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Author Topic: Decided to stop HRT for a while  (Read 18317 times)


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Re: Decided to stop HRT for a while
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2014, 02:38:29 PM »

Sorry to hear that jasmine. I hope you can find a suitable HRT.

I'm actually feeling a lot better than I've done in ages - I have a bit more energy (mental as well as physical) and a lot more motivation to just do things. I think the HRT was making me depressed. The contraceptive pill used to do that to me, so I was a bit wary of taking hormones again.

However, it's only been a week. Once the joint aches come back, I probably won't have much motivation at all!


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Re: Decided to stop HRT for a while
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2014, 06:03:37 PM »

Thanks Tabbycat

Yes I know what you mean about the motivation I've had much more energy since stopping and I've felt really good and so alert.  Alas within the last few days the night sweats came back with a vengence and along with this awful neck and shoulder pain I am totally exhausted. 

I have spent all nights throwing off the duvet then within a few minutes starting to feel cold and shivery.  It's constantly disturbing my sleep and It's no fun when you have get up early for work. 

I've aready replaced my Estradot 50 patch but cut it in half as I'm going to see how I manage with that.   I hope the utrogestan knocks me out tonight as I just need SLEEP!!!!!!


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Re: Decided to stop HRT for a while
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2014, 08:07:51 PM »

Have you tried melatonin for the sleep problems? I've used it for years - not constantly, just when I need it. It doesn't seem to work for everyone but it's excellent - no weird dreams, no hangover the next day.


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Re: Decided to stop HRT for a while
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2014, 09:55:04 PM »

Yes I've tried it but didn't do much for me unfortunately.  It seems to help me drop off after an hour but after a few hours asleep I'm then wide awake  >:(  I've used Nytol too but I seem to be really sensitive to it and can only take a tiny piece of a tablet otherwise I wake with the headache from hell! 

Utrogestan has been the best by far for me!

Lizzy V

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Re: Decided to stop HRT for a while
« Reply #19 on: November 03, 2014, 07:52:34 PM »

I decided to take a break from HRT in September. The hot flushes have returned far worse than before as well as all the aches and pains, headaches and not sleeping! On the plus side no more that's a bonus!
Wine has always aggravated things but now I've found I can't drink gin either without hot flushes  :-\. After reading this forum I've cut out caffeine, started back on the soya milk and bought some starflower oil so will see how it goes.
It's good to know I'm not on my own!


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Re: Decided to stop HRT for a while
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2014, 09:59:43 PM »

Hi - had a Gp appointment today to hopefully get a new script for Estradot 50 patches.  I was dreading it as the last time I went the Practice Nurse proceeded to lecture me on the 'risks' of taking hrt for over 5 years and how I should think about stopping :( 

I was actually very pleasantly surprised as I saw a lovely young lady Gp who said she was very pro hrt and explained  that no-one should ever stop 'cold turkey' as I have tried to do but reduce very slowly as in a natural menopause, where the oestrogen levels deplete very slowly over time.  She also said that winter and dark nights are not a good time to start reducing the dose and it would be much better to wait until summer.

I was even more suprised when she said that if I chose I could stay on the current dose of Estradot 50mcg until I was 60 (56 now) and then she would prescribe 25mcg for six months or more in order to gradually reduce over time.  She explained that the dose was very low anyway and this made the risks also low.

I feel so very relived now that I was able to talk openly and honestly with her about hrt/risks/advantages without feeling that I'm being judged or that I'm some sort of wuss because I wasn't able to go throught the menopause 'naturally' without intervention.  I found her lovely manner so very informative and extremely refreshing.  We need more Gp's like this.  xx


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Re: Decided to stop HRT for a while
« Reply #21 on: November 04, 2014, 09:41:22 AM »

Hi jamine5
Delighted to hear you have had a good experience with the GP - we need far more enlightened professionals. I bet she will be a very popular doctor at your practise. DG x


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Re: Decided to stop HRT for a while
« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2014, 04:28:06 PM »

Well, six weeks off HRT and the joint aches have come back - in fact, every bit of me hurts in a kind of flu-like way. Shame, because I was feeling a lot better - like a weight had lifted off me.

I'm also weaning myself off citalopram so I feel a bit all over the place today and not really sure what's causing what!

On the plus side, I'm not bloated anymore (again, not sure what the cause was).

Bought some super strength starflower oil - if the aching is hormonal then hopefully it will help.


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Re: Decided to stop HRT for a while
« Reply #23 on: December 13, 2014, 05:41:05 PM »

Tabbycat - Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to come off everything at once. Ideally you should have come off the HRT and then given yourself 6-12 months(at least) on the Citalopram to allow your body to adjust to the lack of oestrogen - then reduce the Citalopram slowly. This way you can judge what is giving the best help. 
I'd go for a good dose of Omega 3 to help with the joint aches and do at least half an hour of good brisk walking every day.
DG x



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Re: Decided to stop HRT for a while
« Reply #24 on: December 13, 2014, 07:00:19 PM »

Hi Tabs, so gutted for you as you were doing so well....hope all works out for you XXX


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Re: Decided to stop HRT for a while
« Reply #25 on: December 14, 2014, 08:48:33 AM »

Dancing Girl, I completely agree with you - I should have waited. However, there's some anecdotal evidence that citalopram can cause a chronic dry cough - which is what I've had for about six months now. I've tried every remedy there is and my GP has prescribed various medicines, nothing has worked. I've also had two chest x-rays which have shown nothing that could cause a cough. It's now so bad that it makes me vomit and wakes me four or five times a night. In short, it's driving me insane!

In desperation, I did a bit of googling and found I wasn't alone, so I decided to try and wean myself off citalopram to see if it makes a difference. If it does, but my anxiety comes back, I can ask my GP to give me an alternative.

I'll try Omega 3 for the joint aches, though. I exercise at the gym two or three times a week and have four x 20 minute walks a day (to and from the train station for work!).


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Re: Decided to stop HRT for a while
« Reply #26 on: December 14, 2014, 10:17:13 AM »

I've heard that the dry mouth can be a troublesome side effect of SSRIs so you do have a  bit of a dilemma if this is a real issue for you.
I think I read in your post that you were trying to come off HRT because of problems with bleeding? Have you considered a Mirena with oestrogen in patch or gel form? The Mirena is known to help with break through and heavy bleeding so is often recommended by gynaes to solve these problems. If you felt generally good on Femoston then I'd go back onto this as it is a good one.  If you were on the conti one then try the sequi to have some control over the bleeds
Regarding your cough, have they not considered post nasal drip? This is very common at out age and can cause nasty coughing fits.  My mother suffers with this very badly and is sometimes sick. I suffer as well and I find my nose is either very runny or dreadfully dry these days and i can actually feel the phlegm trickling down the back of my throat at times.  I uses saline solution in spray form to help keep my nasal cavities healthy. DG x


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Re: Decided to stop HRT for a while
« Reply #27 on: December 14, 2014, 07:24:28 PM »

Post nasal drip was the first diagnosis but it definitely isn't that. No phlegm at all! Nor is it a dry mouth. What I experience is a feeling that something is catching my throat - like I've just inhaled something. It comes on suddenly - it can be when I'm drinking or eating or not doing anything (like when I'm sleeping!). It's only on one side of my throat (although the side varies) and one eye waters at the same time. Very peculiar!

Anyway, fingers crossed, I'm feeling slightly better today - hardly coughed at all.

I've not considered a Mirena because I'm a bit squeamish about coils! TBH, I need to feel in control of whatever I'm taking - so, pills and patches are fine but anything else isn't. Fesmoston felt okay at the time but I think it was making me depressed so perhaps I shouldn't take hormones.

I'm going to give the starflower oil and omega 3 a few weeks if I can bear it.
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