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Author Topic: Bleed after 4 years and on HRT  (Read 9416 times)


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Bleed after 4 years and on HRT
« on: October 09, 2014, 05:40:37 PM »

Hi Ladies

I had some post-menopausal bleeding whilst on holiday a few weeks ago and am just looking for a little reassurance please.  It all started with really sore , swollen boobs and feeling a bit snappy just like with PMS then had some dragging pains and finally next day I had a brown discharge and a light bleed lasting about 5 days, it felt exactly like a light period.  The problem is I'm 56 and take HRT (Estradot 50 and Urtogestan 100) and haven't had a natural period for 4 years. :(

Anyway GP referred me for a vaginal ultrasound scan which was carried out within 2weeks of my GP's appointment.  Dr said womb lining was 4mm and normal.  2days later had an appointment with Consultant who 'offered' me a further test which I don't know the name of!  I just said 'why not!' And he proceeded to draw off womb lining with a narrow, clear tube.  Not pleasant and had a lot of cramping pains and another light bleed afterwards, this was sent away for tests.  This was 8 days ago and I'm feeling very anxious now. Will they give me the results by letter and does anyone know the name of this procedure and how long will I wait for the results?



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Re: Bleed after 4 years and on HRT
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2014, 08:27:01 PM »

hi Stellajane - yes I take the Utrogestan on days 1-25 but never realised that the body could have a bleed if needed now that's interesting.  I have been on this combination for over two years and this is the first time this has happened. 

As I still have the tender boobs I feel as if I have a bit too much oestrogen at the moment.  Nobody has mentioned anything about stopping the hrt but I have started to cut the patch in half although I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do, I find it all very confusing!  Could it be now I am 'past' the menopause I don't need as much oestrogen as I once did?

Katsclaw - there was no camera as far as I know so it was a biopsy of the lining then.  Hope they let me know soon. X


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Re: Bleed after 4 years and on HRT
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2014, 12:25:40 PM »

Could someone just clarify if periods could start up again as long as 4 years after stopping.  I have noticed that since my bleed I have a light whitish discharge similar to what I had when having natural periods.  Also things seem a bit more lubricated 'down below'.  Sorry If too much information!!!

 If this is the case then should I really be taking extra oestrogen in the form of hrt?


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Re: Bleed after 4 years and on HRT
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2014, 02:16:03 PM »

Thank you

It could well be that but my GP has put the fear of God into me by saying that at my age I should NOT be bleeding at all so we must test for endometrial cancer :(

Six months after periods stopped I started suffering with terrible night sweats and hot flushes during the day.  I found both so distressing especially waking up all night long sweating and shivering then having to get up and go to work.  Also during a flush perspiration would run down my legs from behind my knees!!!!  Bizarre! 


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Re: Bleed after 4 years and on HRT
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2014, 03:29:03 PM »

 Thank you Stellajane -  very informative x


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Re: Bleed after 4 years and on HRT
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2014, 05:39:22 PM »

Hi jasmine5

50 mcg is the standard post-menopausal transdermal oestrogen patch dose and is very unlikely to be too high for you especially if you have been taking it for a while.

There are exceptions to the apparently post-menopausal woman having periods - ie some women do have a hormonal surge well after the end of natural periods. Also - did you go for 12 months  at least, without natural periods before starting HRT? If you were one of the exceptions then you may not be post-menopausal. The sore boobs are an indication that your own hormones maybe coming into play - if you have been on this HRT for some time and not experienced this before?

I agree with Stellajane though - perhaps you need a bit more Utrogestan. When this is taken orally the absorption is very variable and progesterone itself is unstable. The sore boobs and pms do not fit with this idea though...

Good that the docs are investigating properly!

Hurdity x


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Re: Bleed after 4 years and on HRT
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2014, 03:51:37 PM »

I Just received the results of my endometrial biopsy which was carried out some 17 days ago  in which they are pleased to inform me was 'benign'!  They also said that they will now organise an outpatient hysteroscopy to be carried out at a later date.  I know I will probably go ahead anyway but I wonder if this is really necessary now as everything has come back normal so far.

I've stopped my hrt just over two weeks ago now and although I've been feeling a bit hot at night and have reverted to using my cool pad again, I've not had any really bad symptoms yet so fingers crossed. ;)


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Re: Bleed after 4 years and on HRT
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2014, 08:23:15 PM »

When I had my last script about 3 months ago the Practice Nurse said that I should think about stopping (had no problems at that time!) she said because after five years of taking hrt, apparently the 'risks' increase.  The Gp also said that I should 'think about stopping' when I went to see him about the spotting.  I felt a little worried at their comments and along with the sore breast problems I decided to stop to see if things would settle down.

So no, at the moment no-one has offered an explanation at all for the spotting or even questioned what regime I am following.........

Suzi Q

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Re: Bleed after 4 years and on HRT
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2014, 02:35:34 AM »

I didnt take HRT sweetie I just went ahhhhhhh but it seems being on the site since Aug 2008
When you come off HRT the symptoms that were masked come back
I dont know nhow long people are supposed to be on HRT some say  if ur on it before 50 then 5 years
Other say for longer only YOU can decide but know that when ever you come of it you will get Meno crap
It was easier for me in some ways I was only 37 and got through most of it with sheer rage at the world
I hadnt given up on another child but not to be I had 1 so I was lucky and hes just had at 39 jhis 1st
So Im a NANA somehting I never thought would happen and it was a BOY YAYYYYY
As for more tests again its UP TO YOU I had a fair few in 2012 after a bleed which ended up not being me
But my husband his LOU LOU had a cut on it and after whoopy doo it bled I nearly knocked his head off
IM glad I went I had all sorts done BEFORE Dr asked to see Hubbies bits they laughed I DIDNT
If you feel comfortable with whats been done then only you can make a deicision about more tstst
Have you thought about just asking your GP is it really needed? xxxx