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Author Topic: HRT advice needed  (Read 3527 times)


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HRT advice needed
« on: October 16, 2014, 05:20:16 PM »


I'm 46 and had a hysterectomy 6 weeks ago. I had suffered with horrendous periods for years and after various medication, the coil fitted which all failed i was offered an endrimetrial ablasion, which was cancelled as I was on the way to theatre as consultant had received my mri scan results which showed a large cyst, various fibroids including a large fibroid in the cavity of my uterus and extensive endometriosis which was a huge surprise. I have had everything removed and decided against HRT but now have all symptoms of the menopause and wonder if I should consider medication.

Any advice would be appreciated


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Re: HRT advice needed
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2014, 06:14:15 PM »

Hi and welcome Wilcoxia
Your story is quite familiar on this site so I'm sure there will ladies along who can offer support and advice as they have been through the same experience.
Why have you refused HRT? As you are only in your mid 40s it is advised to use HRT until at least 50 to protect your heart and bones from the long term problems of oestrogen deficiency.  The new research on HRT has shown that any breast cancer risk using HRT only kicks in after age 60 and even then the risk is still small.
Normally after a hysterectomy women only have to use oestrogen but as you have been diagnosed with endometriosis you may still have to use a combined HRT which contains oestrogen and progesterone. A low dose of perhaps Femoston may be a good one to try (Femoston is well tolerated by many women as the progesterone is kinder). Many women are opting for the transdermal HRT - patches or gels so that is good to consider.  It's usually a matter of trial a error till you find the HRT that suits you.
It may be good to get a referral to a menopause clinic or gynae for advice.
The decision whether to use HRT or not is a very personal one but if you get clued up this really helps you to weigh up your options. For most of us it's a matter of 'quality of life'.
Do read up all the info under the headings to the left of this screen and get back to us with questions.
DG x


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Re: HRT advice needed
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2014, 06:26:18 PM »

Thank you, friends who have had hysterectomy advised me to try getting by without hrt and the hospital didn't push it, my gp gave me this site to get some personal advice, I have concerns about weight gain as I have had problems in the past, my recovery is slow and I'm still very sore as the op was complex  I'm just confused


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Re: HRT advice needed
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2014, 10:14:33 PM »

Recovering from major surgery is tough and you don't have to rush into anything - give yourself time.  There are various options for you to try if you wish. HRT doesn't necessarily make you put on weight - I'm afraid the menopause tends to make most of us put on weight whether you take HRT or not. It's great your GP has suggested this site as it shows they are more open to helping you find a way forward.
Many women find the onset of meno symptoms very distressing and confusing - nobody warns us about this so for many it comes as a shock. Modern HRT preparations are more natural these days - many are hormones identical to those we produce in our own bodies so HRT can now be the natural choise if you wish to use it.
I am baffled as to why friends who have had a hysterectomy have advised you to go without HRT!!!! What are their reasons? Most women who have a hysterectomy under the age of 50 are usually advised to at least try HRT unless there are other medical reasons for not using it.
Using HRT is a personal choice so, as I mentioned before, read up all the info on this site, read some of the threads and then you will hopefully find a way forward that works for you.
Dr Curry, who set up this site, does do an email consultation for the cost of £25 and this may be helpful for you?
Keep us posted. DG x


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Re: HRT advice needed
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2014, 08:51:27 AM »

Hi wilcoxla

Just to say  :welcomemm: from me too and I agree with everything Dancinggirl has said.

You really do need to have HRT at your young age to protect your long term health. Please ignore your friends - they may not know much about HRT and hormones and your body will have been plunged into sudden menopause. If you do start HRT it may well take a while to find the right dose. As Dancinggirl says it will be more tricky for you because of endometriosis as you will probably be given progestogen too, but do pursue this (HRT) when you feel up to it.

Hurdity x


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Re: HRT advice needed
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2014, 11:17:44 AM »

Thank you both for your helpful advice,  I definitely will consider hrt and I am on my mission to investigate the best options, my gp Is new but admitted she uses this site for info often. I will keep u posted of my outcome x


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Re: HRT advice needed
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2014, 04:57:36 PM »

Hi Wilcoxia
You are lucky to have a good GP. I think you can trust her advice so maybe let her guide you.  DG x


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Re: HRT advice needed
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2014, 03:28:14 PM »

Welcome Wilcoxia

Best of luck with finding the right hrt. I agree with the ladies on here.
Dr Currie is also lovely.
I still have my womb and ovaries but am in the process of finding the right hrt for me.
