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Author Topic: Help please!  (Read 18779 times)


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Re: Help please!
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2015, 05:08:56 PM »

Hi Lisa,

don't worry about the cream , if there was a likely hood of it giving you cancer your GP would not have prescribed it. It is quality of life. My mother had breast cancer and was on HRT for years. it hasn't put me off. I think it is more dangerous statistically to smoke or drink heavily than take HRT. In fact if I get the right dosage etc , I hope it increases my life span. And yes you start off using it nightly for a couple of weeks or more and reduce it to twice a week for 3 to 6 months and then they review the situation. Try some meditation it really does help. The anxiety and panic is so debilitating and it's impossible seeing the wood from the trees sometimes. Keep strong, things will improve,

Pepperminty xx


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Re: Help please!
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2015, 05:39:13 PM »

Ancient runner is absolutely right in all she says. I am 59 and am now on  a very low dose of systemic HRT with Vagifem alongside to help with vaginal atrophy and bladder problems. Quality of life is very, very important. HRT is simply helping to reduce the negative effects of oestrogen deficiency and though there is still a strong anti HRT lobby there is also a more enlightened view point coming through that is showing that HRT has a good place in enabling many women to continue to work and be a productive part in society.
WE all need to listen to our bodies more and not let the judgements and opinions of others effect our decisions about doing the right thing for our own health and wellbeing.
It is now accepted that for many women local oestrogen treatment is necessary, probably for long term use, to prevent further deterioration of VA and bladder problems. Good luck   DG x


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Re: Help please!
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2015, 07:44:23 AM »

Thank you ladies xx I am beginning to feel more relaxed about using medications if necessary now, it's very true re the getting run over tomorrow possibility! And it's right that we should be able to help ourselves through this life stage in as safe aand informed way as possible.
From my understanding the original tests and results on HRT were based on the medication as it was then, which was predominant,y oestrogen from the ursine of pregnant mares. Whereas from what I understand now, most HRT is biodentucal in its make up, and therefore more recognised by the body?
At present I am continuing with the nightly application of estriol, and using serenity cream (progesterone) to oppose the oestrogen. I will see how I go with this for a few months I think xx


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Re: Help please!
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2015, 07:57:26 AM »

Well done Lisajp,

I know how overwhelming it all can be initially, trying to work out what the best thing to do for you is- everyone's different.  Just read as much as you can and be kind to yourself. Good luck .

Pepperminty xx


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Re: Help please!
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2015, 08:36:32 AM »

Hi Lisa

Ancient Runner is absolutely right. Like you I have worried myself silly about the possible implications of taking HRT, based mainly on the negative feedback from others. Meanwhile, my quality of life from recurrent UTI's and discomfort had deteriorated so much that I felt constantly miserable. My Doctor was hopeless, not even suggesting anything to help , just giving me yet more antibiotics which did nothing to help, and the possible risks from long term anti biotics is far worse than a very low dose oestrogen cream.

I have taken the plunge after reading all the supportive help on here and am so glad I have. I am also using estrogen cream (Gynest) have just completed the two week course and can't believe how much better I feel. I have come to the conclusion that everything in life has risks and consequences, some we don't even think about. It's just a case of weighing up the risks and benefits.
Hope you persevere and you feel better very soon.


W xx



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Re: Help please!
« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2015, 10:02:35 AM »

What a brilliant, informative thread, Thank you to all the ladies who have posted and shared their experiences and thoughts. I'm in the 'don't know which way to turn' category when it comes to HRT as like Lisa the risk of cancer has made me think that it's not for me. This has really helped me to get a better understanding and to put things into perspective. x


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Re: Help please!
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2015, 10:55:26 AM »

Hi Lisa

I posted further up the thread quite a few months ago, before trying HRT myself.

Just wanted to let you know that I am now into my 5th week of HRT and I can't tell you how much better I feel already. I feel like all my inner lights have been switched back on. I am joking with my husband again and messing about with my children. My libido has returned much to my husband's delight  ;) I feel optimistic and positive about my life. I feel like me again  :)

I just wish that I had started taking HRT a year ago. Then I wouldn't have suffered needlessly so much. I essentially lost a whole year of my life to feeling anxious, depressed, morbid and hopeless. It wasn't a life, it was just a miserable, wretched existence. I just couldn't continue that way, I was so utterly miserable most of the time. I was living with a genuine mental illness caused by my bloody hormones.

If someone was suffering with a mental illness and were told that they could chose between suffering with it for the rest of their lives and feeling wretched, or taking a pill which would make it go away. Then I am sure that 99% would take the pill. Even if it meant there was a very small chance of cancer a couple of decades down the line.

But because menopause is supposedly 'natural' I think that subconsciously we think we should just endure it. I find this frankly bizarre as migraines are 'natural' but we don't just endure them. Thrush is 'natural' and we could simply not treat it and live in great discomfort and misery for years and years. But if you knew someone had had thrush for months/years and were wretched with discomfort but were refusing to get it treated, you'd think they were either insane or a masochist? Even if the thrush treatment came with a 2% higher risk of getting cancer years down the line.

It's everyone's personal choice whether to take HRT. But I can only assume that the women who chose not to, based on the tiny chance of getting cancer, simply can't actually feel THAT bad. I have felt so anxious and despairing at times that I would have taken anything to stop the misery. Anything at all. Even if it came with a higher cancer risk than HRT. Because I was reaching the point where I was starting to realise that actually being dead was preferable to feeling so horribly low and panic striken most of the time.

I am only 44, and as I understand it the risks of any type of cancer don't appear until after you turn 60 anyway? I also understand that I run a far higher risk of getting cancer from being over weight and drinking alcohol every day, rather than from taking HRT?

Well, I rarely drink and I am not remotely overweight. I think I'm pretty safe


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Re: Help please!
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2015, 11:00:49 AM »

I was planning to post today. I am in the same boat, absolutely terrified of cancer. All day in fact I think about it, having just been through a cancer scare. My mum died of cancer too yet she was a good weight, no hrt, no smoking, no drinking etc etc. Who knows.
I feel if it would help my mood it would be worth it, but my gp is terrified as I have a blood disorder and he has said I must get permission from my consultant as I have many health issues too.
I really want to do without, mood is my big big big issue right now, the rest I can cope with. I'm getting all the hormone blood tests done, I know they don't mean a lot but I'm curious.
if I could just be happy and not be so frightened i would be OK. I am on a low dose SSRI and I'm sure its not helping but I'm too scared to put it up. In fact Im scared of everything right now, dare not even go on holiday which makes me so cross.
sorry rant over.

ancient runner

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Re: Help please!
« Reply #23 on: May 09, 2015, 11:43:46 AM »

Sarai, just a thought, but you might not BE so terrified and anxious if your hormone levels were better. There are a lot of ladies on here taking HRT because of such crippling anxieties.
Why not talk to your consultant - and check the info above on contraindications for HRT with different conditions. Yours might be there. You could even I believe have an email consultation with the specialist who runs this site - she might well be more clued up than your GP and your consultant.
Trouble is with that kind of anxiety (been there) is that you keep on thinking yourself in circles and never get anywhere. If you were able to take a step to find out more about your blood disorder and how that works with HRT that would be a first step. Good luck!


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Re: Help please!
« Reply #24 on: May 09, 2015, 11:46:08 AM »

I had breast disease in the 1990s.  Still here >wave<: Sarai - how old was your Mum?  My Gran died of cancer but she was 82  ::)

I have to use the Estriol as and when - initially every night for 2 weeks then every 3/4 evenings.  Without it Life wouldn't be worth living, it was like having razor blades 'up there'  ::)

Glad to see this thread re-activated, nice to know how ladies get on with their decisions  ;)
« Last Edit: May 09, 2015, 11:49:08 AM by CLKD »


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Re: Help please!
« Reply #25 on: May 09, 2015, 12:07:52 PM »

I wish there were ' like' buttons for all these great posts! I feel that due to the results of tests done on HRT in the early 2000's and all the scary statistics at that time, that so many of us have and still are suffering with menopausal symptoms, even during our 40's and 50's when, by my own understanding, the benefits of HRT far outweigh the risks.
Think of all the women that have suffered years of diminished quality of life, and marriages that may have broken up due to the crazy mood swings, paranoia and depression that many of us suffer, not to mention lack of libido.
I think it's time Drs were better informed, and women might not feel so terrified or defeatist if they decide that HRT is worth a try for the quality of their life!

Website, Gynest is, I believe, the same strength as estriol, just a branded version, 0.01%, it is definitely improving my bladder and VA issues, but Dr suggested another week on nightly application, as after having 'relations' (ahem 😱) with hubby, my bladder/ urethra was back to being overactive for a few days this week, so hoping that after this week I can drop it down to twice a week.


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Re: Help please!
« Reply #26 on: May 09, 2015, 12:33:32 PM »

Trial and Error  ::)

We have this  :thank you: instead of a 'like' button  ;)


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Re: Help please!
« Reply #27 on: May 09, 2015, 01:22:19 PM »

Ancient runner, you are so right. I am at present circling myself all day long. Mostly I just long for bedtime as it is my safe place. luckily, or not, my anxiety is confined to daylight hours. At least when I'm asleep, which is never a full night, I am out of it for a while.
I think My consultant is the one I trust as he is a professor and he did actually discover the condition I have, and it is named after him so he knows his stuff and me of course.
If I had not had my cancer scare, lasting 3 months culminating in surgery, I don't think I would be in this state but right now I literally am obsessed with cancer, I feel its waiting in the wings to bite me all day long. Awful it is.


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Re: Help please!
« Reply #28 on: May 09, 2015, 01:24:39 PM »

CLKD, my Mum was 66, her primary cancer was unknown, she died of secondary liver cancer. So I am filled with remembering any issues she had thinking which cancer it may have been. But I only need to see it written or hear it said for my heart to lurch right now. i have very bad health anxiety, if you hadnt guessed.

ancient runner

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Re: Help please!
« Reply #29 on: May 09, 2015, 01:52:01 PM »

Sarai, I really feel for you. I had a cancer scare too a few years ago and wound up in the same state as you. With the help of counselling (Macmillan), ADs (for a short period) and sleeping pills (even shorter) I got out of that constant obsessing and to a normal level of anxiety. I couldn't see how I would ever un-know having had cancer and possible future ramifications, but mostly I have. And I've found ways of keeping myself mentally OK - see my username for clues!
Please, please get some help and get out of this really damaging cycle.
The other thing is that most cancers aren't a contra-indication for HRT (again, see the menus above).
If nothing else you need some help to get out of your current mental state and enjoy your life again - breaking that anxiety cycle is the thing to do. Does your GP know the state you're in?
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