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Author Topic: Severe back pain  (Read 4151 times)


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Severe back pain
« on: October 20, 2014, 11:00:04 AM »

All my lumbar discs are herniated and every few months my back "goes" and its agony to move or walk but usually its back to its dodgy self in a week.  10 days ago it went again but this time the pain was a million times worse than I have ever had before.  The slightest movement cases agonising pain in one place in my back with referred pain in my buttock and front of leg.  GP gave me amiltriptylene and dihydrocodeine but they are having almost no pain killing effect. I have seen chiropractor and for 24 hrs after was in less pain but it didn't last long. I have another chiro appt today.  I am due back at Dr on Thursday. GP did say that if I am not much better in 5-6 weeks then I will need another mri bu the thought of weeks in this amount of pain is making me :'( 
Apart from the pain, not being able to do anything is driving me insane.
Just wondered if anyone on here had suffered or does suffer with the above and any advice??


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Re: Severe back pain
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2014, 11:25:40 AM »

Oh I sympathise. Back pain has plagued me on & off for best part of 20 years. I was referred to physio - useless. Osteopath not much better. Been swimming which helps a bit, but still get the pain. I go for sports massages, which help for a few days then pain returns. If I sit in same position for too long I seize up.

My pain is not as bad as yours by the sounds of it. Tell your GP the pain is too much & you cannot wait another 5/6 weeks.


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Re: Severe back pain
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2014, 11:34:50 AM »

Hi countrybumpkin,  I had a similar pain in my back with buttock pain last xmas (caused by moving furniture).  There is a muscle which runs along side the sciatic nerve, through your buttock, and this is what I aggravated. Nearly went to the Docs but discovered some exercises online, which release this muscle from putting pressure on the nerve. I still took 3 months to go so perhaps with your other back problems, you might be better seeing a physio.  Don't take any chances.

P.S once the pain went away I found the night time hip pain I'd had for about two years (other side of body) had gone.  I must have put something back in balance.


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Re: Severe back pain
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2014, 01:26:36 PM »

My back problems were similar but in my case it did take quite a lot longer to go, herniated/bulging discs  do heal eventually usually takes about two years mind did . I still get the discomfort if I am not careful but nothing like it was a few years ago.

NHS physio was a complete waste of times and the exercises I was given made pain worse. The NHS physios are not hands on, and seem better for patients recovering from operations or broken limbs. 

I invested in a laser, used hot and cold topicals with ibuprofen, and did have osteopathy. Have you tried Voltarol?

When you have herniated discs the surrounding muscles tighten up and inflame and you get the referred pain, anti-inflammatories are best for this.

Back problems are very hard to treat, I have invested in some very good books on the subject , it helps to know what you are up against, treatments and outcome.

Forgot to add that my osteopath would not touch me until I had had an MRI scan.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 02:17:36 PM by silverlady »


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Re: Severe back pain
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2014, 02:16:43 PM »

Your right silverlady, I have only ever used private physios.

As for books 'Treat your own back' by Robin McKenzie is a good one.  He is quite famous in the back pain world (if there is such a thing) and received an OBE for his treatment ideas. He is the one that trashed the theory that back pain should be treated with bed rest.


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Re: Severe back pain
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2014, 03:17:53 PM »

Thanks for replies.  I can't take anti inflammatories by mouth because of a stomach problem but will try the cream although in the past it hasn't helped. My chiro has asked me to go back to GP and see if I can get an mri sooner than the usual, wait 6 weeks and then ask for one, as my damaged discs are known about and long standing so have appt thursday with GP. If nec I could always pay for one.
I am going to stay home and just potter around and  see if any improvement, I will also keep taking the amiltriptylene for 3 weeks because it needs time to start working.


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Re: Severe back pain
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2014, 11:38:20 AM »

C B I know exactly how you feel....I have suffered for over fifteen years with back problems. I have severe  arthritis, and have at least five herniated discs. Two years ago I had a disc removed and space made in my spine (decompression) for the nerves and blood supply to have more room. I got some relief for about six months.
     I have also had a failed knee replacement......
So I do know how exactly how you feel....
  Regards you tummy and pain killers, I have that problem too,but I can take a tablet to protect my tummy before I take the anti inflammatory....I do this for one week in every month...
PM me if you like, I may me able to help .....god knows I must have tried everything  :)


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Re: Severe back pain
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2014, 05:58:11 PM »

Thanks Ellie, you have been in the wars!!   Regards my stomach I cannot take drugs like omeprazole as I have severe reaction so I take the old style ulcer drug famotidine which works to a degree and this is reason I cannot take anit inflams as I would need the omeprazole to counteract it - typical of me!

I have had three days of 10mg amiltriptylene and as usual the side effects have kicked in , bad heartburn ( happens with all anti-d's) and a very heavy head and headache but I will persevere for at least 2 weeks to see if they help. They certainly make me chilled out ::)

Strangely I have no problems with painkillers because they don't work as I don't metabolise them very well - yet again another typical me. the only painkiller that worked for me was co proxamol that was banned quite a few years ago.

Have you ever taken acupan ( nefapam) its a painkiller that works differently to all others and has been suggested to me but it seems to have loads of side effects in a lot of people so I am wary to say the least.

I saw chiropractor again yesterday and today am not in as much pain but this happened last week but only lasted 24 hrs so will have to see if this time it lasts longer.

You are very brave having surgery to your spine, its something that I dread having to have done at some point - I am a total wuss ;D



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Re: Severe back pain
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2014, 06:25:46 PM »

Don't think I have taken Acupan, but then I have tried so many over the years....I wear Butrans patches and take strong co codymol .....I also have an Epidural or facet joint injections every six months.
As regards back surgery,it really wasn't too bad,if fact if more surgery would help...and it wouldn't......I would have it like a shot...Not that painful....
  I carnt cope with ADs make to too spaced out, but I am pleased they are helping you....


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Re: Severe back pain
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2014, 02:06:39 PM »

If spinal surgery is suggested CB, please consider it.  It's relatively common these days - my dad had a laminectomy (removal of a prolapsed, or in his case, ruptured, disc) and the vertebrae each side pinned together when I was 2 years old - 44 years ago.  The surgery then was very new and was given only a 50% chance of success.  But as my dad could not walk after the disc ruptured, it was a 'no brainer' to try the op.  8 weeks after the surgery, Dad carried my little brother down the aisle at his Christening, and he remained fully mobile (with a little residual sciatica if he overdid the decorating - the sciatic nerve was damaged by the burst disc) until 2 weeks before his death from an unrelated cancer in 2012.

The surgery really is worth considering if your disc problems are debillitating.