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Author Topic: Starting to doubt treatment  (Read 3755 times)

Chi chi

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Starting to doubt treatment
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:36:37 AM »

If you've read any of my other posts you'll know I've been struggling with my treatment and trying to get my head around all of it, I'm now starting to question if its ever going to work or if I'm ever going to feel better?
I had such high hopes after my initial appointment with professor Studd back in June and thought finally there's a reason as to why I feel so crap! It took a while but eventually I started to feel good although now I'm even questioning if that was just because I was on holiday? I did still feel good after returning though until starting Utrogestan. I'm also wondering because I was expecting to feel bad ( as prof studd told me I'm progesterone intolerant ) I actually caused myself to feel bad?? Since then I haven't been able to snap out of it  :( I've had a few ok ish days.
I'm seriously starting to question if I even need to be on HRT? My estrogen was on the low side of normal and my testosterone was very low, I'm not sure if they are now at where they should be (for me) or too high? I just feel something obviously isn't working, I'm already on AD's and have already tried most if not all  over the last 2/3 years ??? Surely something should be working by now.
I feel like I'm just managing to hang on in there at the moment just waiting for something to start working but am losing hope  :(
My treatment (I think ) is for low estrogen but as its now much higher than what it was shouldn't I feel better?? It's the anxiety that's my main problem, if that was better I could cope with all the other symptoms.
I just feel so confused and hopeless at the moment and don't know what to do for the best  :(
Has anyone else felt like this and did it ever improve?
Thanks Estelle x


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Re: Starting to doubt treatment
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2014, 10:06:04 AM »

 :hug:  waiting for symptoms to improve can drag us down.  Your body doesn't get where it is suddenly so treatment won't give an over-night 'cure' or relief of symptoms.  You have seen Professor Studd, did he send a report to your GP?  If so have you spoken with your GP since?

Hormone blood tests are notoriously un-reliable as hormones change continually.  Did you get relief initially, if so you may need a hike in doseage, up or down.  Is your GP following your treatment plan?

You can have something for anxiety, discuss this with your GP as it is probably a separate issue even though driven by hormones.  Mine gave me 5mg Valium for 3 days followed by an 'as necessary' basis and I now have a Betablocka daily plus an emergency 'as necessary' drug.

Go to the GP and discuss the anxiety as a separate issue.  Again you will need to try different regimes in order to be in control but this is something your GP should be able to support you with.

Chi chi

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Re: Starting to doubt treatment
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2014, 10:25:34 AM »

Hi CLKD, yes he sent a letter to my GP explaining things and the treatment he prescribed, I feel a but wary seeing my GP as he was adamant I was too young to have hormone problems and was reluctant to investigate any other reason except simple anxiety  :-\
At my follow up appt with prof studd he reduced my testim from 1 tube over a week to 1 tube over 2 weeks but kept my Oestrogel at 4 pumps. As I was reluctant to take the Utrogestan again at the start of October ( meant to take it for 7 days each month ) he agreed to let me skip October and take it at the start of November.

I've been given propanol before for the anxiety but didn't like how it made me feel and Valium isn't really an option as I'm my daughters taxi  ::) so really need to  able to drive as and when.
Saturday I was having a really good day until about 6 ish when bang out of nowhere I started to feel anxious and then all the stupid thoughts about all sorts like am I always going to feel like this? Will it ever stop? Will I ever be normal?
I've been like this for the last 2/3 years after my breakdown, just can't seem to forget it and move on  :( the breakdown did coincide with being on the mirena/ mini pill for a year or so before, I don't know if that could have contributed?? Build up of progesterone??


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Re: Starting to doubt treatment
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2014, 10:27:48 AM »

Do female hormones 'build up' or does the body get rid of them each month?

Had you eaten on Sat.?  Maybe a drop of blood sugar = anxiety surge!  I used to be like that at 4.00 ish every day, sudden anxiety would take hold  :'( and stay until after eating my evening meal.  I learnt to make a bowl of runny ready brek to keep me going  ;)


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Re: Starting to doubt treatment
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2014, 10:46:07 AM »

Might be sticking my neck out here Estelle but I think  your GP may have been right and your problems are not hormonal, especially as you have said you have had a breakdown, your systems sound very like post traumatic stress symptoms, especially the anxiety symptoms starting around 6 ish in the evening, this sounds very similar to what I experienced, when I had PTS.

It took a long while for me to recover, ADs did not help me, your body needs to be calmed, your "old brain" reprogrammed. I did it with theraphy , books and CDs.

Your body is being overloaded with so many added hormones, just more stress for your body and mind.

I can't advise what you should do Estelle, but if were me I would  be winding down all endogenous hormones, getting back to basics with my body and go from there.

It can't be worse then you are feeling now.

« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 10:52:53 AM by silverlady »


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Re: Starting to doubt treatment
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2014, 12:55:16 PM »

I'm not sure about progesterone 'build up' but it does take a few days for the side effects of progesterone to go after my progesterone phase on sequi hrt.

Some effects take longer to work through, eg skin problems.

It is like the pathways that the progesterone has changed take varying amounts of time to revert back once the progesterone has gone from the system, and some hang on until the next cycle.

Chi chi

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Re: Starting to doubt treatment
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2014, 03:45:54 PM »

Thank you for the replies  :)
I just wish someone could tell me exactly what's wrong and how to fix it  ???
I hate feeling like I do, it's so exhausting and draining and it petrifies me to think i'll always be like this.
It's like I've become someone else, I used to love getting all dressed up to go out, now it fills me with dread  :-\
I've tried CBT in the past, recently hypnotherapy, counselling, EMDR, psychotherapy you name it I've probably tried it!
I did initially feel much better after starting HRT, much more confident, happy, content and the increased libido was great, even just that gave me a lot more confidence in myself and made me feel like I was alive and desirable like the woman I used to be  :(
I'm just at a complete loss as to where to go from here  :( ???
« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 03:48:05 PM by Estelle »

Chi chi

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Re: Starting to doubt treatment
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2014, 03:58:04 PM »

Sorry I forgot to answer some of the questions, I don't always get the anxiety at 6ish, in fact most of the time I feel better towards the end of the day, more relaxed. I don't have any of the physical symptoms like panic attacks etc its just all psychological and I have noticed sometimes I do feel better after a meal.
I initially thought it was PTSD and mentioned this to my GP but he seemed disinterested in theory  ::) so I paid privately for treatment but didn't feel like I was improving at all and started getting frustrated at paying best part of £100 per session.
I obviously had low estrogen and testosterone along with low vit D and hardly any folate but is it the cause of my anxiety?? Seems strange that AD's and anxiety meds aren't working?
« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 04:03:08 PM by Estelle »


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Re: Starting to doubt treatment
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2014, 04:15:23 PM »

There are many factors which cause anxiety: not eating properly, worries, projected worries, medication, work loads ……… for me it's thinking about doing stuff  :-\ …….

Medications can take time to work and may need a hike up or down; might require changing to something different etc.; my problem is that when I begin to feel better I forget to eat and also, do more and burn up energy - I have had to learn to pace myself and not say 'yes' too often.

How's your diet?

Chi chi

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Re: Starting to doubt treatment
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2014, 08:27:03 AM »

Hi again, if I'm honest it could be better  ??? I have absolutely no interest in cooking so its a lot of processed food, chicken mostly.
I was at the dentist again yesterday! I'm there all the time! My teeth are so weak and I always have problems  :( yesterday it was a crown and another filling, the injections don't seem to work well on me and I always need more than the average person  :(
Re medication, I think I've tried most of the AD's (this is what my GP has said) over the last 2 or 3 years and at the moment I'm on Escitalopram 30mg which is the maximum dose and Lamotrigine 150mg. I was actually reading last night about how hrt and Lamotrigine interact and that the Lamotrigine needs to be increased when taking hrt  ??? I did mention this to Prof Studd's nurse who spoke to him but he said its fine?
I just dont understand? I still have the aches and pains, headaches and seem to be piling on weight especially my stomach, I think I carry a lot of water as I think I look puffy  :(
Such fun  ::)


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Re: Starting to doubt treatment
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2014, 11:40:11 AM »

I could cook but have no interest, if I were on my own I would buy ready chopped veggies in small packs from the shop, same with fruits ……. so I don't have to bother, it's done when I fancy it. 


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Re: Starting to doubt treatment
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2014, 06:59:56 PM »

Hello Estelle

I just wanted to hug you and say I experience very similar feelings to you. I also looked into seeing Prof. Studd as I recognised so much of myself on his website (but he was just too expensive).

I have always had issues with my hormones. Suffered with PMS, quite extreme some months. And I had PND after my first DC was born. My PND was so bad it was basically a minor breakdown.

By far the worst symptoms were the waves of anxiety and the crippling fear I would never recover. I took ADs for nearly 3 years which helped, but it was mainly just time that healed.

Then I was perfectly fine for the next 8 years. My family went through some very tough times but the anxiety and depression never came back.

Then last year I turned 44 and noticed my periods were suddenly much lighter, but still regular. My PMS started lasting longer. Then over the course of a weekend last Xmas I dropped from feeling like me, to experiencing all the old feelings of dread and anxiety. No reason for it.

I was stunned and so scared. My GP gave me ADs again, but I couldn't shake the belief it was my hormones playing up again. My ADs worked well (I took amitriptyline) because it completely calmed the anxiety and gave me that nice centered, contented feelings again. But I quickly gained 14lbs in weight, my tummy was so bloated and constantly constipated.

But it really worked. Could it work for you? It's an older tri cyclic and GPs prefer the newer SSRIs, but it sounds like you really need that calming and comforting effect? SSRI never really worked for me either. Is it worth a try? You sleep like a log too.

I recently saw a specialist gynaecologist, and despite my bloods all coming back normal she has diagnosed me as peri menopausal, with heightened anxiety caused by it. She tells me my history of PMS and PND make me a prime candidate for suffering with worse mood swings and anxiety as I near the menopause.

Can I ask have you suffered with PMS and PND?

My gynaecologist is starting me on HRT next month. In preparation I have come off the amitriptyline a few weeks ago, just so I can judge if the HRT will actually help me. She promises the oestrogens give the same feelings of comfort and contentment, and a boost to libido etc.

I felt great off the amitriptyline for 3 weeks, but now I'm slipping and the anxiety has returned. It literally came over me yesterday within the time it took to drink a cup of tea. It's horrible and I really sympathise with you, and I perfectly understand how you feel you can almost 'think' yourself worse. You just want to feel calm and centered again, I know.

I think it's very encouraging that HRT initially really helped you. It shows the hormones are the culprit. Perhaps you need to up them? Or even another brand?

You WILL get better because one day you will be over the menopause and your hormones won't have this power over you anymore. My Mum and my Auntie experienced very similar symptoms to us and I do remember my Mum being an anxious tearful mess when she was about 40. But they had early, quick menopauses and were out the other side at 45. And ever since they have been absolutely fine. They both really struggle to remember how bad they felt, but my aunt kept a diary and it makes for heart breaking reading at that time.

You will feel better, we both will. My counsellor promised me that everyone eventually recovers from PND, and I believe it's the same with menopausal anxiety and depression.

One day we will be ladies in our 50s and laugh and shake our heads at how awful we feel now. It will be a distant bad dream, just like it is for my Mum and Auntie.

Like you I can handle all and every physical symptoms, if the horrible anxiety just went away.