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Author Topic: Starting bleed before Utrogestan part of HRT has finished...  (Read 3040 times)


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Starting bleed before Utrogestan part of HRT has finished...
« on: October 12, 2014, 01:22:01 PM »

If I started my bleed before the 12 days Utrogestan part of the cycle finishes, do I need to still take the remaining capsules of Utrogestan, or as the bleed has already appeared, can I not take the remaining few days of Utrogestan for that month?

Hope that makes sense, ladies and thanks for any replies in advance. :)


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Re: Starting bleed before Utrogestan part of HRT has finished...
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2014, 03:14:52 PM »

Same thing's just happened to me in my first cycle of using Utrogestan. I didn't take the last 2 capsules because I was feeling generally rotten and had decided to come off HRT for a while, not because the bleed had already happened. There will be others on this forum who know more about this than me but I think the whole point is to have a bleed to protect your womb lining so I suspect you needn't take the remaining tablets on that score, but for the sake of establishing a rhythm of tablet-taking and a cycle of hormones you maybe should take them. I'm sure someone can clarify or add to this...


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Re: Starting bleed before Utrogestan part of HRT has finished...
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2014, 04:46:32 PM »

Hi Liz

I would still take the whole course of progesterone. However if you are peri maybe your cycle is slightly out of sync?

Hurdity x


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Re: Starting bleed before Utrogestan part of HRT has finished...
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2014, 06:08:08 PM »

Thanks ladies - I haven't actually bled yet, it was a hypothetical question. 

Stellajane - did you take the remaining tablets for that month?


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Re: Starting bleed before Utrogestan part of HRT has finished...
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2014, 10:43:17 AM »

Well, yesterday and today I've had the most awful sore boobies!  Hope this settles down and assume it's the Utrogestan causing it.  Do you think it's likely to happen every month or just whilst I settle on this regime?   I'm quite "full" in the boob department so it's a bit uncomfortable.


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Re: Starting bleed before Utrogestan part of HRT has finished...
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2014, 01:14:03 PM »

Do you get any side effects at all, Stellajane?? I've been wondering about trying them vaginally?  Do they definitely work like this, I mean everytime??  I've been feeling pretty tired on these capsules, I must admit.


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Re: Starting bleed before Utrogestan part of HRT has finished...
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2014, 03:47:52 PM »

When I took 14 days of 200mg/mcg Utrogestan p.m, I always bled during the course, never afterwards. Usually about 9 days in. Cue baffled looks from the meno clinic doc, but he told me to take the full course.
They then moved me on to a lower dose (100mcg or mg, never sure!) - one per day which seems to work.
I was bleeding too much on the shorter version, which was 200mg/mcg (must look at the packet.... ::))

I know this is more than many women take. I was given it because I have mega sleep problems, although I'm not convinced that 100mg helps that much with sleep. I know 200 did, but that had unacceptable side effects that 100 doesn't.
It's trial and error I think, like most hormone stuff.

good luck. x