Utrogestan?
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2014, 10:02:56 PM »

Thanks for all the replies  :)
I'm going to try it again, but this time will go into it more positively  ;) and see wot happens  ;)


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Re: Anyone actually feel good on Utrogestan?
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2014, 10:42:07 AM »

good luck.
I felt very unwell when the balance between my HRT hormones wasn't right. They adjusted it and touch wood it settled - daily 100mg Utrogestan and 2x weekly change of Evorel 75 patch. I still have blips with increased anxiety and decreased sleep.
when I'm feeling unwell, I have to try to snap out of thinking that feeling like this won't ever end.

I remember a few years ago when I was on oral oestrogen, they upped it to 2mg and I went a bit bonkers with anxiety. 200mg Utrogestan I felt exhausted and bled all the time. The meno clinic found both a bit bewildering (not in the textbook perhaps) but they listened and changed it.
Most helpful was a youngish endocrinologist who sat in on the clinic that day. She was at pains to point out how tricky it is with hormonal 'balance' and how menopausal women present with sometimes baffling, inexplicable symptoms - my impression was that she was going to be a brilliant consultant one day.


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Re: Anyone actually feel good on Utrogestan?
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2014, 02:07:10 PM »

Old sheep is correct - balance is key! I had terrible anxiety and panic attacks for over a year - my estrogen was high and my progesterone was very very low. I find progesterone calming, but as hurdity said, if I get too much progesterone, I get very bad-tempered!!

Chi chi

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Re: Anyone actually feel good on Utrogestan?
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2014, 02:22:52 PM »

Well tonight's the night  :o just don't know wether to take it orally or vaginally  ???


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Re: Anyone actually feel good on Utrogestan?
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2014, 04:59:38 PM »

Hi Estelle

Personally I would take it vaginally if you have a choice and don't mind this route? It should lessen the side effects because it doesn't have to go through the liver/gut etc, and will go straight to the uterus where it is needed to thin the lining. A small amount will be absorbed but not in such large doses so hopefully will not cause the negative side effects that many of us can experience!

Good luck!

Hurdity x

Chi chi

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Re: Anyone actually feel good on Utrogestan?
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2014, 08:44:38 AM »

Just a little update, I was fine this time on the utrogestan  :great: had a bleed 11 days after starting as expected, 1 thing though my lower back has been really hurting, some days I couldn't even get off the sofa?? It was agony for a few days and then it went but yesterday and today I can feel it's getting painful again?? My tummy seems even more bloated than usual too  ??? I even googled ( I know )! Prolapsed womb last night to see if they were symptoms ::)

Anyway I'll be sticking to using it vaginally from now on, m sure hubby won't mind  ;) ;D


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Re: Anyone actually feel good on Utrogestan?
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2014, 11:49:25 AM »

Great news - glad it was fine! Are you feeling better generally?

Chi chi

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Re: Anyone actually feel good on Utrogestan?
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2014, 12:24:07 PM »

Thanks  :)
My mood is ok at the moment, anxiety isn't bothering me too much either  :yipi:
Still lots of aches and pains especially in joints and the lower back. Not had as many headaches but have felt a little dizzy/spaced out at times which is horrible. I've also starting reducing one of my AD's but will be taking that fairly slowly, 25mg every 2 weeks is the plan.
All in all feeling ok :)
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